"Shadows of Starlight" scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by amurayiwestgate, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. Ardenk

    Ardenk Ensign

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Started a new run of this scenario since the stable Alpha 8.1 1733 has come out. I am up to landing on the planet kayam and i land on and beside the settlement and not getting the update. I have retried this scenario 3 times. Same thing, even tried 3 different seeds. Won't let me update in the PDA either.
    Witt and Redneck Gaming like this.
  2. ViroMan

    ViroMan Commander

    Jun 16, 2018
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    In chapter 7 I found the zirix ship first on accident and when it shot me... I shot back by reflex... with 6 sv missiles. It blew the **** outa the ship. Each time a block is removed the ship blows up that section of the ship. I can't complete... and manual completion doesn't work... any ideas?
  3. Uncle Fubar

    Uncle Fubar Ensign

    Dec 6, 2015
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    The Lost Zirax ship in chapter 7 has been bugged for months... the blueprint has an old version of structural integrity and blows up anytime you destroy or remove even a single block. If you're really lucky and patient, you might be able to blow it up repeatedly from a save point until the part of the ship you need with the trigger somehow survives the 'explosion.' I've never gotten past that point but others have reported it's possible.

    Unfortunately there's a lot of other broken things due to its age, and the entire scenario needs to be rebuilt or removed.
  4. ViroMan

    ViroMan Commander

    Jun 16, 2018
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    hmm... ok but, why can I NOT force a complete on that mission? It just won't let me check the box.
    Witt likes this.
  5. Witt

    Witt Ensign

    May 17, 2016
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    I have the same problem, but can't complete "Land at Jera" and the option to click through and complete it is grayed out.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
  6. Turtleman

    Turtleman Ensign

    Mar 23, 2017
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    Teleporters from planet side trading stations to orbital trading stations sends you into spaaaaaaace....(well, 5-600m from the intended target)
    Luckily I had a suit & helmet on.
    Unluckily there was a Zirax CV passing by at the time! (Got pew-pew'ed)
  7. I am Goot

    I am Goot Ensign

    Jul 5, 2017
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    SO I am on Veldis. I am on task, A Favor for Another Agent.

    He says go kill some raptors for me.... Cant find any of either variety Raptor or Night Raptor

    So I cheat and spawn some in?

    Ive spawned in some 30 raptors and killed most between me and my HV, no update

    Ive spawned in arround 15 night raptors, which as you would expect, mugged and killed me, but with the use of the HV after respawn, I killed them and got the update.

    10-15 Night raptors, needed. I find this ridiculous given they don't spawn...assassins spawn, spiders spawn, but Night Raptors do not.

    Either Fix this, or turn the scenario off, because some will not use admin to get around a problem, that SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM
  8. Redneck Gaming

    Redneck Gaming Lieutenant

    Jun 1, 2018
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    That errand has the option of being ticked off, (manually completed via checkbox) specifically because of this issue. No admin neded
  9. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    If you kill the night raptor too soon it won't complete.

    I had to go out hunting one over a period of two/three game days before I spotted one. Didn't need more than one kill.
  10. Turtleman

    Turtleman Ensign

    Mar 23, 2017
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    "Land at Jera" does not trigger.
    Can't contiue.
    Found the "Pilot" and killed him, no sweat. But landing at the Jera Base does nothing. Tried all rooftops and even outside/inside the base. At least give us the option to manually complete these things until it's been fixed? Even an Admin console command would help.
  11. ViroMan

    ViroMan Commander

    Jun 16, 2018
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    @amurayiwestgate Is anyone even on the part of the team that deals with game scenarios created by the devs? This has been broke in multiple ways for a while and no comment from the devs about it.

    edit: ohh seems that amurayiwestgate is actually afk since Dec 2017. :(
  12. Jono the mad man

    Jono the mad man Ensign

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Landing at Jera Colony is not working, but a workaround like this did it.

    Find the PDA.yaml file, save a copy just in case, then open PDA.yaml. Be careful editing as these files are picky about formatting.

    Look for these 2 lines and copy both lines not just the text:
    Check: PlayfieldEntered
    Names: [ Kayam Orbit ]

    Now find these 2 lines:
    Check: NearPoi
    Names: [ Bro1_Kayam_JeraColony ]

    Paste in the 2 lines you copied and it should look like this:
    Check: PlayfieldEntered
    Names: [ Kayam Orbit ]
    Check: NearPoi
    Names: [ Bro1_Kayam_JeraColony ]

    Then comment out the existing lines so they will be ignored. Then change [ Kayam Orbit ] to just [ Kayam ] which changes the completion criteria to entering the Kayam playfield instead of getting near the Jera POI. It should look like this:
    Check: PlayfieldEntered
    Names: [ Kayam ]
    # Check: NearPoi
    # Names: [ Bro1_Kayam_JeraColony ]

    Thanks to Malkintent

    But shortly after i was stuck again when i found the lost Ship, it blows up when you try to shoot the turret that keeps shooting at you.
    Trying to find a workaround, but i guess the story just really needs an update... too bad coz it's really well done.
  13. ViroMan

    ViroMan Commander

    Jun 16, 2018
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    Ya the ship POI needs an update so that it won't blow apart. I am guessing the core is up top. So if any part of the ship looses connection to the core it blows off. The whole thing is a giant F'n spiderweb with the core in the top middle (probably). I can't get close to it.
  14. Rags

    Rags Ensign

    Aug 9, 2018
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    Looking for a little help, emphasis on the little, please. I have just completed the Prom Ref and have now been told to warp to the Veldis system. Looking at the solar system map, I don't have a Verdis system to warp to and the only other planet I even see is over 22 light years away which would require a CV.

    Am I to continue to build and mine until I can create a craft to commandeer other structures like the Drone Base and such before I find out the info I need to move forward?

    Did I miss a morsel of info somewhere in my PDA that I believe I have scoured entirely?

    Please and thank you!
  15. ViroMan

    ViroMan Commander

    Jun 16, 2018
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    I got confused with that one too. You need to go to the only other place you can. Once you get there your solar system map will give you more warp points. Ya... weird way to do it I know..
    Rags likes this.
  16. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Just tried the SoS on 8.7.1 and it have some issues.
    In general need some updates on some bases and vessels. Like the docked CV at the Admin in orbit, where the hull consist of outdated blocks, HP 50 and becomes SV/HV blocks when multitooled.

    First main issue is on the Smuggler ship. Have to carry 1 bio fuel or better, to put into fuel tank (public POI). Then can activate the teleport and cryo travel (check the Warp drive room if do not have any). Be aware that what happens next will not bring along any vessel docked. It will not be lost, possible to get back to it later (PM me if you want to know some tips). Advised to do a save just before.

    Second issue is the "Land at the Jera Colony".
    Maybe the easiest is to modify the text file ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\Shadows of Starlight\Extras\PDA\PDA.yaml
    Find that section and remove the # (comment command) in front of the line
    AllowManualCompletion: true​
    Allowing to manually complete the section in the PDA mission system.
    Issue is with the naming of the POI (and core type?), can try do "gm iv" and name it to "Bro1_Kayam_JeraColony" instead of the above editing.

    Third issue is the "Find the Zirax ship".
    There is a POI named Zirax Shipwreck, but that is not it (can be turned into an OK base easily).
    Can try renaming to "Bro1_Kayam_Shipwreck" in the PDA.yaml. And/or do allow manual complete.
    Suggest also to do "si off", since several parts are set to have damage above 100%.
    There are openings to get in and find the device (obvious yellow glowing thingy), even if admin cored.

    Fourth issue is the "The Zirax Asteroid Buster Canon", where the first step have a sensor that is off and should be on. Waypoint completion does not trigger section "Endgame", but a sensor named "Arrived" on the POI (actually consist of 2 bases). Activate the sensor on "base 2" by "gm iv", or modify to manual completion. The next step in the mission ("outer Door") is inside "base 2", so get inside "base 1" at and work your way to it, or what you fancy. The area to the sensor:

    EDIT: A minor issue is that traders are not updated, so not possible to sell to them.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
  17. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Just out of curiosity can scenarios like Shadows of Starlight be implemented within the overall survival campaign instead of being a separate mode? For example say a Polaris NPC gives you a mission and teleports you to a planet where you can play out a scenario like SoS?
  18. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    @Hector G You have to "merge" the SoS files with the "normal" starter options, then add some mission details. Just that most scenarios have starter options that ought to be changed or transferred as mission choices, since assume a survival pod "fresh" start.
    You can do this for yourself, but need some understanding of PDA and how scenarios are made. Probably better create an own scenario.
    BTW most scenarios are outdated for A10, SoS too.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2019
    Hector G likes this.
  19. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Thanks! I’d love if Eleon implemented something like that but knowing that it’s possible I may very well try to make my own scenario one day!
  20. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Really enjoyed this scenario, thanks for taking the time to put it together well done.
    ravien_ff likes this.

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