Share your blueprints with Empyrion

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Barra74

    Barra74 Lieutenant

    Feb 18, 2017
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  2. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Normally i would have dropped this in the destroyed base thread but it doesn't quite meet the req as its two levels lol. Fallen Spaceport.jpg

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  3. lulose

    lulose Lieutenant

    May 25, 2018
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    [Not a formal transfer as of yet]

    I have been working on these 4 blueprints for a long time, and they have helped me through a rough patch. Sounds silly but they mean a lot to me now - and while I would be over the moon if I saw them in game - if I do formally transfer later on I would love to be able to approve any edits to make sure they are still what they are meant to be.

    Here are the links, if you are interested please let me know! ^^

    LA Floaterbike mkII.jpg
    Lvl 3 HV (Basic):

    LA Knife mkII.jpg
    Lvl7 SV (Basic):

    LA Pickaxe mkII.jpg
    Lvl10 HV (Miner):

    LA Sword mkII.jpg
    Lvl12 SV (Combat):
  4. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    The Akua Buggy
    NewGame_2018-05-27_23-31-12.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-31-50.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-32-18.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-32-51.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-37-23.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-50-21.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-52-39.png NewGame_2018-05-27_23-59-31.png

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    LordMontecute, Fenris and Sephrajin like this.
  5. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    very cool! I sub to most of them!
  6. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Finally came up with a long time needed update for the Tier 4 prefab HV, (Which i originally designed).
    T8-A Experimental Branch

    This version though, is aimed at the 8.0.5 experimental branch.

    Added 2 Railguns.
    Added resource / POI Sensor (2500m range)
    Added Medical bay.

    Redesigned the exterior a little bit for looks only.
    Removed ALL Hardened steel blocks, and made everything "Normal Steel" instead. (to avoid Sathium requirements)

    Have fun ^-^

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  7. lulose

    lulose Lieutenant

    May 25, 2018
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    One blueprint I posted has 11 Subs but 6 upvotes and 8 downvotes. Great community on the workshop. :/
    dichebach likes this.
  8. Barra74

    Barra74 Lieutenant

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  9. lulose

    lulose Lieutenant

    May 25, 2018
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    Well, the downvotes have knocked me down the Workshop and I'm not getting any viewers to give feedback (didn't want them to be popular - just wanted the feedback). :(

    You can have my designs for prefabs now, if they make the game I will be thrilled - if not, no worries.

    LA Floaterbike mkII.jpg LA Knife mkII.jpg LA Pickaxe mkII.jpg LA Sword mkII.jpg

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  10. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Intrigueing little buggers! :)
    Cheap in cost, small and handy, nice for early game!

    Now if you can keep that style for a starter base and a starter base T2 and at least 1 starter SV (best would be with reserved space for warp) and another one with hard hull and warp included, and last but not least a CV of the same style, and you could have the next Alien race! :)

    But i bet that is your plan anyway ;)
    Keep it up!
    ion_storm and GoldDragon like this.
  11. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Sephrajin and electriclimbo83 like this.
  12. Aarohnn Landao

    Aarohnn Landao Ensign

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
  13. BigSnoopy

    BigSnoopy Commander

    Nov 29, 2016
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  14. electriclimbo83

    electriclimbo83 Ensign

    Aug 25, 2016
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    The Crimson Tiger.jpg

    Fellow survivors!

    Looking to impress your boss/captives/significant others? Looking to spend your entire paycheck on that rare Akua demi-sec, Class 2480? Then Look no further than the universally-acclaimed Crimson Tiger! Elite dining at even more elite prices! Now IDA-compatible!

    There's totally not a parkour area! Or a hazardous radioactive utility area! Or numerous shortcuts, secret areas, traps, and enemies to overcome! And there totally isn't a custom story thats integrated into existing lore!

    And you totally cannot complete this raid with just an assault rifle, a bit of food and meds, and light armor!

    Just eat our food and rate us 5 Glops on Smelp, will ya?


    OK, serious time now:

    I cannot wait for you all to try this out! Let me know what you think, and if you need any hints/help/critiques, DM me!

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    Sephrajin and Ramachandra like this.
  15. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    I've restored and updated the Tier 2 CV from the days of old!

    Who remembers the original?


    Edit: It's shared on Steam

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  16. Cute_Demon

    Cute_Demon Commander

    Feb 3, 2017
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    I betray the ship as Tier 4 :)


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    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  17. Cute_Demon

    Cute_Demon Commander

    Feb 3, 2017
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    I also propose Samum as a fighter on Tier 3 ;)[​IMG]

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  18. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Haast-Kittyhawk. I needed a light weight, low cost warp capable CV, and the MegaSwallow was a bit much to handle. So I made this. Size class 1, no Z / E, minimal Sath / neo.


    She's pretty, economical, small and nippy, yet basically fully furnished!

    She's make a good T2-3 ship, possibly could be reworked a bit and shrunk down, or have things like the fuel moved to the spaces in the hangers, but Im pretty happy with her.
  19. Crooth

    Crooth Ensign

    Jun 27, 2018
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    2nd try - let's see if I can do this right. Here is an organic themed hangar base that is designed to fit into the landscape more than the sci-fi themes designs we normally see. At least on a forest planet anyway.

    Wilderness Lodge.jpg

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    JDaremo Fireheart likes this.
  20. Dakanmer

    Dakanmer Ensign

    Jul 7, 2018
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    I started thinking that there aren't any cities in the game, just tiny outposts with three or four civilian quarters. Out of curiosity, I looked around and saw some other people post small cities, but they were all just shapes with no function. So I decided to see about making some buildings that could be plopped in to create a legit city, only to find out later that there was an entire thread on that upwards of two years ago. Well, delayed or not, here's my first attempts at some basic buildings.

    Small house - single bunk bead for two dwellers, all solar. Good standalone for a place just outside the city, as it's only one floor.

    Commune - multiple bed rooms set up for two dwellers each, including a communal kitchen and moderate bathroom facilities wrapped around a small 9-block growing area. I took the idea from hippies and a modern trend towards living in communes (to make up for the lack of a human connection that technology removes).

    Apartment modules (ground, middle, and two top options) - capable of stacking to create a tiny or tall apartment building. Ground floor has a receptionist, kitchen ("Room service!"), break area for the employee, and utility room (generator, water tanks, oxygen, core). Each middle level module boasts four rooms, each with its own wrap-around observation deck, a kitchenette, and a shared bathroom with one other room. The first option for the top level is a picnic level, complete with tables and green floor (carpet? grass? You decide!). The second option is a penthouse level with plenty of room and a great view to make one feel important, as well as private access to a top-level observation deck, a kitchen area, personal bathrooms, and an entertainment section. All levels can be stacked and merged seamlessly; only the ground level has the essentials (core, generator, oxygen, fuel).

    Warehouse - long building with plenty of cargo boxes, but not so much that it feels like they were just spammed. Solar powered for the few lights and doors. Includes a rear loading dock, two side doors, and a front desk/computer (sorry, no office. It's just a warehouse!). There is also no internal oxygen, though all doors are sealed, as it's...just a warehouse.

    Factory - two story deal. First floor holds computers and fuel. Out the back door is a walkway to the generator room. The second floor (main building only) houses four advanced constructors, six small cargo boxes, an emergency shut-off switch for the constructors to ensure the place doesn't go haywire and explode, and the core. The top of the building is for looks only, with some smoke stacks and an antenna. Comes with ventilation.

    Forge - two story deal. First floor holds eight furnaces (furnacae?) with an emergency shut-off switch for maintenance access, a small bathroom area, and an emergency aid area equipped with showers and general aid station. Out the back door is the walkway to the generator room, which also houses fuel and the core. To access the second floor (main building only), either jump the security fence or use the emergency shut-off switch to open the doors. The second floor has walkways with railing to allow access to the top of each furnace for maintenance (or to get rid of evidence by dumping straight into it), as well as a set of small storage rooms on the relative left and right front of the building. Comes with ventilation.

    Parking garage - three stacked levels for hover vehicles, with ramps connecting each. Capable of housing moderate vehicles only (no giant assault vehicles), based on the height of each floor, as well as the length and width of each outlined parking space. Four of the main pillars contain elevators that reach from the main ground floor to the roof, but only the center elevator goes to the basement. The basement houses the small generator (for lights and the elevators), fuel, and core. Each floor has individual ramps for going up and down, and are marked to avoid traffic accidents. The roof holds eight elevated landing pads for small or moderate small vehicles, one in each corner as well as one on each side. There are also four large landing pads for small capital vessels or large small vessels ("large small"? Doesn't that make it "medium"?). The entire structure is rather large in order to accommodate a large number of vehicles. There is no internal oxygen, and the parking areas are all open to the atmosphere.

    Civil hub - twelve stacked levels, including two observation decks. The ground level (basement), accessible by foot traffic only, gives access to elevators at each of the four corners; there is no internal ventilation in these walkways, but they are sealed from the atmosphere. The generators, fuel and oxygen are also found in the basement, but are only accessible through the central elevator. The first real level contains four identical, low capacity parking lots for hover vehicles, sealed against atmosphere but not ventilated. The height of each lot is sufficient for most hover vehicles, though the parking space sizes are for smaller vehicles only. In each lot is access to an oxygen station, the central elevator shaft, and one of the corner elevators. A half-level up resides the maintenance deck for the parking area, sealed with a door code. The central shaft goes from the HV lots to the very top of the structure. Up one floor is the small vehicle lot. The setup is the same as for the HV lot, including the maintenance deck and corner elevator access, but includes outer doors for foot traffic to the exterior pads. Each of the four sides of the exterior boasts a larger landing pad for small vehicles. The next floor up (designated "level 1") is the laboratory, where all kinds of experiments are being conducted. Access is not currently restricted, however, as the experiments are supposedly benign. This is the first full floor where ventilation is included, though the central shaft (but none of the corner shafts) also has ventilation. This floor also houses several cloning chambers. Up one more level (designated "level 2") is the main floor of the building, which has a variety of interesting areas. The four corner elevators end on this level, with one side leading to a reception and trading area, the other a dining area. There are bathrooms along one wall between the two sides mentioned, and a kitchen with chef/merchant along the other. The kitchen boasts several food processors and an entire room for cold storage. The dining area consists of a large open area with tables and a smaller, elevated area with a view of the outside. Up the central shaft one more level is the administrative center, which houses two small barracks for security and staff, an area with several showers and toilets, a break area, a first aid center with attending physician, a security office with connecting outer landing pad for small vehicles, and a server room; the server room is defended by two armed guards and a set of defense turrets exposed by proximity. Above the administrative level is the garden level, with attendee ready to serve (sorry, no crops are included in the BP). The next three floors are private quarters (mayor/governor and other important dignitaries?), each with its own lavatory, kitchen area, plush bed and work station, and include two sets of windows for the view. The final two floors are observation decks, the lower with benches, the top with standing-room only.

    All BPs have an extra floor layer to deal with that pesky terrain, though I've noticed that sometimes it just isn't enough. The intent is to connect them with roads, but that's a lot of terrain modification to make everything flat enough. You could put them on hills, but additional layers may be required to make sure the ground doesn't invade. As this is my first attempt at this, and I don't participate in any servers to see it get used, I'll hold off on building anything else unless people ask for more. All that said, enjoy!

    *Note: Since there are more files than I can upload in one post, I'll post the rest in a follow-up. BA_City_House_01.jpg BA_City_Commune_01.jpg BA_Apts_Ground.jpg BA_Apartments_Mid_01.jpg BA_Apts_Top_01.jpg

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