FAQ & Feedback: Solar Energy

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Heh. The output from one growth cycle of 3 3x3 farms nets you 20 biofuel. It's a bit labor-intensive, but regular harvesting could easily satisfy all of your energy needs. Farming is more than a little broken at present.
    Jᴧgᴧ likes this.
  2. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Oh, of course. I am a big proponent of biofuel - used to dedicate 6 grow-light plots to Akua Berries *just* for turning them into Biofuel. I ran a small base, a small HV, and a small SV all on just their output, though it did require frequent visits.

    I see Solar as a step-up if you can store enough in capacitor(s), though a side of Biofuel would be good in a pinch. You'd truly "go Green" with such a setup.
    Spirit_OK likes this.
  3. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    SMH, I guess I've been doing it wrong since I've been turning all my akua berries into wine and selling it.
  4. TDplay

    TDplay Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    I think we need ship batteries charged from solar power from a base. Would seriously reduce my Promethium use.
    Also a more universal charge system, maybe a suit battery charged by generators - you'd start with a Biofuel Generator (charges the suit with, of course, Biofuel) and you'd work to things like a Promethium Generator and a Wireless Power thingy that lets your suit run on power from nearby vessels, so you can run your tools off of solar or ship battery power.
    Also remove the solar panel limit, or raise it.
    Solar feels like it has been shoehorned in ATM. It's cool, but needs to be usable for more than just a tiny little base.
  5. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    1. Solar is underpowered. A full complement of solar panels should equal two small generators (average 1, given overnight). Basically, trade volume for fuel.

    2. Solar panel limits on ground bases make sense. But we need extra large panels (15x9x1 squares), with no structural integrity for space bases. This way fully autonomous deep space stations work.
  6. TDplay

    TDplay Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    I don't understand how solar limits on ground bases make sense. IRL we have giant solar fields that surely have >15 solar panels, and surely over the course of 10,000 years (this game takes place 30th century IIRC) we wouldn't suddenly have power systems that can't take >15 panels. If anything, we'd have power systems to handle the power of a dyson sphere in those bases. After all, we DO have forcefields built into our doors, seems real far future stuff to me.
  7. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    I just want to be able to build a large solar power station on a planet and then power all my other bases from it on that planet. Setup charging stations for my different ship types. Just so I can really fell like I'm setting up a very large complex as my base of operations. Repair bays. Food production. Each building being a separate base all being powered by my power station.

    I really don't want to have my WHOLE base as one object. I want to connect buildings to power, water.
    Come on I'm not talking about sim city here. Just something more then pulling a BP from your back pocket and plopping 1 box on the ground and calling it a base.
  8. TDplay

    TDplay Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    HV logistics systems? Build a suitable HV and it will ferry resources between bases? Would be especially useful with solar power that can be transferred. I'd also like to see local logistic systems and automation. Not factori0-level where you plonk conveyors and stuff down, simple stuff like the signals system in place already. Perhaps an internal logistics system, so you tell your constructor to go and take resources from a specific cargo crate set to be refilled by a HV transport carrying resources from autominers?
    Speaking of autominers, wouldn't it be cool if you could power them from a nearby base, along with every other ground placeable that needs power?
  9. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Personally, I think the Solar Panel system is fine as is (as of 8.2), particularly now that we can add more capacitors to the base. It's meant to be a supplemental system, and it does so beautifully compared to pre-Solar.

    The problems are not with the panels themselves, it's with everything before and after them:

    Problem 1 - Planetary Daylight mechanics are still problematic, in terms of positioning/angling panels based on 'latitude' and Sun path. We all know by now that what we see the sun do up in the sky is not what SolarPanels see. On some BA locations, it takes just a couple of attempts to determine the correct positioning. On others, It gets really weird, as if the daylight cycle is based on a specific coordinate on the planet, which might be on the exact opposite side of the planet. I have one SolarPower system that drains in broad daylight, but charges at night. Even though the ControlPanel stats say it is normal (and yes, this is with consumption much lower than collection).

    Problem 2 - Component power usage needs a good re-balancing. Is there a reason why decorative pieces (ie: nonfunctional antennae and radars) draw so much energy? Lights/Flares/Sensors should be closer to 0.1 kw, not 1.0 kw. We can go through many component groups and re-balance some of the odd relative consumption rates that exist (and fix some things like the RepairCenter). Although some heavy components may end up drawing more while in use, the net gains for the 'typical' BA should result in lower power requirements. You nut-jobs running 8 furnaces and 16 Constructors 24/7 are on your own, and should not be asking for some OP infinite power supply.

    Problem 3 - Power Management. Some of us have become quite good at using sensors/logic to help conserve power, but it's not enough. The Logic system and Power Control Groups are a good start, but that system needs to be advanced to the next stage. An obvious candidate for addition now is some form of Light Sensor (maybe with a 3-position sensitivity setting, ie: noon-dawn/dusk-midnight). Assuming Playfield light mechanics are improved. For CV's in particular, some kind of Auxiliary Power Group (always on, regardless of main power switch, as long as there is power available) to set to high-priority systems like GrowLights, Fridges, O2, etc. ...having to turn main power off for Repairs (love the new repair-to-template system, btw!) always makes me nervous, and sometimes results in rage while pulling dead weeds out of the farm.
    I know there has been some discussion with automation/conveyance plans, not sure if that is still in the pipeline or not. If so, perhaps that will be the next significant improvement for Logic and resource management systems (I suspect the latest evolution of the RepairBay steps toward this). This could provide for the rational requests for transferring of power/o2/etc. from BA-to-CV/SV/HV and vice versa, or for nearby entities (other BA's).

    /rambling. Summary: The panels are fine, fix our gizmo's power efficiency, and go fix the SUN!
  10. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    I have a question..

    Now that we have a limit of 15 solar panels on a base, wouldn't it be better to make base-extensions, like greenhouse, landing pad etc as separate bases (own cores) to be able to make 15 panels for each of them? Is that at all possible and would there be any drawbacks to this strategy?
    zztong likes this.
  11. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    A drawback could be administration, opening of Control Panels. Mostly 15 solar panels is enough for a large base. Maybe only need to section out if have many furnaces and constructors. Maybe separate defensive towers if many turrets (and draws drones to them). Greenhouses/farms do not need much power or maintenance (CP), unless need to fill O2 now and then.
  12. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    I have trouble making 15 panels power a base. So much stuff draws 1-5 KWh and it all adds up. Although i havent made any powersaving sensors I do make sure to keep fridges, food processors and constructors offline when not used. Does make it easier with more batteries now, but some planets really don't favor solar panels :p Guess I'm saying it would be nice if there wasn't a limit on solar panels.. :)
    zztong likes this.
  13. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Spawn a base with 1000 caps and never need energy ever again bwahhahahahah. (they spawn fully charged).
  14. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Now they Won't.

  15. StudentEngineer

    StudentEngineer Ensign

    Sep 17, 2018
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    With regards to installing a solar system, energy-efficient design is always first.
    ALL POWER DEVICES need to be updated with thoughtful values.

    The suggestions for building multiple bases are valid, given the block limit, but this seems counterproductive.

    All forms of power have their place in this realm of science-fiction, the devs are doing well thus far.

    Here are guidelines for the solar energy enthusiast.
    zztong likes this.
  16. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Strangely, it isn't always easy to make powersaving sensors since the sensors themselves take 1kw. If you use a sensor to control a single light, you actually increase your electricity draw.
    Redneck Gaming likes this.
  17. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    It is possible. The only drawback is some duplication of equipment, like Core blocks, Ventilators, etc.

    If you have made a base out of an existing structure then you've avoided drone attacks. If you then build a greenhouse, the drones will start to attack.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I normally provoke Attack of my Bases by placing a Guard Tower, who is a Base of its own. to be "left alone" by Drones while building my Bases which are all supported by Solar Power and Fuelburning Generators.

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