What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Funny thing is it won't reliably un-pause until after you've alt-tabbed, it seems.
  2. Thursten4Moore

    Thursten4Moore Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Don't know if this is global or not, but here is something I really dislike now with release 8.0. It's a little difficult to describe, but I'll try.

    I hate the way way the small vessels respond to the mouse when flying and trying to battle with a drone. When I move the mouse to turn the small vessel a little bit in order to follow and target the drone, the small vessel wobbles back and forth. I can never center the cross-hairs on the drone any more. It worked better with release 7.x.

    Whenever I need to do battle with a drone, I have to exit the game, go into Options, set the Mouse Sensitivity to zero, return to the game, and only then do I have adequate control over the small vessel that I can properly aim the vessel to shoot at and hit the drone. Of course, then I have to exit the game again and reset the Mouse Sensitivity.

    It's at the point where sometimes I just land and exit the small vessel, and battle the drones with my Assault Rifle.

    Most annoying. It's almost at a point where I am considering not playing the game anymore.
  3. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Having to manually sort items in inventories (either player, container or constructor) and not having the ability to filter contents by type as we can in the constructor templates.

    Having both is ideal but having either option would be a huge improvement.
    andrew box likes this.
  4. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Looting, having to manually move the mouse over every box to click on the loot all button gets tireing.
  5. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Welcome to the 'Improved Flight Controls' band wagon. There are several of us asking for a major upgrade in flight controls, and some sort of flight HUD in A9.
    andrew box likes this.
  6. Forjo

    Forjo Ensign

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Holding "W" to move forward -- FOR HOURS.

    Can we please have the auto-braking disable adjust for air resistance?

    Gaz and Xorg78 like this.
  7. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Additionally, can we have auto braking enabled adjust for non flat ship orientation? A CV will hang in the sky at whatever angle you like, automatically staying still. Put a SV on an angle or upside down, and it'll slide to ground unless you actively keep it flying.
  8. UnknownSoldier

    UnknownSoldier Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2018
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    I dislike having to sit inside an SV passenger seat, or a CV passenger seat when my buddy is flying us around. I want to be able to be actively walk around if desired. Can't you make our boots have a magnetic sole and pseudo dock with the ship.

    Having my buddy fly out the CV when we were leaving space dock, and he didn't have an EV suit on was no fun at all.
  9. Xorg78

    Xorg78 Ensign

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Having to go through each container until i find the one with the stuff i need inside it...
  10. abelzw

    abelzw Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    If you have customisable keys on your keyboard, set one as a toggle to repeat the "W" key. That's what I did and now I've essentially got cruise control. I did the same thing for mining. I set up a custom macro to repeat the left mouse click. When I want to dig a super long tunnel with an HV, I just press shift+o to auto level, then hit the "W" and "lmb" macros and walk away while the HV does all the work.
  11. abelzw

    abelzw Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    I'm pretty sure this is mostly to do with the amount of thrust your other thruster produce. I'm pretty sure if you had enough forward thrust, you could make your vessel hover completely vertically without any input.
  12. abelzw

    abelzw Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Mining a large tunnel with an HV. Whenever I try and drill a large, not long, tunnel, the drills essentially follow my cursor in the middle of the screen. This isn't so much of a problem with smaller HVs since the drills are usually close together, but when I try to build a larger HV and space the drills out I run into issues. Since the beam from the drill follows the cursor in the middle of my screen, when digging a large tunnel the outer drills constantly get stuck in the rock because they're not digging straight. It's a huge pain when I'm trying to dig a 2km tunnel to an underground base large enough to handle a smaller CV.

    Also, the ability to drill with an HV while also leveling the terrain it removes would be fantastic!
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  13. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I think my strike falcon has enough thrust. However, if you tilt it off level, it starts sliding around, and when you are trying to sit vertically above a POI to snipe the turrets off, it's a bit of a git to get to stay there.
  14. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    The only sure way I know to dig long straight tunnels is to start the tunnel, lay down a floor of blocks, then put the HV on them and tunnel a few meters, lay more blocks, etc. Tunneling from the flat floor makes the HV much easier to handle. That method may seem tedious though I find that it takes less time to dig tunnels and bases right the first time. It speeds up building immensely.
    The tunnel seeming too narrow is often because you need to wait for the outboard drills to finish cleaning up. The dig expands out from the cursor with the edges being the slowest to finish.
  15. abelzw

    abelzw Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    To be honest with you, I've never noticed this until you said something. Sure enough, I tried it out with a few of my SVs and I get the same result. The only way I could get it to stay vertical was to position it then hop out of the seat, but I guess that wouldn't work for you since you're trying to fire at stuff in that position. That's strange...
  16. abelzw

    abelzw Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    20180712140741_1.jpg 20180712140830_1.jpg 20180712140838_1.jpg 20180712141524_1.jpg

    I'm sure that would work as well but I've found that smaller vessels with the turrets much closer together seem to work well. If I press "Shift+O" while piloting my Tunnel Bus(last pic), it does a fantastic job of digging a straight and level tunnel without getting stuck very often. The only problem is that it makes such a small tunnel.

    The HV I created in the first pic technically has more drills than legally allowed, but it does a decent job of digging. I've found that adding a lot of blocks in a straight line extending out of the front does a really good job of allowing the HV to advance at just the right speed to fully take advantage of the drill turret. With the blocks in place, the HV moves at just the right speed to fully remove the terrain without leaving too much and getting stuck. Only thing is you'll have to adjust the amount of blocks on the front until you find the best speed.

    Another method I found to work(if you've got the correct permissions and whatnot) is to place a tunnel or your aforementioned flat deck through the terrain you're trying to dig through. Once you've got it in place, press "Shift+O" while on top of or inside the base and just start drilling forward. If you're in it for the realism, you might not like this method, but if you just want to dig a quick tunnel this method worked well enough for me. Only thing was I had to create a custom HV specifically for my tunnel to make it work.

    Ultimately, if they could make only the drills actually shoot forward, I think it would make tunneling WAY easier... These are just the methods I found work best for me.
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  17. RickyRockFish

    RickyRockFish Ensign

    May 7, 2018
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    Having to see the Internal Error popup every 5 minutes and crying when continue does not work. Lately I feel I'm spending more time looking at the game load assets on game start then I get to actually play.
  18. 1R0NS1DE

    1R0NS1DE Lieutenant

    Feb 8, 2017
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    The single most tedious thing is having to manually change all old hull blocks to new blocks on creations because the replace blocks command always changes things to "CUT CORNER" ie: Replaceblocks 1025 HullWedge HullCombatFullLarge" = a very spiky ship GRRRRR
  19. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Travelling long distances. Movement speed is way too low for each and every single vehicle. HV speed should be determined by size. Small should be at least 2x current speed. SVs are horrible and I have only used one just to get me off the starter planet. Once I got what I needed for a CV I dropped my SV like a bad habit and havent used one since as they should be going at a far greater speed but in space and in atmosphere.
    andrew box and Fenris like this.
  20. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    To pick up small thing like mined rocks I have to target too accurately.
    And only that. (Y)

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