Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well, the idea is less so that you have a working SV earlier, but rather that you can (sort of) choose your starting location. If the SV gets damaged and loses ability to move upon lithobraking (i.e. crashing into the ground), then that's fine too.

    Basically, it would make starting a new game a little more exciting :p

    Also, it's undoubtedly been mentioned, but HVs seriously need unique attachments that differentiate them from SVs. Like mining drills and such. It shouldn't ever be HV vs. SV in my opinion: it should be HV and SV working together to achieve goals tailored to each.
    Eviscerator and Tiralna like this.
  2. Ruhas

    Ruhas Commander

    Aug 3, 2015
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    In this game tech tree is not possible, such a development is possible only in single-player mode, the multiplayer comes someone stronger than you all take.
  3. Lechim Symer

    Lechim Symer Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    If the idea of the techtree was to slow the game progression down to point of almost boring, the techtree has done its job.

    1) Look, I understand that it was easy to build a temporary base with a large constructor, quickly rebuild the escape pod, attack a base for the advanced metals, and build a laser rifle( 2 sunsets ). However, now I feel like I am doing little more than trying to gain experience points which is boring. Instead of being able to get a base going with a food supply, I am sitting on the base in the dark trying to save ammo.

    2) AMMO: In my opinion, the number one reason for getting a laser rifle early in the game was because the laser rifle ammo did not need magnesium. Even taking a base normally takes 300 assault rifle bullets which a large amount of magnesium. Now, the laser rifle is at level 20, and the need for magnesium becomes the number one priority. If the random generator sticks the magnesium mines on the other side of the planet or next to a well armed base, you are screwed in a very short time. Since one of the prime ways to gain experience is to hunt, one quickly has a problem with magnesium. Again, the techtree is slowing the game progression down in a way which decreases the ability to play the game.

    3) Directional Thrusters in the techtree: A SV, HV, or CV does not operate without directional thrusters. So why the techtree has directional thrusters at a higher level than the other necessary parts is beyond my understanding. All necessary parts to make a vehicle should be available at the same level.

    4) The HV is NOT a good replacement for the SV. One of the first uses of a rebuild escape pod is to quickly search the area around the base for minerals and POI's (which are best seen from the sky). Since the HV is not available until level 5, one spends a large amount of time trying to gain experience while using resources which are harder to find with a HV. I understand that a HV should be the first search vehicle in a survival game, but with random generated minerals deposits, it is real easy to be out of a mineral by level 5 and unable to find it with a HV.

    5) Why are the types of blocks that use plastic available at different levels. The only difference is color. My favorite building using plastic had white walls. Now, at the level where I can start actual building my base, the block with what should be the least amount of color is not available for construction. Is there a reason for checker board and blue walls are available before white walls?

    I think your developers need to stop building the game and start playing the game. I do not think the techtree accomplished what you wanted. As a developer myself, I know there are times when one "cannot see the forest from the trees". I think your developers have reached that point.
    Psy_Commando and ldog like this.
  4. Elfnessa

    Elfnessa Commander

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Can someone pls, explain the hexeditor thing for 3.6.1 patch with screenshots? I never done this before. How do i know??
  5. Cathairez

    Cathairez Ensign

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I like the idea Devs, though I do wish it will eventually be more of a way to upgrade equipment (improve drill, build better engine, increase weapon accuracy, etc).

    I don't mind having to unlock everything, but it would be nice to allow unlocked items to be improved.

    I also like the idea people had about learning rare or special tech from alien stations.
  6. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I don't understand the people who say the HV is useless...it isn't great by any means, or even good for that matter...but it does have its uses.

    Early on the fuel costs can be a killer. Granted with the new hydrogen generator this might be less an issue (but I haven't built it yet....kinda disgusted with this techtree thing and besides I just recently discovered Overlord)

    More importantly though, it can have turrets, which the SV cannot. That alone makes it useful with the amount of drones that tend to come visit me while I'm mining. Nothing sucks more than being stuck at the bottom of a 20 meter hole (because you dug too deep too greedily too fast) and hearing your ride being blown to hell.

    With that there is also the fact that it is fully field repairable (small constructor can't make SV thrusters or RCS)

    It's also slightly cheaper to build and has the words "Don't Panic!" in large friendly letters.

    So even though I know very well how to go straight for an SV (or repair the escape pod) I have found myself building an HV still prior to this crappy patch.
  7. northern_cross

    northern_cross Ensign

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Could we please get an option to disable the XP and Tech tree or an option to have it all unlocked at the start.

    It will help make the game less grindy.
  8. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I think we should hold off with feedback for now. We're a bit in the dark. The update is nice but we need the devs to put this tech tree into context. Why did they implement it? What do they want to achieve with it? If we know what the goal is we can let them know what we need to achieve this goal. What is their reasoning behind the order of some unlocks? Maybe it won't be so confusing with a bit of background information.

    Edit: spelling 'n grammar
  9. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Reason is people in majority use high tech stuff way too early in game which spoiled people. The BA and HV was getting neglected cause people rather jump to a SV and skip making a base cause they had the ability to start a CV to early in game. The leveling system balanced it so HV's and BA could get more love. They are really trying to get people to use the HV more people in majority is skipping them favoring the SV more and more which is not ok cause HV has a reason.

    And as for the laser rifle why would you be able to right off the bat use the most powerful gun in the game at the start of a brand new game? This kinda defeats the purpose of game progression. Think about you crash on a planet and whip up a laser rifle right off the bat seems a bit OP to me. You crashed you proboly hit your head very hard and have amnesia and forgot everything and have to relearn all your knowledge.

    In all honesty the max height on HV's hover needs to be raised to keep the HV from bouncing like a rubber ball all over the place. They hit every tall plant they see and bounce off which can frustrate the pilot. The HV flight needs to be more stable if you want people to use them more. They can't act like a rubber ball they need to act like a vehicle
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  10. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Do share, we're all ears.
  11. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    They wouldn't have them in for nothing. If the HV is without purpose they why is it in game?
  12. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure they didn't put it in the game for shits n giggles, no. But I'm also sure that, currently, the HV has nothing on the SV. With a next patch that could change but nothing has been announced so far.

    So yes, at this point the HV can do everything the HV can do, except hold a turret but with the current enemies that's hardly a problem.
  13. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    After a number of hours of play I find I like the tech tree/XP system pretty well. Does it need tweaks? Of course it does (devs admitted that from the start). One big complaint I've seen as I skim through the posts here is that it some feel this is a grind just to get to where we used to start the game at (regarding what can be built). Keep in mind, this is PRE-ALPHA! There is core playability that will continue to have "modules" bolted on, so the game is going to be significantly different with each major release. Until the devs feel it contains all the elements they want for the main release. Then it goes to ALPHA to begin fixing bugs not previously fixed, and begin to balance the game.

    So, please, before going off into a rant on how the game was "ruined" by a release, consider the above.
    Cathairez likes this.
  14. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    After playing for a few hours I am generally enjoying the change. It is getting more of a survival feel than a creative wham bam feel.
    It simply has more immersion quality.
    I did find my self a bit confined at first, picking shrubs for no reason other than to get xp and it felt a bit mundane until I got an assault rifle along with a repair tool. From there I grabbed the spare core from the pod and made a large constructor. Then B lined to the power station and took it over. Set the LC down and made my HV. from there all has been going pretty smooth. I have been going nomad chasing the sun and raiding all the small alien installations. The weapons factory is next, then I shall depart and get hoth style on the snow world.

    I agree the xp should be shown on the lower right or be toggalable.

    I suspect by the points we get for each level to spend will be more important in the future. Possible specialization mabye planned for the future?

    I envision that maybe if the tabs were different as in putting points into "engineering" per say we could produce thrusters at less resource/parts cost or be able to make them lighter more efficient, higher speeds and so forth.
    Points into science, make better fuels, medicines, better jet pack
    Points into weapons, able to upgrade turrets, personal weapons , improve rockets, Btw were are the grenades?
    Spread points out specialize in all and be fair in all areas but no expert in one.
    How about pilot time logged?
    Space walking?
    Mining? (able to expose additional resources a less experienced miner would miss)

    The more you play the more you develop not only your avatar but what you can build and how you interact with the game universe.
    Rafe Andedare and Morkar like this.
  15. Duff

    Duff Ensign

    Sep 2, 2015
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    It's been mentioned above but I'd like to restate some of the points I agree with.

    Using a tech tree is a great concept but experience points should be applied to blueprints that relate to the weapon/tool/object you are interacting with. For example, if you use a mining tool then those exp points could be used to gain a blueprint for a better mining tool or at least something related to raw material. Similarly for weapons, etc. As it is now exp points are generic and can be applied to any blueprint on any branch if you have a high enough level. It's not a logical way to progress and tends to feel more like grinding make-work just to gain necessary experience.

    The type of activity you engage in should directly relate to the blueprint you wish to unlock. If this was done then players would be able to advance in whatever direction they choose without having to wade through the parts they prefer to ignore. I also like the idea of being able to find advanced blueprints only by taking over alien bases or perhaps derelict ships.

    [Deleted comment about multiplayer experience]

    Most of all, thanks for making the game available. I'm enjoying it a lot!
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
    Morkar likes this.
  16. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    That is how it works in MP already. None of the guys in the group can make the same stuff because we went down different paths for the weapons.

    I truly do not understand how anyone is finding this system to be grindy. Playing as normal, I hit level 12 without even trying to. If I wanted to spam it, I could be level 20 in under a day because between farms, finding POIs, and killing things I average anywhere from 100 to roughly 1600 XP per tick. Add in the mining, building, and harvesting of random stuff while walking and we are talking about having so much XP and so many unlock points that it is pretty much a non issue.
  17. Duff

    Duff Ensign

    Sep 2, 2015
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    My mistake, thanks for the correction.

    As for feeling 'grindy', my point was that the experience you gain has nothing to do with the blueprints you may want to unlock. Beyond that, the devs asked for feedback, that was mine.
  18. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I play MP mostly with a group of friends, so we were testing all this out today since feedback from the MP crowd is useful too. The grindy comment was not really directed at you specifically. I would like relevant activities to level different things myself.
  19. vsyeung

    vsyeung Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I agree. Even better, the devs should get a family member or friend to grind through the first 10 hours of game play and watch the said friend's reactions.
    ldog likes this.
  20. swg2you

    swg2you Ensign

    Sep 28, 2015
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    The theses:

    Experience in use drill - increases the speed and ore extraction.
    Experience in use tool for terraforming - the speed of terraforming.
    Experience in use tool for repair / removal - the speed of the repair and removal.
    Experience in using different types of weapons - the accuracy and reload time. (Each weapon has its own exp)
    Experience of piloting different types ships - maneuverable of ships.

    Experience dynamically redistributed. When You using a drill and pistols you become a skilled miner and a pistol shooter, but if you start piloting ships, growth piloting skills will reduce the other skills.

    A player can be a professional in two or three things at once.
    The current system, with technology tree - simply restricts access to existing content. I waste my time on unnecessary and uninteresting actions.

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