
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    For me it's the tier 2 shotgun, scope is near worthless at night as it is.
  2. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Are there any weapons beside the Projectile Pistol that use the .50 cal ammo? I'm sitting on a couple stacks of ammo, but that Pistol is next to worthless (feels like I'm shooting a 9mm, not a .50 cal :| )
  3. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I use the pistol to shoot plant monsters from a safe high vantage point when they are close to my base. It's a way to save my good ammo and still get the loot while removing pests. :)
  4. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    You want to know something funny? The Drones are using .50 Cal Miniguns apparently from the ammo it drops, but most miniguns use a rifle cartridge. Now, it is kind of sad that finding 12.7mm rounds is near impossible, and yet we get enough .50 cal drops from the Minigun Drones to fill a minigun...

    ...which uses 8.3mm.

    Honestly, let me recycle the rounds with an ammo station or something. I'd rather convert the brass to something useful than have a bunch of ammo that I cannot feasibly use because it is not all that good. Now, if we had a Tier 2 pistol that used the same ammo for better damage perhaps it would be less of an issue.

    NOTE: 12.7mm is technically .50Cal. Abeit in Empyrion the .50 Cal refers to the pistol cartridge, and the 12.7mm is the sniper rifle cartridge... even if the icon show a rifle cartridge lol.
    Mac and HeadHunter like this.
  5. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I think the Ammo Fairy heard your wish. It won't be long!
    Eviscerator and Leatherneck like this.
  6. Krenios

    Krenios Commander

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I thinks add possibility (craft ?), to add light on tiers 2 weapons can be great, on somes bases in black color we see nothing at night and ear some strange noise ^^ Thanks !
  7. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    It warms my cockles to meet someone who's familiar with ammo, calibers and metrics. Of course I enjoy using the word "cockles" in any conversation I can. Makes people stop and ponder.

    Buy yes. There needs to more use for the ammo I keep finding. I honestly keep reverting back to the assault rifle because I can't use the laser rifle's scope unless it's high noon because of that blue tinge. The sniper rifle is just waaaay to slow and cumbersome to be worth a damn after the first shot. And let's face it, if you're far enough away to make the sniper rifle even worth a damn, you're probably not going to see it (as in it's too far away to render) *or* hit it if you do see it (because no amount of leading is going to matter), and if you magically manage to do both, you're probably not killing it in one shot because unless you're absolutely lucky enough to get a headshot, it's not going to be enough damage. Which defeats the purpose of the sniper rifle - one shot, one kill, and all. And lastly, if you do hit what ever you're shooting at, it somehow "magically" knows where you are, no matter how far away you are and comes charging full tilt towards you, which, again, makes the sniper rifle useless because it's impossible to get a head shot (or any other, if you want to give it try) when those guys are flying over the terrain at unpredictable but inevitable vectors to your position.

    I've been dumping the .50 cal every time, and after I get two stacks of everything, I don't pick it up - except rockets, because they only stack to 25, and they're great against those one turrets.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
    Leatherneck likes this.
  8. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    There really does need to be a recycling mechanic implemented, at least for ammo if not for all the random scrap and bits you get off drones and as loot.
    Leatherneck and Kaloriaa like this.
  9. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    I agree in this I often times find a over abundance in .50cal rounds plus a lot of the same weapons that I like to break up for parts in my loot runs.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
  10. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    The following statement is with the understanding that real life does NOT equal game balance, but being pre-Alpha I am just stating my feedback on said game balance with the weight of real life experience as a comparison. Oh, and wall of text inbound, and no you are not getting a TL;DR version.

    As someone that likes to use the sniper rifle a lot, you make a lot of valid points. I do feel that the 250m range on the sniper rifle is kind of "meh". However, I understand from gameplay balance and rendering issues that might be necessary, so let us do some scaling to understand ranges in the game.

    I can hit a man sized target (NOTE: 40 inches tall, 20 inches wide aka waist up) with iron sights at 500 yards (that is 457.2 meters) with a 5.56mm (note we use 6.8 mm in game, a more powerful round. I'll get back to that). I am not saying this to sound cool, remember this is just as comparison to scale down to Empyrion so bear with me.

    Now, let's cut that range in half to make it Empyrion standards, okay cool, so we are looking at 228.6 meters (250 yards) so I am technically getting a small boost to my performance right? Not so fast...

    The Tier 1 Assault Rifle range maxes out at 180 meters, and the Tier 2 Assault Rifle (Pulse Rifle) tops out at 180 meters. Now, take the Tier 1 Sniper Rifle tops out at 220 meters, and the Tier 2 tops out at 250 meters, gaining a mere 40 and 70 meters respectively over the Assault Rifles. Seems like a lot at first, but then you notice something. Something weird.

    The Tier 1 Assault Rifle range maxes out at 40 Damage, and the Tier 2 Assault Rifle (Pulse Rifle) tops out at 60 Damage. Now, take the Tier 1 Sniper Rifle with it's 80 Damage, and the Tier 2 with 120 Damage. That's nearly double the damage, with slightly more range so that sounds right. Right? Not quite because, think about how small of a range advantage that is over the slower rate of fire, slower reload, and the smaller magazine. Oh, and all 4 are scoped.

    I can kill the Xenu Soldiers with one headshot with the Tier 2 Sniper Rifle, and 1-2 headshots for their attack "dogs". Most other things require a lot more, and some even require a reload?!?! Now, figure most mobs will aggro you within the range of the Sniper Rifle and...

    ...wait, did I just say I can be spotted and shot at while using a Sniper Rifle at max range? I did.

    So, what does this have to do with being able to shoot that far in real life? Let's tie that together. Without a scope on an Assault Rifle, I can shoot as far as the Sniper Rifle in the game if we converted that down to gameplay distances, which isn't all that much farther than the Assault Rifles, which are also scoped.

    Oh, let's also take into account it is shooting a round that has been recorded going as far as 2,430 meters (which is almost the diameter of the planets we have if you really did 1:1 from real life), so cut that in half that for in game distance. Yes, that is a bit far and obviously would be too OP to have (clearly would make it the best weapon in the game lol). So, where does that leave us? (insert "This is pre-Alpha" Spartan Meme) Yes, yes I KNOW.

    Now, someone at this point will be raging and and tell me I scaled down to the Sniper Rifle range, and not the the Assault Rifle ranges, so what gives? Remember when I pointed out the 5.56 mm versus the 6.8 mm earlier? 6.8 mm round versus the 5.56 mm would have likely given me a range increase if I had shot a real life equivalent. Either way you cut, if you do the math, real life versus Emyprion is about 2.54000508 times longer with the Assault Rifle. This would give the Sniper Rifle about 635.00127 meters as the maximum range in real life, which is 3.826764 times shorter as the max recorded range. As you can see, the math difference is fairly negligible, and this is still game scale we are talking about. Also, the reality is that our bullets would not magically vanish at maximum range like they do in the game, so keep that in mind which for game play is fine, even if some adjustments are needed in my opinion.

    Where was I going with this? Yes, weapon balance is off (pre-Alpha and all), but I would like Eleon to consider that there really is not much of a reason to use the Sniper Rifle other than flavor, and since the ammo costs are identical, but clearly the Assault Rifle is superior in just about every category.

    Of course, there is the whole Laser Rifle thing that has a 300 Meter Range, with less damage (but not by much) AND it has more ammo... but no long range scope? (Yes, yes pre-Alpha)

    Not sorry for the wall of text either, as I prefer it over the one sentence remarks of x sucks, make it better without any real reasoning. I am not saying the Sniper Rifle as to be the best weapon ever, but it could use some love while we are still in pre-Alpha and that sort of stuff is being looked at.
    Mac likes this.
  11. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I'm hoping the devs are working on a mechanism that will cause all weapons on your vehicle to aim where the cross-hair is on your cockpit screen.
    The only solution so far is to try and put everything on the very nose of your craft. While this may work, it certainly doesn't make for very "pretty" vehicles, and one hit to the nose and your dead-in-the-water.
    ldog and Leatherneck like this.
  12. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I agree the weapon convergence without any sort of weapon indicator is not very good. Right now, I use cockpit features and some guesswork to aim. Heck, Vietnam Era Helo pilots would use a grease pencil to make crosshairs to line their weapons up.
    Otterbear, Eviscerator and ldog like this.
  13. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I would hope weapons are considered very incomplete (by the devteam) right now. I try to keep my suggestions relevant to current patch since this is early alpha and I assume a lot of things are going to get multiple balancing passes. Right now they're too awful to comment on.
    Otterbear likes this.
  14. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Turrets and ship weapons info box our missing the range and damage details. It would be useful to know these details
  15. Mindkiller

    Mindkiller Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Such weapons would only be used for trollin dem noobs. But thats only fun till u r the noob once right ?
    As for vehicle weapons i m ok with th weapons so far but plasma damages my own vehicle more than the enemy. The turrets HAVE to be disabled for Multiplayer. Back to trollin dem noobs. U spawn with ur escape pod and start ur base. Troll comes with HV with two turrets. one plasma or rocket other one minigun. While he raids ur base and escape pod u r busy not dying from the turrets.
    The other way around may be valid: If u r on a trip to another planet u should be able to guard ur base with turrets so u don’t come back to find ur base raided. Maybe even a unbeatable forcefield to guard it. And make it so u can only place one for balance. Players that plunder like pirates are far spread (and human scum if u ask me) so it would be nice to be able to keep them off my yard.
    Oh and kep the rocket launcher like they are now. its a challenge to make the rockets hit.

    As far as the hand-held weapons are concerned:
    - Shotgun: Limit Range to 30 meters or so but have it make hamburger out of anything in say 3 shots.
    - Sniper Rifle: Increase Damage or higher Head multi
    - Scopes REMOVE THAT TINT. No one needs that if it does not highlight enemy and friendly.
    - Reload animation would be nice
    - Weapon switch animation too.
    - Ammo Processor maybe ?
    Otterbear and Mac like this.
  16. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    A lot of us, myself included, agree with you on many of these points. Sniper rifles and the scope tint especially. And ammo recycling, YES PLEASE!

    I'll not give too much weigh in on the MP side of the house, as I don't play it often. But disabling turrets in MP? Why? If I've earned it, stay away!

    Also, a majority of what people are suggesting is based on PVE or coop, not PVP. This game is still pre-alpha. Making the leap from just making a game work to making a game perfectly balanced for all types of play is going to take awhile.
    Otterbear likes this.
  17. eaglegundam

    eaglegundam Lieutenant

    Oct 25, 2015
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    well id love to see some explosives for mining and Bombing POI
  18. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    The center of the cross-hairs on ALL weapons could use a little enhancement, as they/it is impossible to see at night, or against a black background.

    The "tags" of each POI could/should disappear at some distance to allow you to actually SEE what your trying to shoot at.
  19. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Turrets definitely need some improvement.

    Cannon turrets are really inaccurate, that or the hitboxes on fauna such as plant monsters (which have a tiny hitbox IMO) need to be adjusted. Flak turrets can't seem to kill enemies at 180 or so meters, perhaps because they are there but not there. (They are accurate enough to kill with splash damage after 5 or so near hits, so after three flak turrets sit there and pound a supposed plant monster for a few minutes I feel like he's not there).

    I feel like the laser pistol to a degree and the laser rifle to a significant extent aren't worth it.... you have to get to the top of the tech tree, research them, use mid-to-late game components to build them.... I can kill targets faster with the pulse rifle than I can the laser rifle, just because the pulse rifle has a fast ROF and the bullets travel instantly. The laser rifle shoots semi-auto, same rate as the pistol, and projectiles have a flight time instead of arriving nearly instantly like the previous ARs. Can't say I'm too happy with the laser rifle or laser pistol and am seriously thinking about reverting to the T2 pistol and pulse rifle.
    Eviscerator and Otterbear like this.
  20. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    All of the "bullet" weapons (pistol, AR, minigun, sniper, gatling, cannon) are raytraced. There is no projectile. When the weapon is fired, it traces a straight line through space to find the closest thing that is intersected. This is where the bullet hits, which happens at the same instant it leaves the barrel. So you do not lead with any of these weapons and your player/ship velocity is not added to the direction of the bullet, and the bullet does not arc. They always hit whatever they're pointing at (within range) when fired.

    I really wish -- if they were going to make any of the weapons do this -- that the laser ones would be beam weapons (with a visible and constant-on beam) instead of a projectile that moseys its way toward its destination and arrives some time later with a yawn. I would much rather see a shorter-range, constant beam, and larger clip for the laser weapons. So basically if they worked how the minigun currently does. As it is, the only use for the laser rifle is when you're beyond reach of the sniper rifle. But the slow rate of fire is really annoying. And at that range as you said forget it if your target is moving. So the laser rifle is good for (slowly, painfully slowly) taking out turrets from between 250 and 300 meters away, and pretty much nothing else.

    Also, within 100 meters, the tier 2 pistol is the best weapon, IMO. It does a lot of damage, with a high rate of fire, and has a fast reload. Plus free ammo. Because, hey, free ammo.
    Eviscerator and Otterbear like this.

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