What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Asmodan

    Asmodan Lieutenant

    Aug 23, 2016
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    For me it is Mining. Starting a New Game and mining with a T1 Drill is annoying as hell. Worst Part is mining Promethium. Holding Down your Mouse Button for 20 Minutes while staring at the Ground Texture is not fun. At least digging through Dirt should be going faster.
    Gaz and macrollat like this.
  2. macrollat

    macrollat Ensign

    Nov 12, 2017
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    COMPLETELY agree on this subject. Mining should be easier even if you had to balance it around making stuff cost more materials. I personaly prefer hunting for more materials than taking an eternity to mine a deposit. Vein Mining could be a thing, perhaps.
    Gaz likes this.
  3. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Mining tru dirt is faster, altough I am on unstable beta to provide better feedbacks.
    You should make little slow circles with your cursor around your digging direction, and it is faster then.
    Gaz likes this.
  4. Philip017

    Philip017 Ensign

    Jul 3, 2018
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    leveling land, why? well it digs bigger holes at the edge. a tedious back and forth to fill in and level and repeat because each time you get to the edge you have to fill again because it 'leveled' your previous almost level land into a ditch.

    when i think of leveling i think it will level off peaks and fill in pitfalls, not make a gigantic cliff off the edge, the leveling seriously does not need to make a cliff on the edge, it should fill it in automatically, no need to manually use the filler. yes the filler function still has it's purpose, you can dig, er fill in the hole, you have dug yourself into.
  5. Hanrok

    Hanrok Ensign

    Jul 19, 2018
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    Issue #1: Re-centering the mouse cursor after closing containers / inventories / sub menus

    I don't know whether there was a technical reason behind doing this, or if the devs just thought it was a good idea. Well, it is not. Re-centering the mouse cursor breaks continuity between the position of the cursor on screen and the position of the mouse on your mousepad, or mouse area on your desk, or whatever you use. This is not only irritating for the user, it also means longer mouse distances to travel. For example: If you move the cursor to the top right corner of the screen to click the "take all" button, your mouse has moved to the top right corner of your mousepad.

    After closing the inventory, your cursor jumps back to the middle of the screen, but your mouse is still in the top right corner of your mousepad. Which means you now have to move the mouse down to the bottom left corner, until cursor position and physical mouse position are "in sync" again. OR, which is what I tend to do, you have to pick the mouse up and set it down in the middle of your mousepad (recenter the mouse physically), so that is "in sync" with the cursor again.

    Please do not center the cursor, unless you find a way to also teleport my hand back to the center of my mousepad.

    Issue #2: Too much unnecessary clicking / clumsy UI

    Why do I have to manually close the inventory after clicking the "take all" button? Why do I have to move the mouse and click for such a simple command at all? Other players have already said it aplenty in this thread, but there should be a keyboard shortcut for this. But that's not even my point. To me this is just an example of a problem with the UI in general. It relies too heavily (and in some cases unnecessarily) on mouse clicking.

    This is not to say, I'm totally against mouse controlled menus, but basic commands like closing an inventory or emptying a container should always also have a keyboard shortcut assigned.

    The ideal menu system would allow me to cycle through all controls / lists using the cursor keys (or WASD) and activate the highlighted item with RETURN or SPACE, or whatever. These controls need not even be assignable, since this affects menu control, not gaming controls.

    If we're talking about areas of the game that really need some work for the next major release, I would have to say it's the UI, even more than the gameplay. In it's current state, the UI system looks and feels very basic. To be honest, I've seen videos of older versions of the game (2.x, 3.x) where the UI looked actually better than it does now.

    Especially the constructors with all their scrollable, fixed-number-of-slot matrices of inventory spaces could use some serious thinking, if there isn't a better way to do this. Maybe looking at how other games have solved this would help?
  6. erithil

    erithil Ensign

    Jun 8, 2018
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    I have a new one.

    The UX/UI for manipulating devices into groups could really be improved. Currently I have to add a group, scroll through the list of components, select the component I am interested in (hoping it is the right one if I have multiple ones), and then click to add it to a group or last group. At this point it is listed in order of first in, first listed.

    • This whole process should have a paperdoll of my ship on the right, and when i select a component a general (if not exact) highlight should show on my paperdoll indicating which thruster or RCS or cargo box I'm selecting is.
    • That would be tougher for a base, I understand. Someone smarter than myself could probably figure out something that would be functional without being crazy complex. Heck, maybe I could zoom in/out on the paperdoll.
    • Then I should be able to drag the component from the list of ungrouped items on the far left of the screen into a separate section (maybe the middle of the screen) into the user defined groups.
    • I should be able to shift-click to select multiple items and drag them as a group.
    • I should be able to re-order them by clicking/draging them above/below each other within the list.
    • I should be able to re-name devices at any point and from any view. I may not fully understand the existing system, but it seems restricted as to when I can re-name a cargo box or so on. If I can click it in a list, I should be able to change it's name. (And maybe even paint or texture it!)
    • And I should be able to repair from this screen if I have the appropriate multi-tool and charge. I know at higher levels there are repair bays that do it for me, but at lower levels seeing components with damage is just annoying to have to go try to find access to them from the outside and shoot them with my multitool.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
  7. Jagmas

    Jagmas Ensign

    Jan 25, 2016
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    CV Repair and having to remove HV's and SV's when you have a large ship is terrible..
  8. Dandere

    Dandere Commander

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Having to switch between first person and third person when getting in and out of SVs etc, because third person is terrible on foot and first person is terrible in vehicles.

    Being able to set defaults would be nice.
    monktk, Philip017, Sephrajin and 4 others like this.
  9. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    the wait between patches and updates
    elmo likes this.
  10. Xorg78

    Xorg78 Ensign

    Jan 20, 2018
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    The fact that i have to keep the forward key pressed to move when inside ship on a planet (thank god, that's not the case in space !)
    Philip017 likes this.
  11. Ronin94

    Ronin94 Lieutenant

    Aug 1, 2018
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    TEXTURE MATCHING! I can't tell you the hours I have spent trying to get textures to match in different builds. I often modify workshop builds for my own needs and sometimes its really hard to tell what textures were used. I know its a stupid small thing but it is a real pain.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  12. Ronin94

    Ronin94 Lieutenant

    Aug 1, 2018
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    Oh also flattening an area that is lower than where you started. It is a pain you can flatten as high up as you want but can barely have a gap down before it starts making a ravine rather than flattening the area. This is a particular pain with really large CV landing pads.
    Philip017 and zztong like this.
  13. Aaron_IRL

    Aaron_IRL Ensign

    Aug 16, 2018
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    #1 Inventory Management: I absolutely hate opening a cargo bin, taking what little I can hold, manually closing that container, opening another cargo bin and individually placing each item from the last cargo bin in this other container bin (often times multiple cargo bins)... over, and over, and over again. It kills my desire to do much of anything like POI busting (the cleanup), salvaging wreckage (sorting it all out after), and even harvesting resources (because eventually I'll have to stop to sort it all out).

    Things needed in my opinion:
    • a way to increase personal inventory space at the higher levels.
    • slots on armor for night vision, ore detector, and ore scanner.
    • ability to open multiple inventory containers to drag drop from one to the other for individual items, and selected groups of items. (#1 wanted thing right now)
    Related to inventory: Saving your toolbar setup so that it automatically restores items when retrieved after death.
  14. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Posting this here, because it’s becoming a standard task to explore the game in the multiplayer environment especially on servers that wipe planets to add in new stuff from patches. Most players are not computer savvy enough to do it. This task is... deleting there cache.

    It would be super cool if there was just a button in the game menu for this. It could bring up a list of the save games and servers and have an option to “keep blueprints in factory and refresh” or “refresh entirely”.

    Players will avoid certain planets or stop playing on a server because they think it’s bugged or they don’t know how to do/ afraid to do it. It just takes away from the fun of the game.
  15. The Hashtronaut

    The Hashtronaut Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Explaining how to play the game via In-game chat...over and over and over
    because nobody wants to read....

    The rest of the game is cake walk to learn and play......
  16. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    That doesn't count as a task in this context since it's not a required part of the gameplay.
  17. The Hashtronaut

    The Hashtronaut Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    In-game chat isn't a task?
    How is it not required? in a MP setting?
    you ever try reading it on MP?
    sometimes i would spamming all kinds of stuff...and it would keep going away while i type...thats pretty much borked
  18. The Hashtronaut

    The Hashtronaut Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    I can help you with that.....

    Pro tip-
    1: Open your control configuration to the Keyboard...
    2: Bind the W key to your Number pad...(secondary)
    3: Start moving while holding the Number pad Key you binded to W and press the Number lock key.(Off)
    4: Auto pilot 101.......
    5:Reverse the steps to unlock it... Hold the Secondary W key and press Number locks (on)

    This also works with Drilling (look mom,no hands)

    I been doing this since i owned the game.......
    Simple key binds and knowing how your PC works makes for happy camper (not in that tent anyways)

    so you know if you open your Inventory menus and all that Jazz..the ship will stop moving/drilling....
    but it will continue when you come back.......
    i like it because i can scan the map real quick then continue incase i need ot change directions....I am hoping someday we get HV>SV docking so i dont have to take my CV to the planet anymore.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
    Needleship likes this.
  19. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Difficulty/annoyance in using the chat system is a valid complaint, but that isn't what you originally stated.
  20. SkulkLife

    SkulkLife Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Managing blueprints when you have a lot of them. Can you change it pls? It would be better if we can have dropdown menus like control panel/devices list.

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