Did you use the latest version? You could upload your playfield (and your terrain.ecf) renamed to .txt here and I'll check it out, if I can find anything. /jmc
Started building the main structure for EPDWiki http://epd.fireclay.at/EPDWiki No real info there yet, but suggestions welcome about what should be added. And of course you can contribute too, if you like. /jmc
Please add "Empyrion-Playfield-Reference-Sheet " all grass, flowers all the trees and plants that are complete
I could add a link in the Wiki to the document thread here in the forum. But I have to consider that not all information in there is still up-to-date. Adding all the information in the document directly into the Wiki would be another possibility, of course, but would take a tremendous amount of time (taking screenshots and describing each and every item in the game), considering this is still all in a constant state of flux and may change again. I won't have the time to do this all by myself, but everyone is welcome to contribute. /jmc
Thats a new one. 1. What exact steps did you do before this happened? 2. If it was possible to save the palyfield: Can you upload the playfield renamed to txt here. Thx. /jmc
Issue I have with this tool: When trying to save a playfield_static file Spoiler: Error Code: - PreFlight found Errors: - General Setup: - TerrainHeightMapMax = null OR <= 0. - BaseLevel = null OR < 0. - TerrainLevel = null OR <= 0. Pre-flight completed. I know you can disable the pre-flight but just saying as these values aren't required for random playfields (right?) They should go in the playfield_dynamic file.
Thx for the report. Not really sure right now myself, if those are part of static or dynamic, will check. /jmc
Something else I just noticed but I don't know if it's intended or not. When I open a playfield_dynamic file, the dynamic playfield editor opens. I can change things there just fine. However on the default playfield editor I see that for some reason it opened the playfield_debug when I did open the dynamic playfield file. Am I supposed to do something with the debug files? What are these even for? Like when trying to open exampleplanet_dynamic (it has no debug) it says there's no playfield.yaml in there.
That's basically intended behaviour. In EPD you work on playfield.yaml, _static and _dynamic at the same time. So properties that exist both in _static and playfield.yaml, respectively _dynamic and playfield.yaml will be kept in sync in all three playfields. e.g. EPD also writes changes in _dynamic's Biome data also to playfield.yaml and vice versa. Same goes for creatures, POIs, and so on. When you export a _static in EPD, those values are taken from the main playfield.yaml (resp. playfield_debug.yaml). That way it's possible to simply switch from a random SSG playfield (_static and _dynamic) to a fixed playfield.yaml, as the three files (mostly) contain the same data and are kept in sync. So that's why it's looking for a playfield.yaml (or if not found at least a playfield_debug.yaml, which is the same anyway). It's basically the main file, EPD works on. /jmc
I just exported a static yaml from TemperateStarter and it did not produce any pre-flight errors. I guess you just opened the static file (via double click in playfield tree) in EPD, which is technically possible, but as soon as you save the file, EPD will try to save a full playfield.yaml instead, not a _static anymore. So it will run the pre-flight for full playfield.yamls, and those need the properties that pre-flight complains about. You need to open (or create) a playfield.yaml (or a playfield_debug.yaml), edit that and then export the _static file via menu file-> export playfield_static.yaml. That's the only way it's going to work properly. If you have no playfield.yaml, you also can create one using the SSG and then load that one into EPD. /jmc
Still have problems with adding random POIs to a playfield. The POIs does show up on the list when i try the fixed option. The only thing that i can see should be a problem, is the name in the group. I have the files in both the Senario and Content prefab folders. Tried to import blueprints many times.
Strange. Works fine for me. Put it in the Content/Prefabs folder. Clicked 'ReImport all Prefabs'. There it was. Then I deleted the user.dat in the EPD data folder to clear all imported prefabs. Then I tried and put it in my Test Scenario under Content\Scenarios\EPDTest\Prefabs. Reimported prefabs and it's back there. Try deleting the user.dat in EPD\data\ folder. maybe the database got messed up somehow. /jmc
I found the reason for my issues. I'm not gonna tell what it was, as it's REALLY embarrasing. Can only say that reading the guides on custom POIs and follow them is worth it