PvP SV team v team event 20:00 GMT

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Furious Hellfire, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    PvP Event: Operation Ice Wing (SV combat)
    Playfield: size 3 snow
    Playtime: August 20th - 20:00 GMT lasting 30-60 minutes.
    Player limit: 20
    Location: PvP Event's server (UK Hosted)

    Will you answer the call as 2 squadrons of small vessel are poised to take each other on in deadly PvP air combat for control of this icy planet.
    All they need are worthy pilots for maybe an hour.

    General rules:

    - The 2 teams will be set as clans.

    - No ship takes off until the battle is called.

    - All ships are loaded with fuel and ammo, no repairs.

    - When you die, you can either spawn nearby and watch the battle's end or you can choose the safe return option which will bring you back to the event start platform which also happens to be theControl Point your fighting for control of.

    The ships available will be of my own choosing but afterwards in the forum we can discuss other alternatives for the next event and could even set something up where we may use the latest and greatest workshop combat SV of each week.

    If you wish to join the event tonight, please send me IM and I will release the server details to you as the server will of course be locked from public use as an organised event only server.
    Sorry for the limited player amount but until we have some worthy tests I wont attempt more than 20.

    When you enter the server you will land at a fixed point waiting area around other players.
    You will be unarmed and with some food rations to keep you going.
    20:10 each team will be sent through the now open portals to reach their respective base and ships and both teams must call when they are ready in chat then allowing me to call the battle start.

    To be ready a player needs to take the helm of a vessel, then set this vessel to his/her team/clan, power on the thrusters with CP switches provided, reload the weapons.

    After some quick checks the battle will be called on, both squadrons will charge into battle for control of a central control point on the map.

    All players will be expected to head to this point and eliminate all enemy vessels.

    The objective is to simply destroy the enemy ships, don't worry about survivors.

    EXIT: when game is over the server will be shutdown until the next event.

    If we host a second round I will restart the server to how it was when everyone first joined and commence with round 2 after all players rejoin.

    There are probably many players who ordinarily dont like the risk or hassle of pvp in a survival game, who would in fact jump to have a go at something like this just for the sake of some free instant SV pvp action.

    I have conducted many pvp pirate ship battle events in another online world called second life, they were highly successful, weekly scheduled and enjoyable for all.

    If players enjoy the initial battle then I will seek to host battles at various times so that players from other countries wil have an opportunity and also encourage other hosts to follow on and conduct similar PvP events of their own.

    This sv battle is just 1 of many pvp battle event ideas I have and seemed like the obvious first choice for a good pvp battle test.


    For the event, the server will only be hosting a 1 planet scenario (aside from the moon).
    Our pvp planet will abide the following criteria.
    - Resources removed
    - Fauna/Creature spawn removed
    - POI removed
    - Drone base/drones removed
    - Indestructibale terrain

    My hope is max performance for a single playfield with potentially 20 players on, I dont know how my server will handle it, it might be just fine and indeed I anticipate this, however it might turn to ****, I have never conducted such an event in empyrion.
    Being only 1 playfield used and it being size 3 that must mean minimum ram usage at least.

    If indeed the server runs great even if it manages to somehow reach 20 players, I may consider raising the max player count for next event.

    I may even rent a nitrado host for these events if they become possible with player interest.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  2. Mana_Sean

    Mana_Sean Commander

    Mar 19, 2017
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  3. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I wont be doing a stream myself unfortunately, future events maybe set something up but I need to see if this is going to work before i put the trimmings on and start broadcasting :)
  4. Mana_Sean

    Mana_Sean Commander

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Cool would love to watch it.
    Needleship likes this.
  5. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    If we get any players who want to attend some of them may broadcast it so will make sure they link here if they do.

    The battle is a bit short notice as I would normally advertise 24 hours before the event so I don't expect it will get much attention to begin with, who knows.
    Mana_Sean likes this.
  6. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Well, this idea went down like the titanic ahahah

    The tumbleweed is too thick around here.
    I tried using some of it as pilots but they would not fly so the event had to be called off unfortunately.

    Was a short notice, will recreate another for the weekend !

    If we get no takers then, I guess the forum is just full of builders and talkers, and no warriors.

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