Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Quoting Eviscerator here from a few pages ago: "The gist of the feedback is on how to improve or tweak it. Not to remove it."

    It's perfectly fine if you don't like the tech tree. I don't like it much either (in its current form). But keep in mind this thread is to provide feedback to the developers. Sure, it's entirely within "your rights" to let them know what you don't like about it but be fair and provide them with some suggestions/constructive feedback as well. Eviscerator already pointed this out a couple of pages ago.

    Let me provide you with a bit of additional information as well. How did this tech tree come to be? Well, for starters a very large part of the community actually wanted this to be implemented (it was one of the things people could choose when voting for new features). Since the devs implemented said tech tree we can asume they think it's a good idea as well. Knowing this, it's more likely the system is going to get changed to some extent, according to the feedback that has been given. It's rather unlikely they're going to remove it anytime soon. So why not provide them some feedback while keeping this in the back of your mind? Asume the system is going to happen and go from there (Otterbear wants it to be removed as well but despite that, he also came up with some really nice feedback, describing how the system would work for him).

    So, what needs to be adjusted for you to enjoy (or even tolerate) this new system? What do you want to see changed? That's what we'd really like to hear ;)
    Otterbear likes this.
  2. Hooster1

    Hooster1 Commander

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I really like the ideas of using a scanner to try and learn new things that can be then used in your constructor.

    Plants on other worlds - you can learn to make seedlings and plant them outside your base - they are native after all.
    More powerful weapons, better materials, faster mining drills, drills that pick up the ore for you (especially useful for the asteroids where the ore goes floating off).

    Right now, we get all the basic stuff fairly quickly. It's going to be interesting when the developers start adding stuff to the tech tree that start making a difference to game play.

    I also support a setup switch that enables/disables experience - turn it off and the entire tech tree is available to you.

    I am disappointed in people attacking other people's ideas when they don't agree with their vision of what they think the game should be. The forum should be where the community expresses their opinions about game features and provides feedback to the developers. Try to keep things constructive. Feel free to disagree, but explain why and try not to attack other ideas. Sometimes, even a bad idea will spark a good one.

    So far, the developers have done a great job in asking for our input, communicating what they are working on and quickly patching things they have broken. This is probably the most responsive group I have had the privilege of interacting with. Yes, everyone has their pet feature they want done now.... Some things take much longer to code, develop and test than others. Have patience.
    Otterbear likes this.
  3. Sirvolkmar

    Sirvolkmar Ensign

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Hallo Freunde
    Ich möchte mich erst mal Entschuldigen das ich kein Englisch kann und deswegen auf deutsch was zu Schreiben.
    Ich würde auch gern mal meine Meinung zu Spiel sagen.
    1. Ist das Spiel so wie es jetzt ist viel zu leicht.
    War in 5 Stunden theoretisch fertig, mit der Basis und der Nahrungskette.
    Was kann man besser machen ?

    Warum bekomme ich immer eine Meldung das Drohnen meine Basis Angreifen.
    Sie sollten ohne Vorankündigung kommen dann ist der Überraschung's Effekt groß.
    Bitte macht ein Richtiges Radar und kein Deco.
    Nur wenn ich das Radar habe aufgebaut dann kann diese Meldung kommen.

    2. Gibt mir ein Grund das ich das Abgestürzte Raumschiff freilegen soll.
    Nur wegen den Rohstoffen,macht kein richtigen Sinn.
    Aber wenn ihr zb. Baupläne im Cargo Box sind für ein Raumschiff oder sehr seltene Metalle die nur in den Astroriten sind dann kommt auch Goldgräberstimmung auf.

    3. Die Alien Geschütze sollten genau so weit schießen wie die besten Waffen von mir.
    Die Alien Basen werden von weiten aus ausgeschaltet ohne selber in Gefahr zu kommen. Bitte nachbessern.

    4.Würde ich mir wünschen eine Werkbank um zb. Patronen die man nicht brauch wieder aufarbeitet ( Kugeln-Magnesiumpulver).
    Natürlich dürfte die Werkbank nicht so schnell verfügbar sein.
    Zb. die Alien Werkstatt einnehmen und da die Werkbank abbauen und somit frei zu schalten um diese in der Basis aufzubauen.

    4. Zum Schluß noch sollten die Anzahl der Drohnen angriffe abhängig sein von der Spieler Anzahl.
    Solo Spieler bis 3 Drohnen wie es jetzt auch ist aber wenn 2 oder 3 mit Spielen dann sollten auch 10 Drohnen kommen.
    Alles andere ist keine Herausforderung.

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  4. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I do apologise but what you have just said doesn't make any sense as the web translators I use are unable to translate correctly. I get the gist of what you are saying is in relation to the tech tree and how you feel about it, with some suggestions on how you would like it to be. I gather there will be very few if anyone here that is able to read deustch/ German. I am also going to assume that the developers are native English speakers and will also be unable without a proper human translator, be able translate what you have just said. I am sure the community here appreciates your input but most of us will be unable to understand what it is you are saying.
  5. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    they are German
    Otterbear likes this.
  6. Sirvolkmar

    Sirvolkmar Ensign

    Nov 7, 2015
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    @angelight85 Ich weiß das die Entwickler deutsch lesen können.

    Der Tech-Baum so wie er jetzt ist.
    Ist er keine große Herausforderung .
    Mann hat schnell die XP zusammen um den Baum dann freizuschalten.
    Etwas ausführlicher sollte er schon sein,wie zb. Antriebe müssen erst in der Werkbank erforscht werden um sie dann in Tech-Baum frei zu schalten.
  7. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Deutsch Wurst Witze sind die wurst
  8. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    but I am not .... so...
  9. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Does it say "German sausage jokes are the wurst" or have we become victimized by a translator?
  10. tscottbean

    tscottbean Ensign

    Nov 4, 2015
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    this is my translator for what Volksmar wrote. Hello friends
    I would like to apologize first time that I can not speak English and therefore in German what to write.
    I would also like to even say my opinion on the game.
    1. Is the game the way it is now way too easy.
    Was theoretically finished in 5 hours, with the base and the food chain.
    What can you do better?
    Why do I always get a message that my basic attack drones.
    You should come without notice then the surprise's effect is great.
    Please make a Real Radar and no deco.
    Only when I built the radar then this message can come.

    2. gives me a reason I should expose the crashed spaceship.
    Only because of the raw materials, makes no proper sense.
    But if you, for example. Plans in the cargo box are on a spaceship or rare metals which are only in the Astro rites then coming gold rush on.

    3. The Alien guns should just as far as shooting the best weapons from me.
    The alien bases are eliminated from wide out without getting myself in danger. Please rectify.

    I 4.Würde me want a workbench to eg. Cartridges that you do not need re-worked up (balls-magnesium powder).
    Of course, the workbench should not be so readily available.
    Zb. take the Alien Workshop and because the workbench degrade and thus free to turn to establish these in the base.

    4. To conclude, the number of drone attacks should be dependent on the number of players.
    Solo Players to 3 drones as it now is, but if 2 or 3 with games then it is also 10 drones come.
    Everything else is not a challenge.

    Regards, Volkmar
  11. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Haven't even noticed tech tree limits .. been too busy surviving.
    But in response to people wanting to look for shards etc to progress
    last thing i need is something else forcing me outside further than i have to (on omicron)
    early gameplay limits ammunition and cover (thats survival)

    why not just consider XP as a general analogue for experience
    ie your toon thinking how to survive, and working out what he needs as he goes on
    then going back to his base/personal database and researching the recipes for the tools he needs
    isn't that what anyone does on the internet nowadays (queue greenskinned xenu ladybeast techtree)
    I'm more suprised we don't need to build a 'science' console specficaclly for techtree researching. that makes more sense
    Otterbear likes this.
  12. FarmerMark

    FarmerMark Ensign

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I have been playing this game a bit more and have now got virtually everything I need short of the CV in my Tech Tree and I haven't left Akua yet. I have still not needed to build an HV and went straight to a SV. As a result of this I have the following observations:

    1. HVs still need a reason to be built apart from having a self defence system which SVs don't.
    2. I can still get to the most powerful weapons too quickly
    3. I know what it coming up in each tree.
    4. It has forced me to consider more carefully how I approach certain tasks duirng the early game, particularly POI assaults.
    5. Once you can do it destroying the POI heavy weapons from a hovering SV whilst out of range using a railgun or plasma cannon is too easy and is like a duck shoot - but getting to this stage takes a little longer and does require some direct assaults to get the necessary components to make these advanced weapons.

    In my view, and it is only my view, the XP and TT system has made the early game more interesting and closer to a survival situation than it was before. If you want to build enormous vessels with all the wizzbangs on them then you can always use the Creative mode but in the survival game, I believe the game requires an element of pitching yourself against the elements whether they be aliens, the local flora and fauna or the environment. So it I had just been landed on a hostile alien planet with a broken survival pod and minimal equipment I would need to learn how to survive on that planet and even though I was the commander of the spaceship that crashed that doesn't mean I know how to make a sophisticated weapon, or how to build an advanced constructor (replicator), on the ship I would have told someone else to do it not done it myself.

    So I think I would need to develop a whole bunch of skills which are at different levels depending upon my personal history: if I had been an engineer before becoming commander I would have better skills in making and running stuff than perhaps physical skills or medical or agricultural skills for instance. I would also expect to be able to develop these skills by doing more of a type of activity, so building a farm with more than just a handful of plots would develop the agricultural skills further which in turn would lead to an increase in yield/time to harvest/food quality etc with perhaps the ability to grow different types of crops perhaps more native plants perhaps even hybrids for example. Shooting at the moment is pretty straightforward but if the targeting ability was based more on your experience to date with a type of weapon that would be better so being high skill with handguns does not mean being high skilled with rifles or shotguns for example (shooting range to practice and increase ability perhaps). Physical abilities could also increase on use so that walking halfway round the planet (which I have had to do on more than one occasion when my SV was destroyed whilst I was in a POI) would lead to an improvement in stamina and/or speed. I think also that there should be a research station to discover the next item in a TT, coupled with the ability to analyse alien weapons so for example the pistol and assualt rifle (and possibly the basic laser weapons) are earth based technology that can be researched and which either take time or XP or a combination of both to achieve whereas pulse laser and/or plasma weapons are alien technology which have to be recovered first from a drone or a POI before they can be reseached and understood, again coupled with ability in technology/research skills to determine success/speed in replicating. This could also be supplemented by finding blueprints for new weapons/star drives etc found in alien POI.

    In summary I think the addition of XP and TT has been net positive but it needs a lot more work and is far too simplistic for a game as sophisticated as this has the potential to be.

    One other thing whilst I think of it, don't pre-announce the drone attacks on bases at least until the radar works (or if the decorative radar has been built).
    Alo likes this.
  13. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    And what if nothing short of removing it altogether would make it tolerable? Which I can see is not going to happen.
    Techtrees are fine for strategy games, level and skill systems for RPGs. I don't see it being a desired or needed feature for this kind of game. I realize I am in the minority here and that's fine, but had I seen this coming I would have gave this game a miss and put my money into something else.
  14. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Tech trees can add diversity and chalanges and replay ability if done correctly. If tech gives new ability /advanages and you can't learn it all. This would allow for different way to replay in single player and for cooperation in multiplayer. The currently designed tech tree fails to do either of these.

    Example do I want to dig deep into infantry advancements and forfeit mining, I would most likely raid poi, do the opposite I might avoid poi for more mining opertunities. You can do everything without the tree if you want it's not unlocking anything just giving you benifits.
  15. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    - What do you think about the current system?
    It doesn't make any sense and nothing is tied to anything that it should be.

    - What could be improved?
    I would like to see a tech tree as described below. Also, as a separate mechanic, leveling up a skill by using that skill would be cool.

    - Is level progress too fast / slow?
    If the tech tree made sense, it would be too fast. As it is laid out right now, it doesn't matter. Very few things up the tech tree are worth getting or make much difference.

    - Tech tree and unlock points?
    Points should come from doing things toward what they're unlocking. Picking plants to unlock a technology is nonsense.

    - Other feedback?
    I'd like to see two types of progression:
    1- technology
    2- skills

    What I'd like to see for tech would be that you earn advanced tech by these methods:
    1- research (points would be generated by research facilities)
    2- gaining research points in a specific area, or toward unlocking a specific alien technology by:
    a- finding alien data discs/crystals/whatever
    b- sacrificing a piece of looted alien technology to the research station (or possibly even a specific device whose sole purpose is to reverse engineer things)
    3- You do NOT earn tech by unrelated means such as picking plants, shooting mobs, going near a POI.

    I would like to see tech divided into categories that make sense with related advances through each tier, such as:

    Propulsion - improves thrust/fuel/speed ratios of thrusters. Unlocks eventual high speed intra-system and inter-system drive technologies. Improves torque of RCS units. Could encompass other aspects of flight engineering, such as autopilot.

    Construction - improves armor/hit points/mass ratios of blocks you can create by discovering new materials/alloys and techniques. Improves time needed to craft things on constructors. Unlocks advanced components of other areas. For example you can't build the most sophisticated thrusters (even if you have the propulsion leveled up) until you are actually capable of properly creating/working with the materials needed to construct them and a ship that won't fall apart under the increased stresses. Or you can't build tier 5 computers until you get to tier 3 of construction and can manipulate small enough bits of matter to make the awesome new CPU you designed. And so on.

    Energy - improves how much energy you can squeeze from a fuel source into a battery, and the ability to control larger amounts of energy with more precision. Also unlocks advanced components in other areas. For example you can't build a super duper CV spinal laser until you have the ability to safely/predictably control the huge amounts of energy supplying the input of that weapon. And the top tier constructor requires extremely precise energy pulses to accurately manipulate tiny bits of matter.

    Computing - improves how many research points are generated by research facilities. Also unlocks advanced components that are used to build higher-tier parts. (For example you can't build an auto-tracking guided weapon until you develop a computer that is powerful enough to recignize targets and outsmart countermeasures.)

    Weapons - Improves accuracy*, damage, range of weapons. Also allows you to squeeze more ammo out of fewer materials as you learn the proper shapes/masses of projectiles and optimal charge to propel it. Advanced weapons tiers also include energy weapons. (This assumes that some day weapons will not all fire with 100% precision as they do today.)

    Geology/chemistry - allows you to build newer scanners that find resources from greater distances. Increases drill efficiency/speed. Allows auto-collection of mined ores, no more spamming the T key once you get to that level. Increases ore yields from deposits. Increases ingot yield from ores processed. Unlocks a deconstructor/recycler that allows greater disassembly of parts (such as melting down guns, pipes, wires, glass, etc, back into ingots.) Unlocks tools that can discover advanced ores (sathium, erestrum, etc?) that you cannot detect at all with lower tier equipment.

    Biology/cooking - Allows greater yield of drops (meat, plasma, fiber, etc) from killed mobs. Allows greater yields and/or shorter growing times from crops. Unlocks advanced grow lights and advanced planter boxes that improve farming. Unlocks advanced food processors. Improves food yield from the same amount of input material. Increases expiration time of perishables. Eventually unlocks stacking of (at least some) foods.

    As you can see, the different areas of tech would be somewhat dependent on each other. You do not have to advance all of them at the same rate, you can specialize. But you can't just run straight up one branch while completely ignoring all else.

    I've seen some great posts on skills already, so I will leave the skill part out of this post, other than to say I agree with the general idea of skill progression. :)
  16. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    I don't like it.

    It's an arbitrary grind which fundamentally undermines one of the strengths of the survival genre which is building = progression. Your sense of achievement comes from collecting stuff and making other stuff out of that - not from getting "experience" to make numbers go up. So the whole time you're playing you're in the game rather character sheets or watching an xp bar fill up.

    I used to love 7 Days to Die but have barely touched it since they added their progression system.

    If you're going to keep it I'd suggest making it optional - a simple config option.

    Also it's currently very limiting. I started a new game on Omicron and not having played much before I didn't know precisely how many of each component I needed to queue up to build a generator, fuel tank and constructor for a base. So I waited with the constructor and did them one by one.

    So eventually 2 drones turned up and I might have been able to handle them with the pistol but I ran out of oxygen. I had plenty of oxygen bottles. I built an oxygen tank on my base and I'm trying to figure out where the oxygen station is in the fabricator.... and eventually figure out I have to unlock it from the cursed tech tree. But I don't have enough points because I didn't immediately run off to kill things when I started the game.

    I thought building a base would be sensible. But because of the tech tree it was a fatal decision.

    I'm not turned off the game. I'm still optimistic. But I don't think it's in a great place right now.
  17. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Just started a new game and while falling from the sky I discovered 4 POI's making me hit level 2, before I even touched the ground.
    So what WOULD you like? :)
  18. Baba

    Baba Ensign

    Sep 19, 2015
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    Hallo Empyrion Freunde

    Habt ihr auch seit dem letzten update folgendes Problem ??!!

    Ich sterbe und hinterlasse keinen Rucksack!!

    Eigentlich freue ich mich auf jeder Update das bis jetzt kam. Habe auch immer neu angefangen um alles neue zu erleben.
    Aber nun ist es so! Ich hab keine Lust mehr auf das spiel. Wenn ich sterbe ist mein Rucksack eh wieder weg.

    Kann man irgendwas dagegen tun ?


    Hello Empyrion friends

    Did you also since the last update following problem ?? !!

    I die and leave no backpack !!

    Actually, I am pleased that came on every update so far . Have always begun again to all to experience new .
    But now it is so ! I get tired of the game . When I die my backpack eh gone.

    Can something do about it?
  19. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    When I drop things to the floor (that's basically what happens what you die) it despawns after a while. How much time passed between dying and running back to the spot where you died? Perhaps you took too long?
  20. Baba

    Baba Ensign

    Sep 19, 2015
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    Ich schreib zusätzlich mal meine wünsche die ich für sinnvoll halte.

    Radar - Mit einem Radar bekomme ich nachrichten ob sich drohnen in meine richtung bewegen.

    Labor - mit dem labor kann ich von jeder pflanze ein gegenstueck rein legen und erhalte die info was ich daraus bauen kann ... ich hab jetzt schon ein paar mehrere stunden gespielt aber ich sehe keinerlei sinn pflanzen im grossen style zu sammeln da ich eh nicht weis fuer was es ist.

    Panzerung -- es ist ja schoen das ich ein triebwerk mit panzerung habt aber ich fände es sehr schoen wenn ich an meinem raumschiff von zeit zu zeit meine waffen austauschen koennte in gepanzerte waffen ! ihr muesst dazu nichtmal unbedingt eine neue grafik machen ... evt nur 2 verschiedenne farben wie blau und lila oder blau und grau

    ich würde mir ein bike wünschen . das nur ganz simpel ist ... 2 duesen ein sitz und einen tank fuer max 2 baterien .. also ich kann drauf sitzen und über den planeten fahren .... der fahrer ist nicht gepanzert und kann von tiere und drohnen verletzt werden

    der bodengleiter muss sich dem boden besser anpassen koennen... man bleibt überall hängen obwohl ich schon in 2 m höhe bin ... auch zusätzliche schwebesysteme brachten mir keine hilfe ... da ich ständig hängen bleib ! baue ich keine BG mehr...

    wasser ... es gibt ja nur den generator .... aber wie wäre die idee wenn man den generator für wasser so ändert, das er eher wie ein block ist und ich leitungen bis zur basis bauen kann und in der basis muss der gleiche generator sein um es bedienen zu koennen.
    man kann es sich so vorstellen wie früher als kind ... 2 joghurtbecher und eine schnur dazwischen spannen

    ein update für meinen körper anzug wäre auch sinnvoll ... vorallem nachts da alles zu dunkel ist wünsch ich mir eine lampe
    gerne auch zeitlich begrenzt z.b. eine baterie pro nacht

    wenn ich eine basis erober den kern abbaue und meinen setz sollten auch die alienwaffen unter meiner kontrolle sein

    so ich hoff es kommt bei euch entwickler an auch wenn ich es hier auf deutsch schreibe
    und macht weiter so ... unser dedicate wartet um ein server für unsere community zu hosten

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