SSG Playfield templates

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by Sephrajin, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    For my Alpha 8.x Scenario 'Vertigo Cluster', I've created custom templates to be used by the SSG to creative the Galaxy of the scenario.
    A month ago I said wanted to share it, just recently I remembered that and here we go! :)

    To be used with the SSG, simply follow these steps:
    1. Copy paste the playfield folders into:
      <EGS Install Dir>\Content\Playfields
    2. Now go to:
      <EGS Install Dir>\Content\RandomPresets
    3. Copy paste the file:
      and name the new file
      solarsystemconfig - <My Scenario>
    4. Open
      solarsystemconfig - <My Scenario>
    5. Now, Change the list of the SectorPlanets by adding the new folder their names as 'Planet Names', and the number how many of those shall occour in the generated scenario, so it will look like:
          - TemperateStarter, [2]
          - Snow, [4]            # +1 used as neighbor
          - Desert, [4]          # needed for resources
          - DesertHG, [4]          # Custom style
          - Barren, [4]
          - Temperate, [4]
          - TemperateHG, [4]
          - TemperateWater, [4]
          - Lava, [4]
          - LavaHG, [4]
          - Alien, [4]
          - AlienHG, [4]
          - SnowStarter, [1]
      Modify the numbers to you desiere! :)
      (the full file i've used for the Vertigo Cluster (0.1) is included)
    6. Start SSG
    7. Select your custom solarsystemconfig
    8. Click generate
    9. Export and give name
    10. Enjoy :)

    The changes of my playfields for the Vertigo Cluster (0.1) are mostly trivial and changed with multiplayer in mind.
    Also, the 'branded' starter planets are not included, as those were 'individual' work, unlike these generated ones (for which the SSG does a great job, thanks @devs!).

    Most Highlights of the Vertigo_Cluster_Playfield_Templates are:
    * Snow Starter
    * 'Water' Planet
    * 'High Gravity' variants of Alien, Barren, Desert, Lava

    Hope you like, and/or if you have better templates (likely) feel free to share them here!
    Thank you! :)

    Attached Files:

    Needleship and rainyday like this.
  2. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I'm getting 'NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an intance of an object' when I try to generate the sector... :confused:
  3. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    And I just thought, lets share the files that I had used, without testing… :oops::mad::confused:
    Digging in...
  4. open6L

    open6L Ensign

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Missing AlienHG?
  5. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Happens when one uploads the original files, that I had created during late 8 experimental :p
    Adjusted for 8.5, includes now even the SnowStarter planet!

    Not including: Vertigo Prime, Vertigant, Dra, Doules
    Not included: Custom POI's (hostile and brands) & Community Bases

    Due to the SSG, the planets will be placed random with 'random' connections, NOT like the Scenario!

    Zipfile updated.
    But now, have fun with it! :)
  6. texas_tornado

    texas_tornado Lieutenant

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Hey guys, there is a much easier way to use your custom templates and set up a solar system configuration using the SSG! You can follow these steps and then select your templates here!

    1 - start the SSG and click on the 'Sector' tab. Then click on 'Type Config'

    2 - From here, you can set some values on what will define a planet type as well as modify existing planet types. Note here, for the Playfields dropdown will be populated with the available playfields in the selected playfields directory (in my case, the default).


    When you add your custom templates to the reference directory, they will populate into the dropdowns after refreshing or restarting the SSG:

    3 - Now that you have your planet types defined and tweaked, you can now set your population settings

    4 - Finally go to the System Config tab and set these values as you want and put in a filename and output directory

    5 - Click save config. When you now pull down the Config File dropdown, you should see your new file (if the output and current directory are the same in my case the default RandomPresets folder)

    6 - Input a seed and click generate. You can now either create a Scenario out of this (click Export Scenario) or use this as your 'solarsystemconfig.yaml' (MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!!) and start a random game with the file using your custom templates! :D

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