So I decided to increase the amount of spawns in the normal space playfield to make it more of a challenge just as a test.... and now I know why we can't have much activity in space right now, the frame rate dropped to almost nothing lol! Such a shame, I so want space to be a filled with activity and dangers and random things going on, so this is what I attempted to do: Name: MainDroneBase Count: [4, 7] DroneOnDuty: Name: [SpaceDroneLaser, SpaceDronePlasma] Count: [20, 80] Name: [Freighter] Count: [10, 40] Name: [OrbitalPatrolVessel] Count: [10, 20] Name: [BAO_Migotzu-Orbital-Hub, BAO_XenuSupplyStation, BAO_AntarisSpacefarm, BAO_XenuShipyard, BAO_Dion-III, BAO_Thermica-Station, BAO_XenuSupplyStation, BAO_GhostRiderShipyard, BAO_OrbitalSpire, BAO_CrusaldOrbital, BAO_PF2, BAO_RadosRepairStation] Count: [0, 12]
Can't actually see why this would be an issue though, just been watching task manager whilst running the game with these settings, and CPU and GPU are both not anywhere near 100% usage, so not sure why this would drop the FPS so much.
Tripling the entries (from default) seems to be just about playable, but it still drops the FPS down quite a bit, by almost half infact, but at least it stays around 50fps now.
Forget CPU/GPU usage for a moment, and check out *memory* usage. I suspect this is where the issue lies, particularly with a lower ram setup that uses a lot of virtual (swapfile) memory
I suspect that the DSL system does not work with things spawned in that way. So while you can have 1,000 static POIs in space, you can't have nearly that many drone capable bases/ships/etc.