Alpha 8.6 - Feedback: Swamp Planet

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    New Swamp Planet:
    - Added new temperate swamp planet with a high biome diversity. The new planet can be found in the Random Default scenario and in the Akua-Omicron scenario as Roggery planet
    - The planet includes more than 20 new POIs (thanks to binhthuy71, rainyday, Ramachandra, jmcburn, jrandall, Needleship for their POIs) and several new terrain stamps (2 biomes on this planet were inspired by Vexray's creations)




  2. caesarbear

    caesarbear Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Looks like it's both a challenge with building and hovers while valuable in resource and intrigue. Looking forward to exploring one.
    StyxAnnihilator and Sofianinho like this.
  3. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I notice you are still calling this a "temperate" planet, as opposed to a "swamp" planet. I think it should be labeled something different.

    Color of atmosphere felt a bit too vivid / oversaturated to me. The images above look good but in game it just seems a bit too colorful.

    There is not much biome variation north to south. I would expect some distinction between warm swampland versus colder wetlands both in terms of flora and fauna. Compare and contrast these images from Alaska and Florida.

    upload_2018-9-6_10-25-24.png upload_2018-9-6_10-27-37.png

    The water of swamp biomes is too clear. There are reeds and other plants sticking out of it, which is good. Sometimes there's trees in it, which is good. But I've never seen water that has plants or algae on it like this:


    Or muddy like this:


    It seems like the game needs a concept of textures on water or something like that, rather than water always being transparent.
    vinurd, Sofianinho and NOLOS like this.
  4. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Forgot one thing: I also felt the planet had too many mountains. This was the stock "Roggery" planet, not a random one. This may be a problem for all temperate planets, in my experience they have as many mountains as oceans. Since mountains are created by tectonic activity they often form chains, yet in Empyrion they're often giant blobs.
    Sofianinho likes this.

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