Alpha 8.5 - Feedback: New AI models and behavior

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    New and Updated NPC Creatures:

    - Amphibian behavior: can be found close to water / in shallow water on Temperate planets
    - Roams around spawned position, but tends to walk in water
    - When it is alerted by player, but the player is too far for attack (20 meters), it will follow the player but will stay in the water
    - If player get's a bit closer, it will attack the player
    - If lured too far from water, it will return to water
    - If its HP is low, it will run from player into the water
    - If it encounters the player in water - it will follow him on the bottom of the water body slowly, if the player will be close enough both in distance and not too far from the bottom of the water, it will attack him

    - Replaces Triceratops with updated behavior

    - Replaces old Arachnid ((internal CaveWorm) with updated behavior (aggressive, attack player on sight, during the attacks sometimes retreats a bit to make angry gesture)

    - Replaces old Otyugh with updated behavior (aggressive with roaring before attack, big and slow)

    Desert Worm:
    - Replaces old Desert Worm with updated behavior
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    New NPC Behaviors:
    - when calm: roams the surroundings
    - low alert: searches the player
    - when player is spotted: circling formation attack
    Circling formation attack:
    - all animals in the group will circle in random direction around player
    - only one animal can attack at the same time.
    - animal can only attack when it is in front of the player
    - when the animal attacks the player, the attack can be interrupted by weapon fire or evasion

    Lizard Mule:
    Updated behavior (similar to before but in the new AI framework)

    Updated behavior (similar to AlienBug03 and in the new AI framework)

    General AI Behavior Improvement:
    - When there is no attackable target, but the AI has a non attackable threat - the agents will run away (applied for: Raptors, Parasaur, Spider, CaveWorm, Crawler, Overseer, Alien Assassin)
    - better terrain analysis - avoiding mountains and water
    Better Target Info:
    - Added info panel for NPCs and other players displaying name/type and health
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Known issue: some Missions might not work at the moment as they expect the old NPCs (like Triceratops). Please manually complete the task in the PDA INFO mission overview (top-center box)
  4. Earth Marshal

    Earth Marshal Ensign

    Aug 31, 2018
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    I'm glad to see the addition of the Telluropod. The water really needed something. However, it's now perplexing how I would get down to a wreck to salvage it, as none of my weapons work under water. May I suggest adding some sort of speargun? Having some ability to battle these things under water would add a cool dynamic, and would let me get my grubby little hands on all those engines sitting at the bottom of this lake.

    -sorry, this isn't about AI behavior, but more about the game balance. I couldn't find an appropriate place to post about how the update effects balance issues.
  5. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    We could use one or more of:
    • Grenades
      • Explosive
      • Stun
    • Melee weapons
      • Everyone could start with a knife (more likely to have that than a "survival tool")
      • Machete or axe could be used to chop wood or gather other plant material
      • Spear would be great
    • Speargun
      • A great idea specifically for underwater battles, if they eventually go more the "subnautica" route
      • One potential problem with speargun is that the "ammo" is a spear/harpoon.
    • Laser
      • Lasers really should work underwater, it may have significantly attenuated damage and range (maybe even 80% less) but still work.
    • Rockets
      • Rockets can fire underwater because they have their own oxygen source
      • They should fire more slowly and have less range
    • Torpedos
      • Once we have underwater vehicles (or HV's can dive) then you could create an underwater-only weapon
    I don't know how much effort they plan to put into underwater environments, so I'd recommend just making lasers and rockets work underwater (with reduced range and possibly reduced damage).
  6. Earth Marshal

    Earth Marshal Ensign

    Aug 31, 2018
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    The spears for the spear gun could be made in the constructor from sheet metal. The gun itself is incredibly simple - just some of that rubber stretchy tube that they make slingshots from - so you'd just need some rubber-ish stuff and some metal, some mechanical parts for the action/release of the gun.

    Come to think of it, what if we could make fins for better mobility in water? There could be a minor branch in the tech tree for sub-aquatic abilities. This =could= go in a really neat direction, or it could be something that's a total pain with the current engine. Dunno, I'm not a game developer. But at least the spear-gun so we can defend while salvaging wrecks, please?

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