its an old bug/exploit, only way to lower altitude is kill power and turn it back on to slow ur decent. but if you come down to hard and hit something just right way will bounce ya up on end or completly upsidedown.
i am glad you were able to find some success with your alterations. i agree lateral movement on the stock Glaive maybe among it's shortcomings. i would also recommend increasing the stock armor for any combat operations. with the upcoming changes to HVs, i hope to offer more viable HV options in the future. as a side note, i find it ironic that your video gained more likes than the original design post, or any of the indepth testing regarding HVs discused elsewhere. good job!
This is the HV I use in my series on Ningues to go over the mountain ranges. It has three cargo boxes in back and a constructor underneath. It hovers high enough that you can walk underneath it to access the constructor. It will go over any and all terrain as long as you don't drive like a doofus.
Your vehicle is very light, which means a very high clearance, so of course it will go over anything. I do like the compact design.
I present to you The Otunga MK2.An updated model of the original including an extra hover engine and an extra gun mount. Tried this in Akua and worked suprisingly well.Inside you have all you need to live off outside your base.(Think of it as a floating RV) and the 2 gun mounts will keep those pesky creatures at bay while you mine (the Original Model had a Rocket Turret but it got swapped due to being too dangerous to players) Here is what you will find inside: -1 Generator -1 RCS Unit -1 Small Constructor -1 Fridge -1 Container -1 Oxygen Station + Tank -1 Fuel Tank -1 Core (Covered with Armor plating) Let me know what you people think! Note: Due to a glitch the Otunga spawns with only one turret.The top one is missing.
The turret on the bottom looks as if it may cause problems if there is a mob behind you. Looks like it would shoot through the GV/HV. Have you had or noticed any issues with that on this build?
I present the Simplex, a very well tested HV, designed for rugged, sloped, and hilly terrain. It does not have a constructor or fridge so you need to survive on rations or canned food. Other than that, it is 2.3 tons, 20h on standby, and 9h of driving. It's well protected and very capable.
I know that but it turns out the turret doesnt do damage to the blocks.I never had once repaired the blocks behind the turret when it tried to fire someone behind the vehicle.
do turret attached on sides (like, rotated, so they lie horizontally) work or do they shoot you as much as enemyes?
So, i have been tinkering with HVs again. my past designs no longer offer the desired performance. i think i have managed results worth sharing. i am not ready to offer a production prototype. i will share what passed field trials in my current survival game. it has only seen service on akua, and i suspect modifications will be necessary on other worlds. i does have some oddities, but i defer to the experience of the operator to ensure safe use of the Horizon UH.
I played around with this one. It is a cool design. I just recessed the thrusters, added 2 in the rear and added to the front to fix the turret over hang. Replaced the forward thrusters wit normal ones for better breaking. It fly's good from the get go traverses hills with ease. Very nice work. Thank you for sharing!
Inspired by a cruiser design I saw on Steam (can't remember who made it - Baron von Beefy? I think?) I decided to make a smaller patrol boat, aptly named 'Patrol Boat'. Runs well, 180 degree firing arcs for both turrets and plenty of room for upgrades if need be. What do you guys think?
I am new to empyrion been playing about a week. I decided I wanted a Mack themed hover. I think I did reasonably well even kept it relatively small. 7t. All the amenities are met and never once flipped or stuck. Climbs hills like a champ.
After spending a few weeks in survival, I went to creative to become creative. I present the HVA-1 Rhino (Hover Vessel Artillery - 1 "Rhino") and the HVS-1 Mustang (Hover Vessel Scout - 1 "Mustang").