What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

    Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

    stanley bourdon and Runeshadow like this.
  2. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Fiber is becoming more and more useful. Bandages, biofuel, ammo powder, carbon substrate, nanotubes...

    I can see the argument for not automating harvesting since it's conveniently in your base and thus comparable to going out and doing some mining, but it definitely adds up, especially in large factions.
  3. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Same here. I am closing in on 10k hours in the Game, been playing since November 2015, early pre-alpha. I have seen many changes and rolled along with all of them.

    My hope is that we will continue the tradition of having the most controversial features be optional.

    I have seen many good suggestions, I like the idea of having the regular large constructor be an early-game, direct access device with it's own inventory and output. Same for Food Processor and other devices, a basic, direct-access version, and an advanced version that takes advantage of the new logistics. It would then be possible to build bases and ships capable of playing the entire game without the more tedious parts.

    I realize I am in the minority here. I am a builder and this game is primarily a survival game. I very much appreciate the building features, but if I am disconnected from the main survival features, it won't be much fun to build in Creative Mode for a dwindling player-base stuck in the old, archived versions of the game.

    From time to time, I chimed in on the Space Engineers vs. EGS debate, but it was never really a debate for me. SE was too tedious with all the logistics. I hated SE from the start for not having simple access to the devices I saw right in front of me. I see EGS going in that same direction.

    I love this game, obviously. There have been excruciating times when bugs, personal equipment failures and the like kept me from playing. During those times, I tried a few other games. I managed a few hours lol.

    Minecraft. Brilliant work in that game from players who became experts in making cool shapes with cubes. EGS was a huge improvement on that system with all the block shapes. Playing Minecraft seems like a step backwards now.

    Planet Explorers. Some really cool building features, but enough weird, clunky issues to offset the good stuff. Not much discussion in their forums about building. It seems like an afterthought to them.

    Avorion, Stormworks. Same as Space Engineers. Tedious circuitry and logistics. Long learning curve.

    And then there are quite a few game that offer "Building" , which amounts to earning credits in the game to modify and upgrade pre-made stuff. Modular building with pre made stuff and a few upgrade options is not building.

    Devs, please consider these words from several of your long-term supporters, and also the newcomers.

    You have created the best building game ever.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
  4. Javier Rodriguez

    Javier Rodriguez Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2018
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    This times 10000!

    You can be so creative in this game, all while playing an adequate survival sim with some light elements from other games thrown in, all while building a ship, exploring space, and lots of combat.

    Weight/volume throws a big wrench in the tires of that formula. The entire idea of it baffles me that anyone would think it's a necessary step in the right direction.

    I can actually handle the basic idea of the logistics system, but it needs to be improved for functionality a great deal before it can be considered a welcome addition.

    To answer the question in the main post of the thread though, my least fun part of this game is the long tedious grind on the first planet. Not even factoring the new weight management system, it takes waaaay too long to get started, finding and mining all the ores you need for a base, hv, and sv just to get off the starter planet to move on to the more interesting space parts of the game. Let's be honest...we are all playing this for space exploration and combat....NOT to have a realistic planet based survival sim.

    Exploring the planets should be fun. Raiding poi's, finding resources, etc. However mining and harvesting at some point needs automation to export those resources across the planet to a land base. That base needs to export items to a space base, that can then export items to other space bases, effectively creating a supply chain that makes all the work you've done on creating infrastructure on the planets you've left behind ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING. Right now each planet is just a stepping stone for loading in to your mobile cv base.

    This is kind of boring.
  5. Nikola

    Nikola Lieutenant

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Inventory management. It's way more fiddly that it needs to be, and since it's something that players will be doing all the time, it should the MOST streamlined and user friendly feature possible.
    dichebach, Sasquatch and Runeshadow like this.
  6. imtimex

    imtimex Ensign

    Dec 13, 2018
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    Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

    Watching my constructors not do anything is also not fun.
  7. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    If you exit and the re-enter the constructor does it catch up to where it should have been while you were watching it not progress or does it act like its just started crafting?

    I ask because there's been an issue of it not showing its work till you exit and re-enter it. I've seen the same thing happen with my suit constructor and portable constructor.
    Runeshadow likes this.
  8. imtimex

    imtimex Ensign

    Dec 13, 2018
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    I wish! I've tried everything I know of to fix it. Exit/Enter the menu, re-log, clear cache, I've even gone as far as removing all of my constructors and replacing them. Once, I sat in the menu of one and it finally caught up after 10 minutes and started crafting... but with my farmer/crafter gameplay style and 6 construtors, that'd be too much like real work if that trick works consistently.
    Sasquatch likes this.
  9. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Wow ok definately sounds like a different bug than I was experiencing then. Might be worth making sure this ones been reported in the the bug thread.
    imtimex likes this.
  10. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Ideally I would want to have mass-production farms that grow the exact variety and volume of crops to produce X number of Emergency Rations per day, but it's time-consuming to manually harvest it all, craft it into its respective components, and babysit it so that the parts don't spoil before they can be finally assembled into an emergency ration. A few times I've just tossed all the basic materials into the food processor at once, they never made it to a full emergency ration because something spoiled along the way. Now I generally just craft the parts as I get them and store them in a fridge, then assemble them into rations when I have enough for a few, but this is still very tedious and I'd prefer if it was automated.

    I'd also like it if the output box of a food processor halted spoil timers like a fridge. It's very annoying to batch-craft s0mething with a fast spoil timer, like raw meat, and then have to keep checking on it and pulling the meat out to refridgerate because it could spoil in the processor before all the stacks are even done crafting. Very annoying.
    Track Driver and Nikola like this.
  11. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers. Looting and using storage have become annoying and fiddling.
    paxxo1985 and elmo like this.
  12. Nikola

    Nikola Lieutenant

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Another possibility would be the NPC Crew system. Their "maintenance" would be water and food, not only that but they could "demand" proper rooms in order to work for you, like in Dwarf Fortress. =)
  13. silentius

    silentius Ensign

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Least fun for me are actually 2 things.
    1. All the time I start a new game I need to learn all in the tech tree. This is a stupid click concert. I would love to get some learn all function or if this is not possible why not allowing us to learn directly in constructor and simply auto learn all dependencies.
    2. I love to remove all the devices, doors, lights etc from POI's. What is a pain in the *** is to disassemble it entirely. Even the MultiTurret only removes one block at the time. I know it is still faster but I would like to have the possibility to define some area in Config.ecf (instead of 1x1 remove 3x3 blocks).
  14. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Mining with the tier 1 drill. I have three problems with this:
    1- The drill is ugly compared to beamed drills. The beam looks like it would be powerful enough to mine terrain as fast as we do while the basic drill doesnt make any sense.
    2- Mining takes too long.
    3- The small vessel should be able to mine. Considering volume and weight is a factor now, why not?
  15. Spirit_OK

    Spirit_OK Captain

    Jan 10, 2018
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    This. If you're playing SP and started POI deconstruction, the best guess is you killed everyone outside, inside, cored it, and there is no immediate danger around, so it is just another time-killer. There could be an anti-repair block for vehicles and a demolition block for BAs, deconstructing them quickly (ents -> destroy with some arbitrary delay) and giving back to connected box about 50% blocks.
    Worked well in Antaeus Rising - disassembling damaged or captured vehicles was a great way of repurposing limited resources.
  16. Javier Rodriguez

    Javier Rodriguez Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2018
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    Yes! What I would love to see, is the chainsaw, drills, and different tiers of multitool completely removed, as well as the ammo/fuel for those things. They add nothing of value to the game, and increase tedium with itemisation.

    What I purpose, is handle everything on one multitool with adding to the world with left click, removing with right click. The tool permanently stays with you, never runs out of fuel, and increases in capability with upgrades through the skill tree.

    Harvest trees, rocks, dig/mine, paint, texture...do everything with that one tool, instead of all the dumb crap we do right now. And the removal of fuel/ammo for this device is to prevent new players from digging themselves in to a spot they can't jump out of, and running out of fuel. At that point they are gonna be frustrated that they bought this stupid game, and get a refund.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
    Runeshadow likes this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I've been calling for this ever since the drills were added to the game. It makes much more sense than putting drills on CVs or even HVs.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Nice, yes:). But what do you think how large have the "SMALL" Vessel to be to take up a load like this->
    9032072 Creative_2018-12-16_11-33-16.png
  19. NimrodX

    NimrodX Commander

    Dec 13, 2018
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    Collecting water to make oxygen for your well-established base.

    Trying to flatten and smooth terrain. Flatten works OK except when the height difference is too high and it starts making a jagged mess instead of continuing to make a plateau.

    Smoothing terrain is nearly impossible because of the inconsistent manner in which the points respond to filling and drilling. We really need a smooth option or a slope option on the tool.

    Here's the situation that's currently difficult: say you're on the side of a slight hill and you want to make a landing pad. You flatten out an area. Oops, some areas need manual drilling or filling so they will flatten. Then you somehow don't get that right and have to go through a few iterations of flatten, fill, flatten, fill, flatten.

    Then after that you still can't get the terrain to merge with your "pavement" the way you want.

    Due to the difficulty I don't spend too much time worrying about it, but the main thing is that I don't really want pits and divots around where i might get stuck for a second when trying to run for my life.
    Spirit_OK and stanley bourdon like this.
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Haven't a clue! I haven't as yet embraced the new weight/mass/volume restrictions. I don't know that I care to. As you may (or may not) have read in my previous posts, I am a big believer in TV Magic. I don't see the point or value in excessive reality in a Sci-Fi Fantasy game.

    In any case, mining with a CV, in my (SP) experience, is more than a little awkward. Maneuvering a CV thru an asteroid field, lining up an ore-rich asteroid, avoiding the other asteroids, all this would be more practical with an SV of whatever size.

    I have always had stability problems with HV drill rigs once I started digging. That may just be a fault in my design, but an SV wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) have that problem.

    Next month will make 3 years and nearly 5000 hours of game time. Mostly it's been great. But I find there is still a great deal that I don't understand as to why certain things are the way they are.:confused:
    Morrigan and Javier Rodriguez like this.

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