General Feedback

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Rafe Andedare

    Rafe Andedare Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2015
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    My idea about the ores depleting is to make it so that the materials necessary to produce the lowest tier of weapons, medicine, tools, food and shelter are in a relatively inexhaustible supply. The existing ore deposits should be much larger, but protected by hordes of aliens etc. This would encourage cooperation as a means of advancing in technology and discourage people camping on the resources.
  2. Alchimeriste

    Alchimeriste Commander

    Aug 8, 2015
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    This is just a feedback not a critic or a trolling post !

    You have to balance the gameplay for multiplayer :

    Survival-Mining/Harvest-Construction VS Drive-Looting-Destruction​ not the same.
    ..and it's so easy to get screwed just by looking at the radar which is in its base and where is the base .

    You are wasting your time and the quality of your game on this way.
    A survival with trolls and raiders ok but gameplay may change to accept that.

    And if we assume that systematic raids/destruction this is a normal situation , then it is useless to attempt a creative gameplay and multi nobody will build anything except large clans who come for this.

    Where is the creativity when destruction is more easly?

    Mmmmm... see that, a lot of experiences approximates this :

    Act 1
    The creative/builder looking for a place and explore the planet : need time and ressources
    The robber looks at his map bases : need eyes

    Act 2
    The creative imagines an idea, a concept for its future home : need imagination, time and ressources cause XP
    The robber take/steal weapons and vessels to find a victim : need nothing

    Act 3
    The creative builds slowly. He must collect each resources and survive in the wild : need time, imagination, ressources
    The raider arrives, steals and loots : need a lot of empty slot ou cargobox to take all

    Act 4
    The creative ends after several days his work. It disconnects : need a few days, imagination, ressources and time
    The stiffness seen on the map that the creative is gone and destroyed everything in 5 minutes with a small ship : stolen weapons and vessels

    Creative = builder
    Krenios likes this.

    ALEXFIRE Ensign

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Make an option on singleplayer - resume/new game (option inside the game) to open it for friends instead of considering that the respective game will actually be already open. Allowing this way the user to run a single player in the same machine that th server is running without giving a warning that he/she cannot open two instances of a server. The user would receive the warning then, and if the server is already running and he or she attempts to open his/her singleplayer game without closing the dedicated server instance.

    ALEXFIRE Ensign

    Nov 17, 2015
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    • make the player looses techtree points whenever he kills another player or destroy someone else's buildings.
  5. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Thank you, I found my telnet problem, the telnet enable line was commented out in the new yaml file. The other issue was missing lines in my saved version of the yaml file. All is well now.
  6. zergling_brood

    zergling_brood Lieutenant

    Aug 2, 2015
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    The server list (of multiplayer games to join) needs "sort by" for each of the four properties.
    adriel likes this.
  7. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    OK so after extensively playing straight since the dedicated server release , countless cofees and a sleepless night

    with keeping in mind this is Early Access and that faction system has been mentioned already , id like to say my opinion on what i feel currently.

    I think too many people are whining about backstabbing or looting on servers , thats given with the tiny planet size and large player ammounts as well as easy to destroy blocks . I think this game should not be watered down to the point raiding is not possible or is punished just because a certain group is whining , its Empyrion galactic "SURVIVAL" get over it peeps , instead what should be done is , for the players crafting armored blocks and defense systems should consume allot of resources but on the other hand damaging those blocks should require so much ammo that raiding becomes Hard and a raider group thinks before doing such a thing , but when they do successfully it should be satisfying .

    i for one found it challenging and thrilling to survive and thrive with 16 people on the server out of which more than half were hostile , it gave a sense of reward for successfully defending and killing the raiders .
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
    cdgmaboroshi and Neil like this.
  8. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    I don't mind so much the looting and backstabbing if it is done in the context of game play. What I object to is when it is done simply to cause grief. Pop in, do a bunch of damage, loot, pop out and never return. I've yet to play in a truly hostile environment, and actually am more of a PVE/cooperative player. But if they allowed factions in some controlled manor (configuration limits number of factions and number of players allowed in each) then I think some of the griefing might be better controlled (not in a faction, you show up as red and could be considered fair game, or recruited).

    I like the idea of better armor for bases, but that would also require locked doors of all sizes. But I think they'll get there eventually. One step at a time.
    Rafe Andedare likes this.
  9. Mikiy

    Mikiy Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2015
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    All the complaining about ore shortage and griefers on servers is kinda funny, i don't know why people expected this game to turn into a multiplayer-success with the initial release of its server software.

    The main advantage of having a server software finally is that people can now travel to different places on their own without having to group up and for that i consider this server software a great success. For people that play with their 2-3 friends in a private multiplayer game this was always one of the major issues. Stuff like open pvp/looting/destroying/griefing is absolutely no issue at all for small private games.

    I don't know why they went down the route of having big public servers on the initial release of servers tho, as in my opinion the game is nowhere near ready for that yet and it was very predictable that fully-open-pvp would only spawn negative feedback. Woulda probably been better to put the max players for servers initially on something really low and maybe not have public ones at all until the game is really ready for open-worlds.

    A good open-multiplayer game needs lots of extra anti-griefing mechanics and administration tools to deal with abuse, but they should imo rather work on the basics atm then spending to much time with fine tuning multiplayer. Porting the server software to linux, optimizing its ram-usage (since this game was supposed to have way more planets right?), cutting down the amount of processes to the minimum needed (i.e. none for areas with no players), adding basic administration commands kick/ban/whitelist/gamemode(creative) and design the server software in a way that its easy to add a good modding-api to it, so that mods can later be written for the servers tailored to their needs i.e. ressource respawning, randomizing of spawn locations for new players/spreading new players to different planets/solar systems, customizing the size of the galaxy, ownerships of structures/planets etc..
    Ricco likes this.
  10. Tiv

    Tiv Lieutenant

    Oct 30, 2015
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    That happened in H1Z1 and for me and all the buddies I met it is the milestone of start wasting the game. They listened to people who are not using the thing between their ears and removed rewards for players being smart. We were able to jump in bases or only had to blast a few walls / doors to get to the loot, if! the bases were not build smart. People start crying louder than others, devs came by with a "jumpfix" and a ridiculous safety system wich prevents blasting certain walls / doors and so survival became to team death match.

    tl;dr Devs obeied to one playerbase and ruined the whole game
  11. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    yep , As i said , the loot and defence , both should be rewarding , for example , toughness of destroying buildin blocks , costing precious ammo , ways to unlock locked equipment like a constructor via tough hacking mini game of the sort and by tough i mean very tough .

    there are many ideas to balance this and make both things equally rewarding . for now id like to see a HUGE procedural gate of the sort for ship hanger that can adjust its side according to the opening , not that hard to impliment .
  12. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I was looking through the logs and do not see that player joins and parts are being logged. I think that this would be a good idea.

    Also, timestamps in the log entries would be really nice. (date/time)

    Thanks :)

    Edit: I found the joins and parts, if I could just get timestamps in there it would be much more usable.

    Thanks :)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    Yolofessional likes this.
  13. Deor

    Deor Ensign

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Its not a question of watering down the game, its a question of options. Faction system and defenses, as you say above, are very much needed. I'd also like the option to run my server in PvE mode where people cant just randomly grief each other, but if you want to set up opposing factions and declare war on each other you can. This works very well on the Ark server i run for my game group.
    RobDog and adriel like this.
  14. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I agree that there should be options, sometimes you want an all out war, and other times you want a fun building game. For the latter we need much better protection. For the former you need a faster way to construct weapons/vehicles so you don't spend 10 hours making a vessel that lasts 5 minutes in a fight.
  15. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I have a question for the devs. I want to make npc bases using blueprints for use in multiplayer. I tried placing an alien core in a base in creative and then transferring that to the game, and the core vanished. Then I brought an alien core into the game and tried to place it and it said invalid faction or something to that effect. Is there any way to place an alien core on a ship or base so that the defenses will attack players?

    Thank you.
  16. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    All Alien structures at the moment are created with certain scripts by the game. There is not yet a way to make your own custom AI buildings that's functional. At least none that I know of.
  17. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    caps off xD

    SE did this is beautiful fashion , would love to see that applied here
  18. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Perhaps I can swap out an existing NPC base, will let you know if I try/succeed with that.

    Also, CV's can land on planets in dedicated server mode. I hope they never "fix" that, I really like it :)
  19. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Déjà vu! Pre-Alpha 4.0.2 (Patch)
    zergling_brood likes this.
  20. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    more importantly , to sort them out by ping

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