Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Yup just checked it out. Might be a leftover from the pervious system with the Internal Storages. Is fine by me, as long as it doesn't cause any trouble.
  2. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    From hearing feedback of players on my server and attempting to create a video tutorial which I took off YouTube due to some off subject ranting in my inbox from viewers... I think a core issue is the amount of “clicks” the user has to complete per task with the logistics GUI. With less clicks, it may ease the learning curve.

    When connected to a structure it would be nice to see under the toolbar a status box of the connected cargo container and structure with a volume indicator.

    Also fridges could use fridge extension blocks or even a refrigeration Controller to make existing cargo structures be able to store perishables :).
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  3. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    I have been playing with the new Logistics system and this is my conclusion.

    It is simple in operation - a box to feed the machine and a box to collect the end-product from. They can even be the same box.
    This is all fine... but.

    I want to have a toggle on all the storage boxes in my base/vessel.
    I want the toggle to be simply. "Logistics In?" Yes/No
    Then my food processor and various constructors can look around my base and find the components they need from various containers. Sharing all the ones Toggled as "Logistics In"

    It needn't be overcomplicated by trying to make multiple "Logistics Out" boxes. Having a single point of Pick-up is quite sensible.

    This will allow those who wish to use a single Catch-all container + any fridges to do so.
    It will also allow those of us who like more organisation in storage to segregate materials thus alleviating OCD stress.
  4. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    The question I have is why? Since volume is the new limitation rather than numbers i assume at some point we can have 100k blocks/ores/ingots/whatever in the same space. Also all those blocks that currently hog one space all to themselves have no reason to.
  5. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Careful thought, the Volume System isn't probably going to be enabled by default. This post was more about sorting inside the Logistic Network not about Volume limitations.

    Also Happy Christmas Everybody!
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    One little side note to those who are against the logistic System, in its First implementation to the game.
    I am playing SP games all day long. When I got settled in my funny little Starter Base I find it hard to stow away all the Stuff I harvest, collect and Loot. Given, the System need a bit of Logical Thinking for processing Things, given New Player may get lost or may find it useful. But a fact is that
    If you decide "my tiny little Base is too cramped to feel suitable anymore" and you like to build a bigger Base....
    I did this by Placing one 200m away from the Starter Base, than I jumped into my HV, parked in the middle, roughly 100m away from each other, and started to Transfer the Mats from one Base to another without touching anything or loading/unloading Boxes.

    The small Starter
    The Extended Base
    A9 Changes_2018-12-22_22-57-38.png
    That is a great system!

    I was not convinced from the start because I could not understand why people were arguing for this for quite some time. But now I find it useful!

    Human Beings are known for there flexibility to cope with any situation after some time of learning. So, instead of pointing out what the System does not provide ( in some cases it could not even before logistic:rolleyes:) lets give this invention a thorough try and with solid Arguments for the Devs to read how the system can be improved. For all of us.

    Merry Christmas to all the Survivors out there!:D
  7. Lane M Johnson III

    Lane M Johnson III Ensign

    Nov 10, 2017
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    I've lost absolutely everything in my base, CV, SV, and HV and toolbar twice now. Im actually going to stop playing for a few months until you guys get this stuff sorted. I logged in this morning and it was all empty again, no power, crops dead, all food spoiled, nothing anywhere, just empty. Maybe in a few patches you'll get your act together.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I suggest to do the following:
    If you play SP file a Bug Report. If you play MP on a Server contact the Admin - they can restore your Vessels and Stuff.
  9. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    The new logistics seem like just a new version of "Hammer Space" like your backpack was.

    The sheer idea that items magically teleport to a cargo container out of my hands is a step too far and breaks immersion for me. I was hoping that the new mass/volume system would allow some more realism to the game but in the end it just adds another form of "Hammer Space". You might as well make a magical vacuum hose that sucks every collectable from the ground and adds it magically to a box safe in your ship halfway around a planet... oh wait, that's what the T2 mining drill does now.

    For those people who aren't familiar with the term "Hammerspace" = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammerspace
  10. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Except it isn't hammerspace because the destination has to have enough volume (and the range is limited in any case). Plus, since items in inventories will also have mass, your ship will have to be able to handle the extra mass. In other words, there's no free lunch here.
    Sofianinho and Germanicus like this.
  11. Pale_Knight_1988

    Pale_Knight_1988 Ensign

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Agreed perfectly!!
  12. Pale_Knight_1988

    Pale_Knight_1988 Ensign

    Dec 25, 2018
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    My opinion is... the new Logistic system is not cool. It is definitly convenient to use, yes. However it is way too fantastic that I can hardly believe it's a feature of a SUVIVAL GAME about SPACE. Item transportation via WIFI? or wireless force field is simply way too magical! I'd rather carry all the stuff myself, with a backpack of unlimited volume I guess(sorry about the thread). It's sad to find that the infinite backpack seems a little more reasonable than this Logistic thing.

    My suggestion about item transportation, instead of Logistic interface, is a better Docking system. In real life, goods don't move themselves. They are transported by machines. If a vessels is docked precisely at a special device. All items could be transported automatically to a certain cargo. Items could be sorted by certain rules, such as ammo goes to ammo box, water goes to O2 generators, and so on.

    With this new docking system. Modules for vessels can be realized as well. A small vessel can install/mount multiple modules to enhance firepower/speed and agile/storage volume/travel distance. Thus, vessels could be distinguished by its functions. Right now I'm really tired of designing any ships or bulidings. Because however they look like, they are doing absolutly the same job. I don't even want to download any blueprints from other players. I just know they are the same.

    A game about creation should be more creative. I hope Empyrion could be better and better. It still is my favourite game on steam. I'm looking forward to Alpha 9. Please consider my advice.

    P.S. You promised about new melee weapons !! Don't forget it~~
    mR_kAt, Andreykl and jadefalcon like this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It's your Opinion and I accept that.

    Question: Did You ever watch STNG? They BEAM Cargo from Surface to Ship, Ship to Ship and so on.
    Hands-on is only required when they Build ships. SW on the other hand did not have beaming Tech so all was done by forced Laborers.
    Btw., 20th Cent Tech is no longer in use as this game timeline is the 24th Cent.;)
  14. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Has been fixed allready. When acessing any container Directly your Inventory will always be on the left side.
    SP or MP?

    SP: Have you started a new World and followed the instructions in the first patch notes?
    Starting a new World, or even a completly fresh install of the game, is a sure way to reduce the Bugs that might come with old Worlds, since new Systems are created/replace old systems.​
    MP: I would check back with the Server Admin for that.

    Other than that have been playing with my 9.0.0 2077 world since it came out, didn't have any vanishing Item Bugs.

    In a game, where we can blink from one Orbit of a Planet to another in maby 5 seconds. In a game, where we can carry 49 T2 BA/CV Generators (5,88kt according to ingame, thats 588.000,00 t)? And you wanna tell me that the Wireless transfer of Items is too magical? Thats some great logic there, just saying.

    Now witht the rest i can certainly agree on.
    Germanicus likes this.
  15. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    I have a mixed bag about the feeling, I feel like they are trading adding a mass/volume system to add realism to the game (and how much you can carry at a time) but if it all gets teleported via WiFi to a cargo container, what is the point in the first place of adding it? You might as well craft extra "backpacks" for your back that do the same thing since it doesn't matter where the given container is when you are harvesting items.

    "WiFi" seems like a lazy way out for the time being. I hope it is replaced with some kind of assemble line that can be fed by items from your backpack (by walking up to the device). You could also add a cargo transfer blocks (added to a duct work system) to transfer resources from ship to ship without the need of using your backpack. Right now things teleporting back to your base while picking things up with your own two hands seems sort of foolish.

    It just seems like one step forward, two steps back.

    I love all of the other features however.

    Maybe the distance for harvesting needs to be VERY restricted... but than again, what is the point of it? Why not add it to your backpack, take it to base, stand in front of a block in the base and "offload" all of your items. It seems to make easy sense to me.

    Thanks for the link to the logistics thread. This is the first I have seen a video explaining it (as EXP builds have been too unstable for my rig of late).
    Germanicus likes this.
  16. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    You're welcome to do that, taking many many trips to accomplish something so mundane... but eventually some blocks will be too large for any player's inventory if you enable volume. At that point, they could spend countless hours implementing a CPU-grinding bug-inducing advanced drone system that other games have done so much better. . . or they could allow a natural extension of the simple virtual logistics so you can get in, get stuff moved easily, and then get back to the action so much faster.

    Empyrion has crafting but it's not going to become a factory game with visible conveyor planning or automated construction/logistic drones and all the performance overhead therein. Save the CPU for throwing patrol vessels and troop transports at the player while testing their ability to respond on a planetary galactic scale. :D
  17. Spirit_OK

    Spirit_OK Captain

    Jan 10, 2018
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    From the immersion point of view I agree - having something for nothing creates a hollow experience and robs player of the achievement feeling, when he finally builds something that gives him new powers. But won't it be "rush to auto" each game as it was "rush to BA cannon" in A8?
    If space-time mass-volume go live as it is now, some features would be mandatory, not optional..

    From the gameplay point of view, I disagree - previously after cleaning a large POI one had to make several trips to its bowels to loot all the alien containers at least. Looting the contents of various boxes could be done in control panel, but was very tedious as you had to pull the contents of each to the nearest box and then move everything in several rounds. Now all you need is to ready your vacuum cleaner and suck all the loot on the way back, stopping to switch cargo holds like twice. A lot of non-productive running around is cut out and this is a lot of saved human-hours or even -years, less carbon footprint of working computers and overall a good thing :)
  18. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Lazy, but i would rather much take something lazy that lessens the burden of Inventorymanagment than a system that was easy to use but you wasted so much time just by running around or fiddiling around with the Control Panel(like @Spirit_OK said in his post).

    And i don't even wanna know what you meant with your last Sentence, if its the UI, that pretty much has been mentioned in all of the 217 post in this Thread and is a known fact by now.

    Now that is another thing, when i say automation, i don't mean, setting up an entire Factory that spits out 500 T2 Ba/CV Generators, 15000 Hardened Combat Steel Blocks, etc., just something simple, like Item offloading from a specific Vessel that is docked, that would even be enough for the second Part of AEXP 9 alongside the Logistics UI changes + shortcuts for it.
    Automatic Item porduction with Level Emitters would then be the cherry on top of this nice update.

    I just hope that the second part adds some good stuff.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I don't know where you got that information from. For myself and probably many others "automatization" was linked to "conveyor system" by the developers themselves, as shown in the 2016 survey chart (4th item) :


    This is a very narrow view based on a specific playstyle. I could easily point to many threads where players use other methods to "clean a POI". Mine was simply based on very small vehicles that could fit in corridors, equipped with cargo boxes and firepower to destroy blocks/ doors/ critters easily when needed.


    Taken together, all the new mass/ volume/ UI-based logistics tend to lessen the scope of possible playstyles, which allowed players freedom to take the simple or complex route they favored. The game is pushing "fantasy" in design and playstyle away, to the benefit (!) of a pseudo-realistic survival grindfest.

    By the way, I took a screenshot of this whole page, just in case messages get deleted for so-called "relevancy" reasons.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2018
    mR_kAt likes this.
  20. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Automatization etc! A conveyor system(automatic Item transportation) is just one part of it. Otherwise they could have called it simply a Logistic System. Besides Logistics in the sense of Automatization is the autmatic moving of Items(through Tubes/via Conveyor Belts) and it goes hand in hand with automatic Item Prodcution.
    Usually when people like me bring up Automatization(since i was the one who got responses to that, not necesseraly negativ), i usually get told that it is not the focus of the game or it is too comlicated. The former can be disputed by what @IronCartographer said in the post you quoted, its not going to be the focus(honestly because there are better games in that genre out there) and the latter can be disputed with: "Its not mandotory, its not the standart. You can still play the way you like." Its just something that can greatly reduce tedium with little to no setup cost

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