Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    I just want to know how long the battery last in the wifi with it not using any power. You can drop the thing in a simple base with a core, cargo box and a wifi no power what so ever and you can collect things within 100 meters of your simple base. Yet the cargo box says it needs power but it doesn't. And that wifi must need some kind of power it's lights are lite up
    mR_kAt and SacredGlade like this.
  2. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    That is something they may want to think about it, but depending how much power it uses you could had wave that it has a solar panel or that its powered by the space fairies like the portable constructer is. I mean at lest the suit constructer could be powered by your body movements
  3. HurtfulPlayer97

    HurtfulPlayer97 Commander

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Sorry if this was asked before but this is a really long thread.
    I have a Base with a landing pad for my CV. My CV is parked on it. My CV has a WiFi Connector and the pad has a WiFi connector. However, if I move more than about 50m away from my CV while I am still in the base I cannot connect to the CV any more. I have placed multiple WiFi connectors all around the base yet I still have this problem. Is there a way to have the CV's WiFi and the Base's WiFi act as one network so I can access my CV from anywhere on my Base?
  4. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    @HurtfulPlayer97 I haven't had that happen in my game. I suggest you put in a bug report about this.
  5. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    I'd love to see the Dev's list.

    Can they post it somewhere?

    It would be quite helpful to the testing team if they did give us a heads up on things. Also it would be nice to see their insight into what direction they see the game going. A good end of the year briefing would be greatly anticipated.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  6. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    It would be nice if the portable constructor was solar powered. A battery interface like the one used for the base would be nice. It could be included in the UI for it. It's a simple solution.

    As for the portable "suit" constructor, one could construct a simple makeshift smelter out of scrap and rocks to melt ingots. As for the food and medicine it creates, one would have to rely on fauna and experiment to see what things heal what ailments. It would add more to the survival element early on. A handheld scanner on the suit could scan fauna and possibly tell you what possible use it could have and catalog it into a journal entry on your suit's PDA.

    Another option for the appearance of the portable constructor would be that you would find one in your "escape pod" at the start of the game, but it is damaged. It then requires raw ore to fix it... maybe have it require silicon to repair its solar panels to operate fully.

    The survival tool could also be changed into a melee weapon. One side would be a pickaxe for rocks and the other side a hatchet for wood. Either side would be useful as a weapon at the start and would in theory use the player's "stamina" because you are swinging it all day.
    SacredGlade and Cluascorp like this.
  7. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I do like that idea but as for the suit constructer like I said you can charge its batters just by moving, (it does not make vary complicated things for the most part(other then the portable constructer heater cooler, and small o2/water generator) . but maybe give That's not a stretch form things we can do now, and the survival tool could be powered the same way, or even have to be charged by reloading it using a hand crank on the side (like those emergency flash light radios.) Though your idea of making it a comb ax pick ax melee weapon is a good one. love the idea about the solar panel, battery for the constructer by the way. it would make you think more about how much you use it the only caveat I would ad is that the battery should charge even when the unit is turned off.
  8. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Speaking of power consumption insanity, how about that Cargo Extension power usage?
  9. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Wanted to 'improve' one of my CV's regarding CPU usage…
    Figrued, large boxes are still better than 1 cc with 1 ce… cpu wise.., specialy since the old Harvest boxes dont use cpu, but the new ones do.

    Same for regular storage…
    1 large box uses 50 cpu.
    1 cc + 1 ce use 100 cpu, yet provide the same volume for double the Price.

    I'd like to have an alternate large CC (rightlick ; for 'a better start' and QoL) and that CE's dont cost as much.

    CE's extend the current 'managed access' wich is done by the CC, which therefor should be doing only 'thing' requireing the CPU, as it is the Controller, it manages all the Extension as well.
    By this argument, the CE's should not require any CPU at all.
    But i undertand that you want the 'volume' to 'cost something'.

    Further, imo, by adding volume, one should get more Slots (Scrolling) as well.
    Wether they all can be used, should then be determined if 'volume' is active or not on the Server/game Settings.

    Otherwise i'm 'forced' to use only CC's since that provides just the same Slots with or without CE's.
    By which i have more Slot storage, and same 'volume' (which is off anyway when one just wants more slots) as by using CC+CE together, which i'm Pretty sure is not the intended behaviour.

    Just some thoughts.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
    runlykhel and geostar1024 like this.
  10. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    If you want to connect to your CV(!) than your CV needs to have multiple Wifi Blocks not your base. The Wifi range is based off the location of the block itself, not the Base/Vehicle outermost block itself. The multiple Wifi Connectors of your base do therefor nothing in your problem, unless you got some words mixed up there. Add some more Wifi Blocks to your CV.

    Maby when a vessel is docked it could relay the Wifi signal(if there is a Wifi block present) to whatever it is docked to.
    IronCartographer likes this.
  11. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Yep, the numbers are weird and don't incentivize modular storage usage as much as should be the case. It's ridiculous that CEs consume so much power and CPU when just sitting there. In my mind, we should be charged for item transfers, not for static storage.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  12. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Or why does an armor locker require power but yet you can access it when the base is offline?
    Sephrajin likes this.
  13. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    I'd love the portable heater replaced with a campfire that takes woodplanks and fiber. The campfire could keep away unintelligent lifeforms at night. Also, you could tweak the spawns of a starter planet to only have openly hostile monsters appear at night. That would eliminate the problem of getting attacked far too early in the game by a monster you can't defeat with the survival tool. You would just have to move by day and camp at night (or risk getting a bit farther with more resources at night but be forced to deal with spiders and the like).

    I would assume certain biomes (like radiated) would have hostile creatures 24/7. I'd like also like to hear from Eleon if they ever plan to reintroduce lights on weapons and getting rid of the shoulder light. I really miss that extra tension hunting at night gave if you didn't have a light on your weapon yet.

    So far Eleon has yet to answer the question for a year. =>.<=

    @Hummel-o-War Maybe you could give me a possible answer regarding weapon lights as a new year gift? I'd love to know if you plan to making automining drills attached to a base and powered too someday?
  14. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    @mR_kAt I don't think Hummel wants to reply to a string of offtopic discussion, further encouraging it. :p
  15. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Doing it anyways: yes we talked about "mining bases", but there is currently no good solution with the current deposit/ore concept to make them really a usecase. Maybe with a future change (think of "deep nodes" that are only mineable by a mining base, need a lot of effort but can be located anywhere, not tied to a certain spot and cannot be mined manually...something in that direction might need to be added to that aspect of the game )

    Please back to topic ;)
  16. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Cool cool, but please prioritize storage usage.
    Because as of now, storing items is a Nightmare.
    Cant build a proper base, becasue we dont know how storage will behave with the next update.

    And it SUCKS to have no storage in a base, because …. CPU usage is too high, yet i cannot even store 1/4 of before 'this' update.
  17. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    With this Empyrion GS 0.9 now got at least 6 months longer until release. Because it starting to become GR. Galactic Realism becomes boring and annoying very fast (like S. E.). Balancing becomes a much bigger issue, with mass+volume+CPU.

    I understand the idea of the logistic system, but current workings adds more steps to do the same storage stuff as before - repeatedly. Complicating things are not automatically adding to content or survival or fun. Many other stuff I would like to be applied to the game than several of the "new" 0.9 features. Seems to me that many more dislike it than say they like it in forums and streams/recordings.

    Fiddling with inventory and storage may be fun a very short period as a new player, or break the fun and give a negative review. Good for those that likes to organize and grind, but would like to see the statistics on how many really like it. It is the opposite of automation too, witch the main purpose is to take away repetitive tasks.

    I can almost play as before if turn off mass+volume, but the new logistics adds for me unneeded functionality and more issues when to craft and store than in Forcing to use more time on such tasks that I do not see as fun (in this game). It does not make it more "difficult" to play, just need to use more time to do stuff.

    This game have introduced teleport and warp as technologies in this "galaxy". This give that the workings of the 0.9 logistic system becomes not logical, along with cargo mass+volume. Since not any such technologies in our "real life", there are no "realism" to aim for that do not undermine whatever "physic laws" in this EGS sci-fi setting.

    The BluePrint Factory is more like a futuristic technology that much better matches the logic of the EGS universe.

    EDIT: I would like a system that you can dump items in as the BPF, that you can set up categories for sorting. Stored in a "teleport" buffer, where might need power according to the items stored. Constructors and similar devices you link up to it (and selected categories), where you set up priority queues. BPF can also be linked, so no need to manually dump stuff there.
    So you only need a cargo interface module. Not sure if to have a range extender (as the wireless device), or you set up power steps for the cargo interface. Accessed by Control Panel and "use" key ("F"), and maybe inventory (I have it on "TAB"). A cargo interface should also be able to be set to a chosen sorting/grouping and remembered, so can have labeled "cargo boxes" if want to access items directly to take out or put in.

    The idea of being able to transfer from one storage system connected to a core and to another one with another core (vessel - base - player) through wireless access is good, but as is too fiddly (at least ought to remember last use and/or a default one). Also should only be one type of cargo controller (but can have many), where you link any device to one (auto link to a default "main" you choose); Weapons, Oxygen, Generators, Repair, Deconstruct, Construct, Armor Locker, Food Processor, and so on (food does not need "fridge" device due to the "singularity" state they are stored in).
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
    Bigfeet likes this.
  18. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Dont pay attention to CPU. Its not finished. Its deactivated. Its not balanced. It prob wont be activated for Alpha 9. Its just there.
    My guess is that there will be a device comeing to increase the CPU points.

    In 9.1 allot of the volume / weight is "partly balanced". So far:

    Rebalanced Volume/Weight of many blocks/devices/ammo
    - Balanced/Reduced Volume and Mass of all ores, ingots and components
    - Balanced/Reduced Volumes of all Building and Starter-Blocks
    - Balanced Volume and Mass for all large weapons ammo
    - Balanced Volume and Mass for all handheld devices, tools and ammo
    - Note: Volumes of S and L Devices, as well as of medical, biological and food items is not yet rebalanced.

    U can easly start building a base with Storage ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018
    mR_kAt and Germanicus like this.
  19. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I'll have to disagree with the "balanced" part. Sure, the values are better, but they aren't consistent or balanced at this point.
    runlykhel likes this.
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Its a start. Its not done yet

    ive changed how i said it make it better ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018

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