Multiplayer (CooP) game. A piece of code: SpawnRateZones: - SpawnAt: [ADM_1] Radius: 1000 RadiusRandom: 50 RateMultiplyerCenter: 0.0 RateMultiplyerEdge: 0.7 AffectEnemies: true Color: "0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7" SpawnZones: - SpawnAt: [ADM_2] BiomesExcluded: [ Any ] Radius: 500 RadiusRandom: 50 RateMultiplyerCenter: 1.0 RateMultiplyerEdge: 0.5 Color: "1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0" Entities: - Names: [ZiraxMinigunPatrol, ZiraxMechanoidPatrol, ZiraxCrawlerPatrol, ZiraxOverseerPatrol] Biomes: [Any] Amount: 250 Period: Always DelayMinMax: [-1, -1] has a limit on the number of NPC 250. Actually the question is - what is needed to reset this counter without a wipe the playfield ??? NPCs stop appearing after filling this value.
Resolved with another crutch. At the time of the server restart according to the schedule, all the planetlife.dat files of the game folder were deleted. But it would be nice for the developers to insert the RespawnDelay command in this block. Suppose for the single-player game RespawnDelay: 0 by default. A multiplayer each put as he wants.
It may be possible to use the value 'Infinite' i.e. Amount: Infinite Didn't test it myself and I'm also exposed to this issue.
However, in this case I think it defines how many troops in the type of spawn zone globally on the planet that spawn. Edit: Never mind, I think the first suggestion I made is true.
Value Amount:: 250 determines that 250 heads of Zirax will appear at a time. I already realized that spawn NPC sometimes freezes in multiplayer. In this case, just restart the server with the deletion of the file described above. If you install Amount: Infinite, the playing field will freeze - the planet will consist of Zirax )))