Okay. Fine. So, that ring I've been asked about. I've posted a link to the current baseline module for the 9.2.1 buildout. I've got a chart with all the offset positions to place the pieces of the ring, and their rotations. we'll see if we can make this work for everyone that wants one. Placing this ring requires access to setrotation and setposition. So, either be a mod/admin on a server, make friends with one, or do this in creative mode. The coordinates I've listed are for default creative orbit. here's the data for the 24 segments. The first three numbers are you coordinates for setposition, the fourth number is your setrotation angle in the formation setrotation ID 0,0,###. If you wish to place the ring in another orientation and/or location, you can play with the numbers to your heart's content, but the overall offset from your central position will need to be the same as what is listed in the x and y columns below. Code: x y z Rotation angle 0.00 -555.00 -10000 0 -143.64 -536.09 -10000 345 -277.50 -480.64 -10000 330 -392.44 -392.44 -10000 315 -480.64 -277.50 -10000 300 -536.09 -143.64 -10000 285 -555.00 0.00 -10000 270 -536.09 143.64 -10000 255 -480.64 277.50 -10000 240 -392.44 392.44 -10000 225 -277.50 480.64 -10000 210 -143.64 536.09 -10000 195 0.00 555.00 -10000 180 143.64 536.09 -10000 165 277.50 480.64 -10000 150 392.44 392.44 -10000 135 480.64 277.50 -10000 120 536.09 143.64 -10000 105 555.00 0.00 -10000 90 536.09 -143.64 -10000 75 480.64 -277.50 -10000 60 392.44 -392.44 -10000 45 277.50 -480.64 -10000 30 143.64 -536.09 -10000 15 This is the minimal cargo version to minimize power draw. Engineering is on the lower deck and can be changed and outfit however you like. The upper level is a skeleton to reduce blueprint size and allow for further customizations. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1633398506