Hover vessel behaviour over water

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Vic 2, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. Vic 2

    Vic 2 Ensign

    Jan 25, 2019
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    I searched for this before posting, so apologies if I have reopened an old discussion.

    Hovercraft hover over both land and water. It's one of the reasons the military use them for amphibious assault craft.

    Is there a reason that this behaviour does not appear in Empyrion?

    If not, I propose that the behaviour be corrected.
  2. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    perhaps I do not understand what you are asking/stating. Hovercraft work fine over both water and land. If you get your hovercraft waterlogged it needs a hoverbooster to lift it up to the water surface, the booster also lets you "jump" over crevasses.
  3. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    old discussion. HV's do have a problem over water and have forever. Has been attempted to be corrected forever. Still exists.
  4. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    What am I missing? In all of A9 I have not "fallen" into the water with a hovercraft. I experienced it frequently in A8. When I intentionally put a hovercraft into the water the hover booster has not yet failed to lift me out.

    Please explain what the issue is so we can be sure we are all talking about the same thing?
  5. Vic 2

    Vic 2 Ensign

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Thanks for all of the replies. I am playing A9, current version on Steam, and the hover vessel I constructed does not hover over water but follows the terrain under the water.

    I think we are seeing my inexperience in the game. I have constructed a hover vessel as per the Robinson Protocol tutorial, and I expected that it would be a basic but functional hovercraft. The Robinson tutorial does not include placing a hover booster on the craft.

    What I am hearing from the replies to date is that (whether intentionally or due to an issue with the game physics) a hover vessel is known to be unreliable on water without a hover booster being included on the craft. Is this correct?
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    yes, that would be correct. Is it a hover with the green hovers or blue hovers? In my single player, I have trouble with my starter HV with the green hovers over water but no problems with my mid-game cargo HV with the blue hovers and thrusters over water. A much better experience than A8. In a co-op, I am playing I have no problems with either type of hover over water.

    if it were me I would use the one you built to gather enough (avoiding water if it sinks ) to build a competent starter hovercraft that is based in the blue hover engines and has a hover booster. and hope that that solves your water problems. A hover booster is absolutely necessary if you use your hover as a dive platform as I do. I settle in the water to gather the things you find in deep water and explore/loot crashed capitol vessels found in the water.

    I have personally found hovercraft to be much better over water in A9 than A8, others may have different experiences
  7. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    @Vic 2
    If your using hover thrusters and not hover engines, your hv could well be too heavy for them to lift over water.

    If you can , show us some pics.

    I had similar issue the first time I tried to make a HV boat with the green trimmed hover thrusters.

    I actually make hv boats lol,l they are designed to ride with the bottom layer in the water and ride safely, I also never use hover boosters, My boats all come with a method to quickly raise it out of the water when accidentally sunk so hover boosters are not required.
  8. Vic 2

    Vic 2 Ensign

    Jan 25, 2019
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    The green "all-in-one" hover engines were in use, per the tutorial.

    Thanks for the advice, I will attempt a more effective hovercraft for my cargo carrier. The Robinson protocol tutorials also had me make a base, but if it mentioned that drones would attack an active base then I missed it. That didn't end well...

    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. Soyaro

    Soyaro Lieutenant

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Yes, drones are a problem for bases, especially if you're new to the game.
    I can confirm that the robinson protocol does forget to mention a few things. But think of it as part of the story: You're aground on a strange planet far from earth. The robinson protocol is a bunch of basic instructions for you to survive there. But whoever wrote the protocol back on earth couldn't have heared of the Zirax. Why would he mention a thread that could only happen if the planet you'll use it on is inhabited by a hostile, technological civilisation?

    And yes, water and the green hover-things don't work well together. As soon as you got the next version install it and you should be fine.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  10. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I had a similar experience my first playthrough. I found a simple starter base in the workshop with a gun on it, learned how to use the factory that way. Have tried several different solutions since then. All a learning experience and a challenge. Were you able to kill them with your personal weapon?

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