There is a need for verification of offline protection

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Dakota Darkfire, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Hi I am posting this in the feedback section as per Taelyn directing me here. Recently I had a very confusing situation (Its on the get help thread) that probably wasted my time as much as yalls because I misunderstood the CP showing me I had OP when the OP was in fact not functional. I strongly believe there should be a a message somewhere maybe next to where this is listed in the CP that the OP is not functional because people build below ground bases.

    The only way that I am aware of to know that my OP is functional is to use another account out of faction to look at myself.

    My suggestions on how to fix this:

    1. If below ground turret check is enabled on server don't let the OP block be placed. An error message would work when trying to place it below ground or anywhere it will not activate.

    2. In the control panel where it lists offline protection have it say "No" or "Disabled" or any message you like.

    Those are just two things I can think up off of the top of my head. I was around when you added the underground turret check option for servers and was hosting a server then. I somehow missed that this also pertained to OP and LC. In my situation not thinking this is a turret was in no way trying to exploit and ended up in a confusing mess because I didn't understand my OP would not function underwater or underground.

    It is very common that players build underground. I checked the rules post here to make sure I was not doing anything that would be considered cheating and as far as I knew was in compliance. If this can happen to me it can and will happen to much newer players. They see underground turret check and think its about turrets not OP and LC.

    Taelyn explained this to me and I am thankful for their time and help with resolving this matter. I think simply fixing this to where it shows its not functional would save a lot of headaches in the future and people accusing others of exploitation or what have you. In my case I fully felt the person to be exploiting and it ruined my experience with this game.

    As a gaming company obviously you want people to have fun and not deal with massive frustration. That being said I also realize this is an alpha and I signed up for that. So that's why I am putting all of this information here so you can see in the alpha stages of the game this should be addressed IMHO.

    Thank you for your time and I love this game and that's why I am so passionate on the issue. My comments are never placed on this forum in anger or anger directed towards any staff member.
  2. 100% agreed!

    This is one of those things that unless you have read all the patch notes you would have ZERO knowledge of.
    The game needs to display this in some way to the player.
    Dakota Darkfire likes this.
  3. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Update on this so I continued to have problems with the OP kicking on this time due to what is referred to as an AG zone. I guess I'm too new to understand that term but I realize that has to do with resource deposit. So there's some sort of zone that if you build close to a resource deposit there is no OP protection at all. It cannot go online. This again just furthers my point that a verification of OP is badly needed. I had no idea how this worked or even an ability to find out IMO that it wasn't going to work. In this case involving deposits there should be an error message or something else letting you know it's not going to work you're too close to a deposit.

    OP protection based on AG.jpg

    So Taelyn moved my base away from this zone and the OP was then able to function. Original base location is shown here and the new location. As well as the deposits to show how this works. I'm sure you guys know how this works but I had no idea which as I said just further supports the need for some sort of OP verification or error messages or whatever. Thank you.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  4. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    AG is anti-grief. How would a player ever know that if you are allowed to build you might have things that can not function. Most frustrating.
    Dakota Darkfire likes this.
  5. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Yeah I understand the need for anti griefing for sure. Thing is when I first built this base I just kept running until it let me build. So in my head I didn't see any restrictions coming. It didn't give me any information just shows up as green here you can build. So yeah that needs to be taken into account so people do not build in the wrong areas.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Ill gather some of the feedback and address it :)

    Honestly i never felt that you where angry at me or what so ever :)

    I understand fully that there is to much too keep in mind these days and too lil information out there :)

    Perhaps we can indeed improve the OP in the CP in the same way as we made a debug view for the RepairBay (u actually can see the repairs bounding box in a yellow field) Like a Test OP, shows a box if OP works, shows nothing if OP wont work due w.e reason. Then u atleast know if it works or not since indeed as player u cant see your own OP currently

    Iam happy we could resolve your issue when we found the true reason. So my previous statement from your OP beeing in the water can be very well be wrong. Didnt test that when i moved your base. Your LandClaim wasnt online atleast when the device was in the water that i did notice :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2019
    piddlefoot and stanley bourdon like this.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I think thats a great idea and to add to that, an OP log thats accessible by the player to see what happened to base or ship while they were offline, nothing to complex, just time of event, name of attacking player / players, would make things much easier for server admins also not having to scroll through log files to find stuff.

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