A9 - Freedom Mode

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    With Alpha 9 EXP2 we added the first draft of the "Freedom Mode".

    As the prospect says, you do not need to care about some mechanics, others are still in place.

    What do you think? What is your expectation playing this mode?
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    Papudu, Awakeneer and Rekalty like this.
  2. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    For me personally I would like to play this one but not much of a challenge in it if you have unlimited health, resources etc. Too much like creative but with POIs.
    Papudu, Awakeneer and Rekalty like this.
  3. Rekalty

    Rekalty Ensign

    Oct 11, 2018
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    With the current constraints, it does feel a bit too much like Creative, yeah. I would much rather have a "Freedom Mode" that let you toggle several different variables, like unlimited health, no hunger management, unlimited oxygen, unlimited stamina, unlimited base/vessel fuel/oxygen/durability, and so on, to fully customize your own Freedom Mode experience.
  4. Awakeneer

    Awakeneer Ensign

    Dec 17, 2018
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    I always wanted some kind of peaceful mode, and this new mode scratch that itch, so thanks for that!

    I would change just one thing, though: resources shouldn't be unlimited. I see Freedom Mode more like an "Exploration Mode", and part of the exploration is acquiring resources to craft your buildings, etc.

    A Freedom Mode that let you toggle several different variables, as Rekalty said, would be great.
  5. Philipp

    Philipp Captain

    Aug 30, 2016
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    I agree to Rekalty, maybe that you can set even more things, which you actually could set by editing files only.
    Rekalty likes this.
  6. muggzy03

    muggzy03 Ensign

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Yeh Im with these guys a freedom mode sounds cool, just give us the freedom to change as many settings as we can to create a universe that we would like to play in. from unlimited things, never dying to the other extreme of having to eat every 5 mins lol
    Rekalty likes this.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    First impression: Yes FIRST. I did not try it in EXP.
    I don't see any differences between Creative and Freedom Mode.
    You may consider to remove RP Gain from Freedom mode as you won't encounter any of the factions;)

    My Suggestion for this mode: GM fulltime active but in a Survival game, with all Factions and POIs available. You still have to gather the Materials you need to build stuff but you don't deplete the resources because of a constant respawn.
    elmo likes this.
  8. Pontiac

    Pontiac Ensign

    Dec 19, 2018
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    Survival mode = You grind everything, you deal with the environment and enemies.

    Freedom Mode = The player decides on how their universe works. Unlimited items optional, POIs optional, unlimited health optional, unlimited ammo optional, ships take no damage optional, etc. Excellent place to test and design your ships and bases WITH enemies when you want. Having the ability to spawn enemies would be awesome as well.

    Creative Mode = Excellent place to design your base/ship/stuff.
  9. Papudu

    Papudu Ensign

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Well, in my opinion, if you wrote in the description of game mode: "Like Survival, but with unlimited health, resources and no hunger management", players should expect this.

    I agree with the previous statements and still say that when a player looks at that selection screen, he already expects to find familiar elements of other games that uses the same system.

    When I played Freedom Mode, I was sure it was a bug.
    elmo likes this.
  10. Javier Rodriguez

    Javier Rodriguez Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2018
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    We don't need freedom mode as a preset mode. We just need survival options. I doubt many players actually want what freedom mode proposes to be. If you remove the need for hunger/health/resources, you might as well be playing on creative mode. If anything, creative mode needs all the things survival has, but with options to keep ai from being aggressive. Survival mode with toggleable passive AI, god mode and item menu and you have a winner. Think of how Minecraft does it. It just makes way more sense.
  11. Amazombie

    Amazombie Ensign

    Dec 21, 2018
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    I'm not sure if this is just me, but I've tried freedom and have never found a poi or minerals. Is that intended? If so, I'd hope they would change that.
  12. Pontiac

    Pontiac Ensign

    Dec 19, 2018
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    Creative Mode = 100% immunity, unlimited supplies, no enemies, no distractions, can design and build what you want how you want and everything's straight forward.
    Survival Mode = 100% at risk, grind for everything, enemies show no remorse, and you're going to want to spawn your stuff through the factory rather than build it in real time
    Freedom Mode = 100% immunity from direct enemy attacks, optionally unlimited supplies, enemies "bother" your infrastructure (I think) so you need to defend that, building or spawning your stuff due to unlimited supplies is an option.

    Freedom mode for me is perfect. I don't get one-shot and wonder WTH, I still need to defend my stuff, and I can either grind for the experience, or, just pull whatever I need to complete my work and get on with things.

    IMO, Freedom mode should be 100% configurable to how you want things to play. Hate getting killed? Toggle immunity. Hate grinding for food? Toggle that. Don't want unlimited supplies? Toggle that. One bullet lasts forever? Toggle that. Enemies can attack you? Toggle that. Infinite fuel? Toggle it. Etc, etc, etc.

    Anything that can be a toggle, could be toggled in Freedom mode. Hard-core players can play in Survival with everything maxed out, or, I can play in Freedom with unlimited health and ammo, then go to town against a super aggressive enemy to test my builds, or, play a relaxed game and play to grind up levels with an easy enemy.
  13. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Things I do when not testing and just want to build, explore, and fight:
    I turn off "temps and rads"
    I keep "weight/volume" off
    I set my "FOW" to 50%
    I itemmenu in a few each of the top three med packs with the understanding I'll have to make or buy more later.

    My avatar can still die, starve, and take damage.
    My avatar has to worry about RP and where it explores.

    Because of the complication of the medical system etc. my two teen grandchildren always have me set up their game this way so they have time to get control of their world. They feel (and I agree) that the temperature and radiation adds to much time loss to playing considering how much time drilling/mining take.(Yes they can tent it or work next to the air-conditioner; but they get frustrated with spoilage etc. and having to redo what they just made/found.)

    They have the opinion the weight/volume system is too much and tell me "It's just a game!"...lol out of the mouth of babes.

    Like myself they use creative to build stuff to bring into a survival game then having to work for the required BP material to build said BP.

    With Freedom mode they felt "Why? Just make things in creative; then use and test in survival."

    My take on Freedom mode is it doesn't satisfy many areas of game play, and as it stands kind of not really in between creative and survival, but an incomplete game off to the side.

    I would think that just adding a few toggles to survival mode would go a long way to putting this game back into the "play as you like" gender that attracted so many to this game in the beginning.

    This is just my opinion while reflecting some of my Grand children's opinions. :cool:
  14. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    100% agree. Otherwise, Freedom mode isn't needed if Survival mode has all of the toggles anyway.
  15. robtorch2

    robtorch2 Ensign

    Apr 29, 2018
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    It seems to be a recurring theme where the devs ask the player base how a particular option or feature should be implemented (like fog of war, and many others) and typically there are a wide range of opinions, and not a single "best" way to implement anything.

    I echo what many others have said, that instead of spending time trying to define a new game mode, instead provide more options that the users can tweak directly through the UI (rather than editing files) which allows every player to customize their own gaming experience however they choose.

    But going further than this, the primary "feature" I suggest is the ability for users to SAVE their own game configuration presets. If indeed more options are provided to easily change through the UI, it will be cumbersome and annoying to need to change them to my favorite options every time I start a new game. It would be great to create my own "Dave's Presets 1" and just choose that before starting a new game. And I'd likely have a couple presets geared toward survival style, and a few presets geared toward creative style.

    So provide more game tuning options directly through the UI, and allow individual users to save a few of their own configuration presets.
  16. Javier Rodriguez

    Javier Rodriguez Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2018
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    One thing is for certain, one mode needs to have a bunch of toggles to tailor your space survival experience. It doesn't matter if it is survival or creative mode....but I don't think we need yet another game mode added to the mix.

    Though I can see where having a "vanilla survival" with no options, and a vanilla creative with no options would be good....and then this freedom mode could have all the toggles.
  17. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Remove "Freedom mode". You have it by setting options in "Survival" to "no impact" or whatever. Rather get more options on start conditions, and some long term ones. Rather have an "advanced" option section.
    I would like to select how many and type of ore deposits, with the current deposit content (poor, normal, rich).
    Type (and amount) of some structures, particularly "aliens" and neutral POIs.
    NCP Faction settings, like the spread of buildings, how many territories.
    Some settings about the "universe", general size of planets, moons, asteroids, orbital POIs, and so on.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  18. WeepingAngel

    WeepingAngel Ensign

    Mar 2, 2019
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    Agree with this. I enjoy the hunting/gathering & crafting/building side of games, and sometimes I'd like to be able to get on with that without having to break off and deal with some random alien that decided I look yummy.

    For me, the perfect 'freedom' mode would have (in-game) toggles for health/resistance or invisibility, stamina and food/drink drain, ammo, supplies, harvest health, frequency of resources & POIs, volume of mobs...basically, the freedom to play exactly how you want.
    Sephrajin, runlykhel and geostar1024 like this.
  19. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Yes, I think "freedom mode" should allow you to toggle anything you want, both at game-start and during the game.

    I'd be inclined to actually remove some of the options from survival mode (all "no impact/no damage" settings) so that "Survival" represents the game as it was intended by the designers.

    If survival mode has all of the toggles then I don't see a point to Freedom mode.
  20. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I have to agree with pretty much all of the above, which comes down to: don't simply add a new mode with specific presets; instead, give us a new mode with configurable (via game setup UI) presets. We can go on and on about why, but I think you get the point that we're looking for controllable options that do not require file edits. Most of the options you already have in place for Survival mode, which should get moved to Freedom/Custom mode.

    Creative: As is, no options other than selecting a stock empty playfield (2 options for ground, 2 options for space). Typical sandbox.
    Adventure or Story Mode: Easy and Medium difficulty Presets. Not configurable. Robinson Protocol skippable.
    Survival Extreme: Most challenging option sets as a preset. Not configurable. Robinson Protocol skippable.
    Custom (freedom): Full array of options, starting with what you have in place already, expanding more to include the most common variables people edit in the gamefiles. Including expanding planet and system sizes.
    Scenario. Custom scenario maps, whether from Eleon or the community.

    As gaming goes, that is a more 'typical' game type structure, and would require very little explanation to players, whether it is for Solo play, co-op PvE, or PvP.

    Packaging a set of presets into a new 'Freedom' mode, particularly one that seems so close to Creative that it is basically useless, is not what players need, or want. Time better spent on other game systems in need of work ;]

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