I love this design too. I have a whole series of modified variants of this on my Workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1465047435 The larger Wreckage is either Based off or the inspiration for a Worksop item named Andromeda.
I tried out one of the floor textures on the outside of my ship and It looks pretty good in my opinion. It reminds me of how blocks in Starmade look. If you never seen Starmade , the blocks in the game has a matte dull color look to their blocks.
Been Streaming some Tests for a SV Cargo Transporter, posted my results in: https://empyriononline.com/threads/new-jet-thrusters.48378/page-2#post-300973 Afterwards, I continued my next starter CV which fits through a 14x7 hangar door, I think we're getting closer: Spoiler: images There's a total of 4 spots with yellow/black striped textures where laser drills are supposed to be instlled once lvl 25 is reached also, on the inside is a 'Ready-to-use' spot for the Harvest-CC (lvl 20). It has no installed defences, but an ammo box pre-installed if you consider to slap a turret or two on top of it. (it wont fit through a hangar door anymore)
Cleaned up some old saves of mine… found some ship designs i droped… Spoiler: kochimaru (SP) Spoiler: Dark Horizon (Faction Carrier)
I did something a little different today. I went back to page 1 of this thread and started reading forward. It was fun reading over the old posts and looking at screenshots from earlier versions of the game. I also wanted to give a shout out t0 @Slam Jones for starting this thread. It's a pity he has not posted anything in over a year.
Spent tonight working on a irradiated planet. Took 3 giant blueprints off the workshop (with permission) and converted them into abandoned POIs. 1 of the 3 will spawn, meaning there's a good chance each time you visit this planet type, you'll find a different abandoned POI to do! Half of the planet was hit by a radiation wave, burning that side. The other half still has its forests, deserts, etc, and life has found a way to evolve and cope over the eons since then to deal with the large amounts of radiation that still contaminates the planet. House Epsilon has decided to hide some of their bases in the radiation fog, while some Polaris have built up a presence in the non-irradiated areas. Numerous ingredients for advanced medical crafting can be found in the forests near the blast zone, while the various ruins can provide easy looting while the abandoned POIs provide a challenge. This is the 14th planet or moon template I've made or updated so far. It was an update of my previous radiated planet from the alpha 8 version of my scenario. I also got the random generator config updated with all the new planets and moons, which took a lot more troubleshooting than I'd care to admit! A view of one of the ruined complexes, from the forest bordering the blast zone: Edited the Mithra derelic Base adding spawners and loot (originally created by TwilightDragon & edited by Damonicus1986). Also increased the difficulty by requiring you to throw 4 switches to overload the core, instead of just being able to rush the core and destroy it. Abandoned buildings appear next to it: Eerily beautiful.
My scenario uses the random generator so they're in the format of playfield_static and playfield_dynamic but you can always use the SSG to combine them. But yes they'll be different templates.
so with the help of a friend i made another version of my SV gunship, the MK II p.s. my creative planet with some help from another friend is doing well tho it will need tweaking to go in survival
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1690396819 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1690398229
Finally got my CV back today and landed it near my new moon base.. It's good thing those Patrol CVs do not keep shooting until it takes out the core anymore or they may not have been anything left of my CV for me to repair. With no repair bay I will have a lot of patching up and rebuilding to do.