Earth may be the center of the universe

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by Kaeser, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    The universe have ended and gone into the singularity - again, awaiting the next Big Bang, hopefully improving the next version. We are just experiencing the ripple echo of vanishing energy waves. Whatever ... :eek:o_O:cool:
  2. Ramachandra

    Ramachandra Captain

    May 28, 2017
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    This theory have no answer where the energy come from, and what was the trigger to work the way it does and what is created the complex laws of physics. I had seen a place in a village where a gas canister exploded in a house. Created nothing superior, but destroyed a lot. Controlled explosion can create, but there is a catch. There is intelligence behind it.
  3. 7HzHetrodyne

    7HzHetrodyne Lieutenant

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Haven't had time to explore the materials linked, but I would consider the analogy of a Radar system. The point of reference is the transceiver, collecting data in equal amounts from all directions - in the center. All conclusions have to be made with that bias and perspective in mind.
    Also our technology has only been capable of detecting the reaches for such a tiny amount of time (and so, space), and we know an infinitesimal amount about our celestial neighborhood. We can't even imagine how much we don't know! And that's the part that should remain exciting.
    Personally, I dont feel the idea of our planet or solar system being centrally located as a useful one. It puts too much stock in humanity, and plays on emotion instead of intellect. I think we have learned enough about humanity, just on our global scale, to know that we shouldn't presume such importance in the universe. This sort of self centered sentiment has proven dangerous in the past, and continues to do so.
    IronCartographer likes this.
  4. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    geostar1024 and DeadliestIdiot like this.
  5. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    This is a textbook logical fallacy formally called the argument from authority. I think you would find it worth while to look up some formal logic classes on youtube.

    Also, if the popsci article has any truth to it - the "Mit Guys" absolutely deny and refute the arguments presented in The Principle. I suspected as much when I saw your video and noticed none of them actually made an argument for the geocentric model. The producer lied to them about what the film was about and took video of them discussing other matters and spliced it into his film.
    geostar1024 and DeadliestIdiot like this.
  6. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Ahh, I'd wondered why this whole thing had sounded vaguely familiar. I'm now kind of sorry I wasted any CPU time on this thread . . .
  7. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    So you're suggesting they used CGI to make the film is that it?

    Have you at least seen it?

    You also think this Axis of evil is a fabrication?

    And what exactly are they denying about the movie, that they research was wrong?
  8. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Due to the fact that we cant really prove anything about anything, and here is an example.

    I am what you might call a god but in actual fact I am a server developer, I created this virtual universe, I observe its progress from within this human shell.
    You are simulation, and every one of you are people from my race who have connected to play this MMORPG you call life on planet earth.
    You do not have access to your prior memories whilst connected to the simulation for the sake of authenticity in game play.

    You begin your life as a fresh new avatar born into the story world of planet earth.

    We have several starting countries for players to choose from before they enter the game, some pick an easy start and have an easy life in a friendly country.
    Some choose the hard start and have a hard pvp life in hostile countries for a more immersive survival experience.

    The playfield limits have been clearly set, please remain within the confines of the playfield else physics goes a bit shitty if you go too far out and we cannot guarantee correct functioning of your avatar here. (space)

    Each and everyone of you paid to take part in this simulation but figuring out the existence of the simulation whilst in the simulation was not part of the plan and against our TOS which you all signed and agreed to before you connected... I am here to remind you of that TOS.

    The simulation is nearly over, we do a 3000 year season type deal.
    Like some EGS servers do a 3 monthly season.

    We offer our sincerest apologies to those of you who uncovered the truth about the simulation whilst within the simulation, your feedback is appreciated and very helpful, next season we will have measures in place to prevent such accidental discovery by implementing a new genome to the human DNA strand designed to suppress the concept of discovering global truth.

    Additionally we also recognise that our in game guides are becoming somewhat out dated, so all forms of bibles will be redeveloped for next season.

    We are sure next season will be even better than before!

    Oh and please please please could players keep off the moon, this is our main cooling unit for the earth server and it would be bad if you break it, we would have to pause the simulation and repair it. Not good for any players.

    Some years back some guys thought it would be fun to fire some rockets at the moon, and well, we have maintenance staff in there keeping it all in check, one of those staff was named galishroy and he had what you might call "shell shock" for some weeks after, as the moon structure is largely hollow with with the exception of our equipment.
    He was working on equipment very near to the surface of where the missile struck.
    We had to reassign poor galishroy to a new position because of this.


    Ok so even though everything i just typed,i made it up, is obviously not true.
    The scary thing is it is 100% plausible and nobody can prove it wrong lol.

    That is the truth about every idea and theory


    I believe it makes more sense to train wild mice to become tame, than to even bother paying any mind to the theories of the world these days lol.

    Else you are set for an endless journey of unanswered questions.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2019
    Sephrajin likes this.
  9. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    We're already there....

    What's dark energy, or dark matter, or strong force or even gravity?

    Nice read though.....
  10. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    My friend @Kaeser I sense you have maybe been recently hit with some of this information that has caused a shift in your view of the world and your place in it.

    You have been disturbed by it and are no longer sure what to believe.

    You perhaps posted here in the hopes others can help you make sense of the situation.
    I have been in your position.
    You have only just scratched the surface im afraid.

    Once you follow that youtube/internet trail of theories, you can potentially come out the other side a completely different thinking individual.
    And only with more and more questions and fewer and fewer answers.

    In the end, just remember, the only important things to consider in this world, are the things we do have access to.

    Focus more on understanding the things we do have, rather than the things we don't.

    This is the only way out from these perplexing situations presented all over the internet by thousands of individuals each with own agenda towards changing your thinking.
  11. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Please, do not put words in my mouth or intentions in my actions

    If I had any doubts about anything, a forum like this where people like to draw pitchforks and torches at anything that goes slightly against their preconceptions, would be the last place to post them

    I apologies for pointing out something that may have disturbed your ease, if you don't like to entertain other possibilities, even in a sci fi game, then please don't bother yourself with such a thread like this
  12. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    I post the video above because it's about a woman famously saying "So you're saying" and then saying things the interviewee obviously did not mean. It amuses me because you pretty much did the same thing.

    However, it's also a video that's been spliced in a way to make it sound like a different conversation than the one they actually had. You can easily find the real interview if you wish and compare.

    I think that correlation doesn't mean causation and that the second to last line of the wiki article says "A 2016 study compared isotropic and anisotropic cosmological models against WMAP and Planck data and found no evidence for anisotropy.["

    Anisotropy being the alignment of things in the same orientation of the solar system.

    There is also the line "...several later studies have shown systematic errors in the collection of that data and the way it is processed."

    This suggests that that "Axis of Evil" was created by a fault in the way they processed the image data when the technology was new and that the most recent studies have shown no evidence for it's existence.

    They are saying that the movie lied about what their research says.

    It's pretty common in the post truth world. Plenty of times I've seen a New York Times or CNN article saying a scientists says something but if you go and read the paper your self it says something completely different.

    Think about it. Michio Kaku was featured pretty prominently in the trailer you linked. In the full movie did you hear him say that the geocentric model was right or anything about the Axis of Evil?

    Or did he just talk about the field of Cosmology and Astronomy going through big discoveries that were changing the way the scientist understand the universe followed by another cut to someone else talking about the CMB and the Asix of evil?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2019
  13. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    I do know Jordan Peterson and I pretty much agree with every one of his points of view and with Ben Shapiro as well and even with Milo Yiannopoulos

    In fact the attitude of the interviewer in the original video of this is pretty much the perfect example of the panacea these days, emotions over facts....

    Can you make an analogy as to why even scientist need to be careful of whom personal beliefs they offend?

    In fact none of them defends the geocentric view in the movie, do you know what Max Tegmark the guy that found the alignment says at the end of the video?

    He doesn't know what to make of the finding and further research is necessary and that is exactly the point "may" was about
  14. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Even the Observable Universe (which we are at the center of, by definition) has no reason to be special in any way aside from our personal bias.

    The intro to this describes that perspective well:

    Kaeser likes this.
  15. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Nice video and serie thanks

    But there's a few issues with an infinitely old and infinitely vast universe, first off it would toss out the Big Bang theory, because it implies that at some point in the past the universe was small and young

    Not much of a problem really, there's countless other theories for the universe but we also know the universe is expanding by the galaxies red shift discovered by Hubble

    Now, time is relative, it changes for us as we distance ourselves from earth for example and we can argue that it may even be a complete different concept in intergalactic space but for the sake of argument let's assume we live in an infinitely old and infinitely vast universe that is expanding, would we still be here if that was the case?
  16. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    The video refers to real space being potentially infinite...not time.

    The Big Bang Theory is compatible with any amount of space and matter/energy within it--what we observe as everything receding from everything else (expanding) is merely a change in density within the space we can observe (space itself can be said to expand as everything moves relative to everything else). We have no way of knowing how much space is outside the Observable Universe, but there is a definite time before which the density of the young Universe exceeds our ability to observe it--which is entirely consistent with the Big Bang Theory.

    Edit: To clarify, I mainly linked that video for the "picket fence" bit a minute in--like the Observable Universe, there's nothing unique about land you fence off other than the fact that you might choose to call it yours. ;)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2019
  17. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Homo sapiens are irrational beings, that imagine themselves being "intelligent". Do as I say, not as I do.
    You prove something is, not that it is not. Until then it is a fantasy, unless you diverge from the logic path.
    A good example are all the different belief systems many cling to. Just the fact there are many, is in itself a "proof" that they all have issues claiming being "the (only) truth".
  18. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Reality is based entirely on perception and human perception is horribly flawed.
    If you have no perception of a thing it is not going to be on your list of things that are real.

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