Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    probably not the first to request this, but pretty please..
    a weight test button in creative.
    all boxes and containers get filled to the max and weight is turned on.
    to see if it still moves.
  2. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Pls make ventilators able to react to signals, they are promethium guzzlers, and I like to turn em off..
    In most builds I can manage a work around.. but in this CV I got more than 6 rooms/ventilators to use short cuts on.
    Inappropriate and Sephrajin like this.
  3. Bloomsfield

    Bloomsfield Ensign

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Im sure this has been discussed before but could you in creative spawn your own creation as an enemy ai or any BP so you can test it. A sort of creative combat simulation. This would help in designing pvp ships and would be fun to see how your creations do in combat
  4. oshadow

    oshadow Commander

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Turn off the instant spawn of blueprints, when installing the blueprint, let the structure appear under the protective field, as it is now under repair, and the building timer is turned on, when the timer reaches zero, the field disappears and the structure is considered installed if the structure is damaged under the protective field then the building will be interrupted and half the resources will be dropped

    so far, blueprints have to be disabled on all PVP zones, otherwise players fight the killboxes from the BA (the BA is in the form of a box with guns)
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2019
    SacredGlade likes this.
  5. oshadow

    oshadow Commander

    Dec 10, 2015
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    make it possible to enable the creatve mode in the survival game mode, the mechanics are as follows:

    1. the player enters the design mode, the item menu opens
    2. The player at this moment is, as it were, in stealth mode, and he does not see any more buildings and surroundings
    3. The player builds his blueprint, while in the game, he sees only the result.
    4. At any time, the player can go into survival mode, he sees the buildings again.
    5. The player can switch to the design mode at any time.
    6. In design mode, he can build only one structure, he can erase the pattern and start again, he can load the pattern from the blueprint and save it back.

    the need to switch between modes and then load one game, then another, and leave the game very annoying
  6. oshadow

    oshadow Commander

    Dec 10, 2015
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    You do not understand me! all improvements relate to multiplayer
    it's time to make this game MORPG, more than 1000 players online.
    Pear78 likes this.
  7. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    not sure which topic this suggestion supposed to go, so add it here too:
    pls make decorations able to turn on/off. now theyre always turned on when there is fuel in the ship.

    when a ventilator gets turned off, shouldn't the air get sucked back into the tanks? there is no place it can go..
    now it just vanishes when the ventilator gets turned off.. seems a bit weird, my ships don't have holes in them ;)
  8. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Interesting point.

    What should happen? You get to hang out in an atmosphere that slowly becomes toxic? Wouldn't there be decompression, or something, when somebody opened an exterior door?
  9. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    How about a debuff timer and when it hits zero you switch to your suits oxygen supply ? Easy fix?
  10. Gwyn

    Gwyn Ensign

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Hi There,

    Please accept my apologies if this has been suggested before.

    I'm not a builder per se, but I do a lot of adaptation of existing structures. I build a lot of the same features over and over, but in stages.

    I would like to see a feature allowing, at spawn of a base or module blueprint, the option to merge it with an existing base. The player then selects which core will take over for the whole base and where near the existing base the new module will be spawned. The new addition is automatically merged with and leveled with the point where the new module will be attached.

    This option would allow a great deal of flexibility with regard to up-scaling a base over time. Today you add a 9-plot garden module, tomorrow a furnace module and the next day you add 36-plot garden module, or hanger bay or defense turret or whatever.

    We could build "tabs" on our existing bases where module blueprint tabs could be made to align, and poof! New garden module aligned with, level too and controlled by(if you so choose), your old core.

    Eventually it would be nice to add capabilities to your core through upgrade, modules or whatever. But, I digress.

    I know. Or, you could just build it...again and again through many many games.

    I just think it might appeal more to players to be able to spawn favored style modules or layouts as they have the materials available. Do you have a favorite living room module with a fireplace, couch, mood lighting and perfect wooden decor? A heavenly boudoir to mutually and consentually seduce the being of your heart's desire?

    Now you subsist in a Crashed Shuttle? You miss home?

    The enterprising and far-sighted survivalist would have a copy of their comfy pillow place saved as a module/base blueprint. Add a couple of blocks ( A "tab") to the place on the side of your base where you want your module to attach, spawn your module, kick back and play your x-box 971 in the comfort of your personal palace, all running from four original base. New generators and fuel tanks could be left is place to disperse critical functionality or removed to consolidate those same functions in one place.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Wow, that would force me to build every ship in it's own save game, or at least in it's own playfield.
    Other than that, I like the idea -> granted they first make make M/V ative as Default for a creative mode started game.

    Until then, I can recomend Combat Steel Blocks, I find them the most accurate item with the least amount of items - usage balanced'ish wise.

    As some sort of mixed approach, I can recomend my Creative Studio (link in sig),
    which has different gravity values set for each of the planets, as it is designed to build CV/SV's.

    This gives _some_ help to be prepapred for an actual M/V test.
    Issue is, one can easly 'overload' (placed CC/CE) any CV/SV but still be able to beat 5g without load.

    But it sure will have better chances to be somewhere close to what you want.
    I'd recomend planets with 2-4g for ships with no to only few Cargo.
    (My 'few' = 8-16k TOPS for each of the at least 16 containers, = 256k (16x16) su in a CV)

    Already possible, it's called making a Scenario.
    Be aware that for a CV you'd need to have set a path where it patrols along, a faction it belongs to - to be hostile vs. you.
    Also I dont think that testing is supposed to happen in creative mode.
    And that's just the tip of the iceberg of missing Information upon 'simply spawned'.

    hth, have a good day :)
  12. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    With the tool-turret bay of my Mirai, I came by something I started to miss on several occiasion earlier, but never before would have been soooo nice and cool as for those 'tool bay's.

    Could we get the Cockpit/Passenger seats to support logic?
    Beeing able to give them a 'TxSignalName"?
    Sitting = on
    Not sitting = off

    This way, one could connect a seat with, say turrets, and once one takes a seat, the connected turret activates itself, and the shutter doors would open.
    Or Lights and LCD's could be turned on/off while seating, without beeing 'on' all the time on isnt seated and outisde the sensor reach (which is a very suboptimal Workaround).
  13. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Coupled with this old want:
    It would be very nice indeed to have!
  14. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I concur. Please let us use mergestructs command in survival mode. I as well store modular base components that I keep in the blueprint database, and simply manufacture which ones I need based on the environment/location of each game/planet.
    Currently, the workaround is changemode->exit game->load game->mergestructs->changemode->exit->reload. COnsidering the other commands available in survival, not sure why mergestructs was disabled. Unless there was some abuse in mp-pvp servers?
    Gwyn and zztong like this.
  15. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I've not used the mergestructs command, but modular base components sounds appealing, plus you could potentially see world generation make POIs out of base parts with some enhancement of such a feature.
    Gwyn likes this.
  16. Rawd

    Rawd Ensign

    Apr 29, 2019
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    I would really like to be able to disassemble entire structures and vehicles I own.

    I've played Empyrion on and off since summer 2017. I enjoy large scale building in games. I usually get to a point late in the game where I have several obsolete ships and vehicles near my base and base itself needs a serious upgrade. Then I look at the whole thing and decide that it's simply not worth the effort to manually disassemble everything and I so stop playing till next time. Which is a shame.

    I know I have the option of rebuilding in another location or deleting the whole structure, but neither option seems to fit my survival/builder playstyle.

    So my main wish is to have some kind of a structure reclamation mechanism. May be some device you attach to a structure that activates and over time takes the structure apart and sends all the mats to some storage you designate.
    Gwyn and RhodeKill like this.
  17. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    Ramp Top Double for Cargo Extension
  18. Gwyn

    Gwyn Ensign

    Jan 11, 2019
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    @Kard - You are awesome! :)

    Thank you for providing the workaround for this. I personally find the game to have a more organic flow if I find a nice existing structure
    and work to improve it as skills and materials avail themselves.

    I think I'm going to spend some time over the next few days making BPs of favored base modules.

    Last edited: May 5, 2019
  19. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    A physical version of the blueprint factory ought to include this functionality.
    RhodeKill and Gwyn like this.
  20. Gwyn

    Gwyn Ensign

    Jan 11, 2019
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    @Rawd - That would be great!

    I was thinking of a generation of constructors/deconstructors as being HV/SV or eventually even CV capable. They would based on size class, or maybe it would be as simple as whatever fits in the provided assembly/disassembly space/field would be, ie something along the lines of 30x30x20high interior machine space or field. There would of course different sizes available as well as HV/SV vs CV versions.

    I think this would be interesting as it would allow factions to sell faction vehicles without them having to exist in "reality" like a car lot, generating more entities. This way, you walk up to the Polaris/Talon/Whatever faction trader/car dealer, you buy a one run BP of the vehicle you desire. Then, with the BP displaying a materials list, you grab the required items from your stash, dump them in a public input box connected to the faction vehicular constructor on site, scan in your 1 use blueprint, which is either destroyed or voided, and wait 3 hours or instantly or whatever, and pop, there it is, your new blue and white Polaris tricycle, complete with little horn on the handle bars, or what ever specialized faction vehicle you desire.

    On a smaller scale, standard constructors could be utilized in the same way to get that uber cool unique faction toilet scrubber, plasma bazooka, fancy pink Polaris jumpsuit or whatever they have for sale.

    Conversely, for a fee you could pay for a 1 run deconstructor "BP", park your HV/SV in there and poof! You then gather your materials from the public box and re-utilize them for whatever.

    Naturally, I think this process is going to require a lot of power, so these huge constructors should be limited to the factions/governments and only mounted to the largest player structures.

    As far as bases, I've not given it much thought, but:

    I must admit that it would generate much glee as well as a few giggles if the devs would give us something akin to the power of real explosives. Something we could strew through our "base to be destroyed" in order to....yes get back a safe distance and demolish the entire base in a single fiery flash of high explosives at the push of a button. This would be especially cool if later you could pass over the persistent crater and debris field in your fancy faction SV, and in you mind you can cackle insanely "I did that!" whilst displaying a calm smile and a glint in your eye to your friends! LOL

    Anyway, thank you!


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