New function suggestions that would help senario/servers owners create!

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by SacredGlade, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Been thinking about multiplayer senario/server universe design and I have no doubt there are many additional ways of utilising in game devices and assets to create interesting play experiences, and more "alive" universes.

    Credit charge conditionality

    1. First one I am thinking of is to make certain devices usable, on the condition of a credit fee. For example having a teleport, that is only usable if a player has a certain value of credits, which are then deducted. A "ticket to ride" so to speak. No credits no travel! I can also see this applied to certain doors as a condition of entry.

    Control if equipment teleports

    2. Option for Teleporters that only transfer the player and not the backpack or armour. This gives creators a bit more control of the options around the flow of players around the universe. (I have some creative ideas how this could be very interesting...). This is a bit similar to the functionality already within the instance system.

    Ship trader

    3. Being able to "buy" vessels via/from a trader. Even if in the form of a ready to spawn blueprint.

    I am sure there are other little ideas, which could provide big opportunities for the universe creators!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2019
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Tools with detailed instruction? :)
    Eleon has provided us a number of scattered tools for editing, fiddling and creating, but some are really peculiar or simply hard to grasp how they should work or lack in documentation.

    I’d love to see a unified tool with a workflow like this:

    You open the tool, and along the left side you see a collection of star types. On the right, a big, black nothing box that is a completely empty star system.

    You begin by dragging a star into that big, black space. The star selection on the left is then replaced by a selection of planet types, asteroid fields and stations, which you can then drag and drop into your otherwise empty system, and position them as you like until you are satisfied with the layout of the system.

    Connecting planets should be a simple task of right-clicking a planet, selecting One Way or Bi-Directional, and left-clicking the target to link the objects.

    Once you’ve finished setting up the system, you can then double click the planet or object to zoom in to that planet or object’s orbital space. On the left side you get a selection of moons and space-based POI’s, ranging from derelict SV’s to Trade stations to resource asteroids and hostile floatillas. These can then be dropped into the orbital space of your planets.

    After this, double-clicking will take you in to that object. For a planet, this would be the playfield editor level, again, the left hand toolbar would contain all the planetary objects from resource deposits to POIs and animal herd migrations. Simply drag and drop these to have hand-placed POI’s for custom scenario design.
    All your planetary parameters should be editable from this level, everything from the skybox color to ocean color, the pull of gravity, size of the planet, length of day/night, to the presences of Zirax, Talon and Polaris factions, even things like the presence of spiders could be turned off and on here.

    Once you’ve finished all your tinkering to this point, you’ve a ready-to-use, or ready to roll up your sleeves and really dig in system to further customize with custom scenarios, linked teleported, portals or whatever you happen to desire.

    Eleon, you up to the challenge? :)
  3. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    The amount of value that would add to the game is enormous.
    SacredGlade likes this.

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