BlockShapes Menu and new Shapes

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, May 14, 2019.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    (Note: This is a feedback thread about the BlockShapes Menu, but you can also add in your feedback about available blockshapes of course!)

    NOTE 2:
    If you want to ask for a MISSING block, I absolutely NEED a grafik or info for a clear visualization of the shape! (Best case: place the blocks you already have around a void where the block you are requesting should fit into. Coloring for better visualization is of course appreciated)

    We have now a repository of about 200 blockshapes for all BA and CV material blocks (and ~10 less for the small grid SV and HV as they do not share the "corridor" blockshapes)

    To achieve the addition of about 150 new shapes, we had to entirely redo the blockshape (RMB) menu.
    This gave us the opportunity to make it work better and, most important, let YOU configure the menu and available block to your likings!

    The menu can be freely configured. You can find the file over here in the BlockShapesWindow.ecf
    C:\games\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration

    (The handling notes are also available in the BlockShapesWindow.ecf!)
    • Max of 22 TabGroups
    • Max 8x13 shape slots per page
    • Each TabGroup can have unlimited pages.

    Each tab group will create a tab that will apply a formatting filter to a set of blocks, defined in a child element
    > ParentBlocks: provide a comma delimited string of parent block ids (from BlocksConfig.ecf)
    > Shapes: provide a comma delimited string of child block shape names and formatting tokens:

    • To allow a filter to be used by all parent blocks, do not provide a ParentBlocks value. You must provide at least one Shapes value.
    • To allow a filter to exclude a set of parent blocks, provide a ParentBlocks value and no Shapes value
    • Concerning shapes that should not be available in either large (CVBA) or small (SVHV) grid, like the corridor shapes: see example below how this is handled by setting Child0 and 1. If you do NOT set Child1, but only Child0, both grids will use the same shapes automatically.
    • The 'ParentBlocks' line indicates the Large Grid '396,399,402,405,408,411,1322,1481' and the Small Grid '380,393,1478,1594'
    • If you want one grid size to not use ANY of the child blocks, just leave out the 'Shapes' part"
    > Use <empty> for placing a blank slot (You cannot just use a syntax like , , , , for empty slots!)
    > Use <newline> to break a line
    > Use <pagebreak> to break a page

    _Console Command_
    > Use 'shapeswdw reload' in the ingame console to reload the shapes menu and update to the changes you made. Also works when the file is opened in parallel!

    _ Additional Notes_
    • You need to use the KEY name of the shape. To find the KEY name of the shape, open the localization.csv (and search for your localization term.
    • The FIRST entry in the row of localization terms is always the KEY
    • Do NOT use RETURN or SHIFT-RETURN when setting up the TabGroups, pages and shapes. This might result in a CoQ.
    • Make sure you only use each shape name ONCE per TabGroup. Multiple use will cause issues with the list.
    Tip: For setup or debugging any config file (like this or the localization.csv etc), use a free tool like Notepad++ and use setting 'View > Non Printable Signs > show all' to show linebreaks and other usually hidden characters!
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
  2. Maverick241

    Maverick241 Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I like the new block shapes for corridors. However, the outer corner is still missing to lead the corridors around a corner. In addition, you can not really illuminate the corridors, because you can not attach lamps.

    I also like the new doors, but a mirrored version would also be desirable.
    Wayson, Dietrich, Liang and 1 other person like this.
  3. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Was basically coming to post just this. Being able to light up a corridor is a must.
  4. 5hinzou

    5hinzou Ensign

    May 15, 2019
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    Is it possible to have this missing triangular block shape added into the game? Here's a couple of pictures to show you what I mean. I've highlighted the added A10 blocks in purple for reference: Screenshot (549).png New Bitmap Image.jpg
  5. 5hinzou

    5hinzou Ensign

    May 15, 2019
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    Also, "Ramp Connector E" and "Ramp Connector F" seem a little too concaved. Is it possible to make them more flat/straightened rather than curved?

    Attached Files:

    Dietrich likes this.
  6. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    No sphere yet?
    Wayson likes this.
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Can you set me up an example what part is missing? Thx! :)
    Maverick241 likes this.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Do you think you can send me the savegame or make a bp from your test plaform and attach it here? I think some of the shapes required are already in. Hard to say (Sry)
  9. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    It's great, there are so many blocks now that i missed for so long. But still there is at least one Block i really miss. I will try to describe it in words but if necessary i will post additional Infos tomorrow.
    Definition: The standart full block has 4 ground corners and 4 high corners. (Cube)
    The one i am missing has 4 Ground corners, 1 high corner and one medium corner.
    So it should cover the 4 colored flats in this picture. Alpha 10 EXP Bau_2019-05-16_03-58-14.png
  10. Audevourahn

    Audevourahn Ensign

    May 16, 2019
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    I'm feeling kind of bummed out about the new blocks, if I can be honest. Right now, the most gradual slope is 2 to 1. I was really hoping we would be able to get 4 to 1 or even 6 to 1 slopes to make nice, long, sleek, tapering hulls as a part of this update. Could you please include these slopes and subsequent corners in Alpha 10 before it goes into non-experimental mode? This would allow for ships that would be so sleek and awesome! Think of the example of the Star Destroyers! The SSD and ISD Star Destroyers have long slopes (probably longer) than what i'm suggesting. The slopes of many of the saucer sections of Star Trek Federation star ships would be more like 12 to 1!

    Could you please give this some thought? Really love the update otherwise, however! Great work on one of the best games I've ever played!
    Ephoie, Kalizaar, Mysh and 4 others like this.
  11. Evolvei

    Evolvei Commander

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Agree corridors need light.
    Straight A's in Algebra 1 & 2.
    After playing Empyrion realize would have been better to be more alert in geometry class.
    Maverick241 likes this.
  12. 5hinzou

    5hinzou Ensign

    May 15, 2019
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    I uploaded the BP to the Steam Workshop here:

    The key areas are the strike craft hangars on the bottom right of the sprue. As you can see they're quite bumpy so far. The most difficult part is finding blocks that allow you to make the underside of an angled slope. Also, feel free to look at the back end of the main hull. I'm building this to resemble these: 2605_md-Battlefleet%20Gothic,%20Chaos,%20Devastator%20Cruisers,%20Styx%20Cruiser.jpg

    I already also made Imperial Navy Cruisers here. I haven't played with them yet, but I plan to try to smooth out the nose cones. Please feel free to have a play with them too:
  13. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I love the new blocks. I hope that we will get more textures in the future as well. Is there any chance of the devs allowing us to mod blocks in the future?
  14. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Please could we have a sphere block - i.e. a full sphere that sits within the boundaries of a single block. Been longing for one of these for the longest time. The current half-spheres have their place but you can't make them sit on a block. They always hover.


    What would you use this for?
    • Holographic planet model
    • A ball of energy in a reactor
    • Machinery part
    • Alien architecture
    • Bombs
    • Gas container
  15. Loch

    Loch Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
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    Missing Corridor Bulky Roof part that would go on top of the pillar wall piece to allow for turns, T and cross corridors
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I have to admit I love the wall blocks and I hope the devs continue to add the wall and corridor blocks. It makes creating a interior for your ship a lot easier.
    Screenshot (142).png
    Na_Palm, ravien_ff and Maverick241 like this.
  17. Maverick241

    Maverick241 Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    You were quicker than me :D
    @Hummel-o-War That's exactly the block I meant.

    If you were about to add this block. Maybe add a mirrored version of the new doors?
    Screenshot 2019-05-16 17.48.24.png
  18. RhodeKill

    RhodeKill Commander

    Mar 18, 2018
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    This! ha ha I've been looking for this block for ages
  19. Maverick241

    Maverick241 Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Would it perhaps be possible to display the block form as a name in the DI menu from the block in the field of view?
    This could be used to identify the block shapes when searching for a specific block.
  20. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I'm certain we'd all enjoy these blocks, yet I wonder just how many blocks would actually result. Consider that for each new slope added 4:1, 6:1, there will be demand for transitional blocks to the other slopes in both corner and full-face combinations. It feels like one of those n(n-1) number of combination situations though that probably isn't the right formula in this case. The same dilemma is involved with supporting larger radius curves.

    Once you get to wanting Auto-CAD to make ship shapes, you have to abandon a grid of pre-made blocks as the supporting data structure.

    As an aside, one thing I am curious about is at what point to you abandon having an artist craft blocks in a 3D tool and start using a computer to generate all of the permutations? Are we there yet?

    EDIT: On a similar aside, at what point do ship designers draw the shape they want and a computer slices it up into the best fitting blocks? Then you can hollow out the hull and fill it with goodies.

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