Hi Everyone! I am following news on Dual Universe and it looks suspicious. You have to pay a lot of money (in compare to other games) and all You get is a promise. There is no demo version, no gameplay on Youtube, almost no information at all except... Official channel, official website and developers who are trying to convince that this is something brand new and it is going to be very, very good. If You as why there are no reviews from the players You get an answer: NDA. I am Empyrion fan and maybe it is not perfect but we all know what are we paying for. DU looks like a freud to me. Maybe someone had an experience with this game?
Fraud is a very specific crime and seriously doubt DU would have moved forward with their current plans if it wasn't legal. Could it be a rip-off? Sure but if you are the type of person to pay for something without knowing what you're getting into that's on you for being a dumb consumer. DU looks very intriguing and I don't mind paying to play Alpha builds (obviously I'm playing EGS) but I would need to know what features are available and playable knowing it won't be perfect and will likely change.
Bad watch. Now acquiring this game you become a sponsor. After entering the open Alpha game will be free but with a subscription. P.S.This game is made under pvp.
Dual universe is not a fraud. It's currently in closed pre-alpha and probably has a ways to go until it's in a playable state.
I sincerely doubt it is a fraud as I know the devs have been to E3 and been interviewed. It would be very elaborate if that were the case. Having said that I wont be touching it until full release because I have my doubts about its success and Im not a fan of games via subscription.
I was tasked by the Dual developers to assemble a small team to help flesh out their toolset for building. I have been in the pre-alpha since day one (and corresponded with the dev team often before they even launched a website). I can assure you the game is legitimate and not a fraud. They employ some of the most amazing talent from many industries. Robotics, AI, and of course games. The concept for Dual goes back a long way, I think to the start of the millennium, but technology needed to mature. Dual's primary drive is their server architecture that enables a single shard universe capable of handing an insane amount of people online at the same time and often in the same area.
Looks like they use really impressive tech. Many parallels with Empyrion. (Likely several ideas shared by each side) But the idea of a single shard universe as a sandbox game ... sounds like a griefer heaven, and might fall on their feet if this is going to really as open as they say. This type of shared open world can put off a lot of people potentially.