General Feedback

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    and there should be a checkbox to show password protected servers. They should be hidden by default. There are more of them than open servers.
  2. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    ^ IKR and the pass ones have the best pings for me T_T
  3. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Just some quick feedback on what I've run into so far. Most of it has probably been noted by others but here goes:

    - Digging in is totally pointless because of 2 reasons:
    1. Anyone who gets close enough will see your base (on minimap and indicator on screen) including the distance to it. This needs to be removed and unlike Alien POI (which show up once you get close enough) it shouldn't pop up on their screen unless they actually see a part of your base.
    2. Every now and then the ore gets refreshed (server restart?) but the tunnels I've been digging also get filled up again. Not sure if this is intended or not. It's not as bad as everyone being able to see your base, but it's somewhat annoying.

    - Custom chatrooms
    We only have 1 public channel. I'd like to see a function where I can send private messages to 1 person and the ability to set up a custom chat channel (passworded) so we can freely talk without the rest of the server knowing about it.

    - Survival Constructor
    I'd like the ability to build these things in a large or advanced constructor. Why? Because it allows me to build all the basics for a small base which is awesome if you get stranded on a planet other than your homeplanet.

    - Dropzone
    Everyone who starts a new game on a server drops in roughly the same area. I've seen plenty of people dropping from the skies only to get stuffed with bullets the second they got out of their pod simply because a bunch of level 1 guys is waiting for them to steal their stuff.
    I'd like either multiple dropzones or a larger dropzone.

    - Reset ability
    A lot of people get killed in the first 5-10 minutes, losing all their stuff. If their corpse gets looted then that's it; they're turned over to the mercy of good natured players who may or may not help them. A reset button would be good for such situations.

    - Generators
    Oxygen and Water Generators stop producing water/oxygen at some point. I don't know what triggers this, I don't know why, but I've had several generators that tell me it'll take 5000 seconds for the next batch of oxygen to appear. Haven't had this in single player once. Strange bug really.
    hehehemann likes this.
  4. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    digging bases would be pointless once harder security measures are introduced , i dont see why we shouldnt be able to discover them if we hover above that
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ping filter would be nice.
    The developers solution for ore deposits running out is utter brilliance , wait till you guys see what they have come up with, ore doesn't look like it will be a problem again once all the bugs are sorted and its fully implemented.
    You can take an AI hostile base and insert it into creative build on it, change it but leave it intact underneath and then you can re-import it to survival game to create your own functioning AI buildings, its a lot of messing around though.
    Factions is really close, you will be able to defend against other player very soon, the developers are onto it like a rash !
    If you set up your dedicated server on the 30000 ports [default ports ] then create a profile on the modem for Empyrion client [as there should be a profile for empyrion dedicated already ] and set the ports to a different set range of port numbers than the dedicated server, then it will run 2 instances of the game and not throw an error message.
    For PvE servers the suggestion that server admins have control over a setting where if a player attacks another player he or she looses tech tree points is a good idea, Im going to suggest that to the developers in testing.
  6. Times05

    Times05 Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    It's not completely pointless. You can dig to make a basic base, while hiding the real stuff underneath in a secret compartment behind a wall or another tunnel coming off your base (which gets sealed and rebuilt every time you enter). So to outsider it looks like nothing special, while all your resources and valuables are hidden in secret compartment of the base.

    Though yeah, ownership/security is still needed. Personally I refuse to play MP without it, unless it's a locked server and I trust the people that play on it.
  7. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    It's not an option because when you press P you can see exactly what's attached to the base :)
  8. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I should probably just try this to find out, but could you copy all the files in say BA_Epsilon_DefenceII_5 and put them in the directory of some base you just spawned and have it function? My goal is to make new bases in unexpected locations, not just change up the existing ones. I especially want more space bases.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Im not sure haven't done a huge amount of making extra AI, as for moving it, you are going to have to start a couple of test games and try it mate.
  10. Franklin_star

    Franklin_star Ensign

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Reproducibility: (Always)
    Severity: (Major)


    Description: Telnet commands not working to save and exit.

    Steps to Reproduce: Telnet ?

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information:
  11. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I'll test fiddling with some of this later next week and report back my findings. There are a few things that theoretically seem possible from my digging into the folders so will be testing them out. I do know there are some things that can be done, but alas I am awaiting moderation to approve the thread I made for that one because I do not know if they want what I found released for people to mess with.

    looks like they ninja approved it while I wasn't paying attention -> Click
  12. Mecistios

    Mecistios Ensign

    Oct 13, 2015
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    1. A restart function for players is realy wanted did have to delete the save sometimes already cause players got raided and could not go on anymore cause they spawn in with totally nothing.

    2. If possible if your not in same faction that the base or player will not be displayed on the map

    3. go on with this wonderfull game :)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  13. DaOpa

    DaOpa Ensign

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Dedicated Server Suggestions:

    Parameter Options
    Enable / Disable - Perma death, upon getting killed you lose all tech tree points and skills, but keep your faction and all structures / vehicles.

    Enable / Disable - POI Sharing between NON FACTIONS, being on a PVP server and getting locations for POI doesnt seem right.

    Enable / Disable - Showing players on MAP, showing players vehicles on map, showing players bases on map, again if your on a PVP Server and can see where everyone is on the map, that doesnt seem right. Should be fog of war, you need to go to others bases to uncover it. Should also add in the ANTENNA / Spinning Satellite thingys that is a decor to provide this functionality.

    Antenna - Detects incoming players, vehicles in a 200 range of placement, able to be on both BA/CV
    Satellite - Same but bigger range 300 able to be on both BA/CV


    1. Turrets need to be relooked at, a turret on a SV/HV or a personal weapon should not be able to out range a base turret.
    Turrets need more info on side panel, show effective range / good against SV, HV, Players etc..

    Personal Sentry Turrets Arc Range needs to be increased.

    Need another sentry turret that is a dome, placeable on a ceiling that covers a wide area.

    2. Turrets need to have a option to enable or disable the following:
    Attacking NPCs
    Attacking Players

    3. Armor Blocks need more armor and HP - I would say triple or four times more of the their current values.
    Different shape armor blocks needed also ...

    4. Enable players to spawn a limited amount of defense drones (the ones you find at weapons factory) for protecting internal base.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
  14. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Is there possible to add creative mode when admin ? (like in 7daystodie) ...
  15. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I find this point kind of hilarious, as the T2 sniper rifle is what we use to remove base turrets that are on the outside of the structure (out ranges most turrets agro range), which itself bothers me.
  16. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    A rating system for dedicated servers.

    Investing time in your creations only to realize that the server you chose from the top of the list is really in some abusive 14 year old's basement, and you're just the latest addition to his sadistic dollhouse of horrors. There is a need to warn others about a bad server, such as an abusive admin or other unfavorable conditions. I fear that the lack of such a feature will hurt this game due to human nature being what it is, as it has with other games with a PVP element. That's my 2 cents at least.
    Alchimeriste likes this.
  17. Alchimeriste

    Alchimeriste Commander

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Yes, very frustrating to see that some servers are suddenly put in private or deleted without being warned, some are forgotten after several hours of play and never updated, etc.. etc.. Others like ESS1 as a very very good admin, he [LandonGam3r] works a lot but we can not give him good rating.
    Shannon Patterson likes this.
  18. Grizzlyaz

    Grizzlyaz Ensign

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Hey All, I'm a new player and haven't seen all the improvements up till now, but I do have some requests. I agree that there needs to be a system to show favorites of servers you have been to. Happened to me once already. Started in one server moved along, left for the night, and the next day, couldn't remember its name or how to find it. So I had to start over on another server. Next is some bigger doors meant for hangers. Pads are good and fine for a base unless you want to keep the ship safe from drones you can put in it a hanger, but on a Capital vessel it makes sense to have a door close behind you and gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that your ship or you are not gonna fall out into the void on a whim. On the subject of doors, some working loading ramps that go down and up like the doors open. I know its a simple request and a lot of extra coding, art, and animation are involved but sometimes the loading ramp is cooler. The next may prove more difficult, putting an atmosphere in ships cabins (SV) or in your capital ship. You can tie it to the O2 stations if needed, but I guess just using your helmet is fine. No rush on that one, I know its kinda big. Next is more simple. I would like to have turrets and a grav generator om small vessels at the very least, or a new ship class, Medium Transport. A cross between a small vessel and a capital ship. No need for a farm in the transport because its too small for one. Everything involved makes for a better experience and will give some ships more personality for the creator. Also a question, Why do we fall out of the ship when it moves and were not in a seat? I know it saves from collisions, but I know I would rather transport a HV to another planet or moon without having to make a new one each time. And speaking of the HVs, can you give them some pitch to make it easier to get up hills. They flip way too much. Giving more height to the hover helps, but its still tricky and no one wants to flip and land in some lava. Some roll would also help, and they don't have to be much, just enough to make it feel more like a hover vessel. and can the boost last a little longer, like a few seconds rather than just BOOM and your done. Just some food for thought.
  19. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    Some things in here have been requested some I personally have not seen in threads (Doesn't mean it hasn't been suggested though), but I suggest writing them up in the Suggestions thread!
  20. Dexter

    Dexter Lieutenant

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Change the Base weapons range so people cant sit just out of range of the bases weapons and destroy peoples bases.

    Its unrealistic having an SV capable of shooting further than a solid mounted gun 10 times its size strength and accuracy.

    Please change it so bases can shoot SV's out of the sky, stop griefers on dedicated servers.

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