BlockShapes Menu and new Shapes

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, May 14, 2019.

  1. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    k, I understand know, I'll do that tomorrow.
  2. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    No worries mate. Anytime, you have been rather busy today as it is :D
  3. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Could we get some blocks that are more than one block in each direction? Like a 1x6 or more block with a slope and with gradual curves?
    Jeffglobal likes this.
  4. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    missing blocks:
    - Wall Sloped B Double Medium as a single version
    - Wall Sloped C Double low as a single version
    - Wall Sloped B Double as single version
    - Corner Half A2 as a medium version where the top is at half height, so it could connect to Cut Corner D Medium
    - Ramp B a version with both sharp edges cut off, like Ramp Round D Double has
    - Wall Sloped C and Edge Round Thin as half height versions, like a Edge Round Medium Quater but as a thin block, same for triangles to connect a corner of wall low
    - Ramp B Double Half with just one edge cut off, like Ramp B, meaning Ramp B as a medium/half block version
    - Ramp A Double Half as thin block version
    - Edge Round Double A Half as thin block (other round ramp things in the row could be medium and thin blocks too)
    - Ramp Round A Double Half as a thin block (other round ramp things in the row could be medium and thin blocks too)
    - Corner B at the height of Corner C Medium, so it could connect to Cut Corner D Medium

    - Cube/Cylinder Framed, maybe a triangle framed
    - Pipes Fence Diagonal as a round version
    - Sphere Half as a smaller version that fits on Cylinder Thin
    - Cylinder Thin as half height version
    - Framed shapes as half height/medium and thin versions
    - special one sided block versions like Edge Round Low Half or Ramp D Low moved to the other block half, so they would not connect, but create a gap when placed, things like Cube Quarter you can just rotate, but these unique ones it is not possible ( , in picture the right side thin block consits of two wall low blocks, i would love to create this so the right block could be a wall)
    - Pipes Fence same size as Wall Low (to create some deco curtains)
    Jeffglobal likes this.
  5. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    So, like when you right click on a window, ramp, or shutters and you get all different sizes? That would also keep the organization of the blocks parsimonious, while still giving a potentially much larger set of blocks to choose from. I think that's a cool idea. Idk Unity, but given they've done it on some, the general case is possible, aside from performance issues I also don't know about...
  6. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    So it would look like this?
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  7. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Now I'm going to assume the bottom side of your frame is the same size as a standard 2m * 2m CV full block. So the bottom of the new object should be the same size as the base it's sitting on. This new object shown here has the same width top and bottom. Top round end in fine.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Like the 3d animations! :D

    Let the suggestions come!
  9. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    Oh, no worries, I did that block too, but I thought you meant it that way.
  10. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well sadly we have no centered small square block that would fit that bottom. Unless I just flat missed it.
  11. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    - full sphere,ball block
    - additional door frames, something more ship/scifi/future, like a trapeze shape door way, something nearly full sphere, maybe cut off at the bottom (like the hobbit house entrances), maybe an asymetric, trapez, with one round and pointy corner, idk. but i feel the current selection does not give me the scifi/ship feel. so i would still use the actual door block currently.
    - make the corridor elements avaliable for sv/hv's please (as deco elements these are quite nice)
    - corridor elements like Corridor Bulky Wall A+B, Corridor Bulky Wall A+B Windowed, that are straight and do not get small to one side top or bottom. these currently look strange with ceiling elements or if combined with thin walls = block Wall
    - corridor elements like Corridor Bulky Wall A+B Windowed with windows that are trapeze shaped, and windows that have round edges (the round one, like windows you could create by using two HeavyWindowN blocks, but in one corridor block, like the ones currently. basicly a bit more scifi type variety there again, like the door. the current ones are great already, dont get me wrong.
    - (sligthly off topic) make the Antennas (Deco) available for sv/hv's, esp the new ones are good to create weapon like deco
    - connector block for Cylinder and Cylinder Thin
    - Cylinder, but hollow, as normal , medium and thin height, these could fit onto Cylinder Framed to create some fake thruster look or piping where the player could walk around inside (would be great for POI's, letting the player crawl into pipes)
    - pointier spikes, like Cone, but stretched over 2 blocks, as 2 seperate blocks, top and bottom, same for Corner Round B, strechted over 2 blocks for pointier stuff, these could fit nice with Ramp A and other blocks of this slope angle

    - for tribal medieval builds something like the corridor elements, for battlement elements (hope this is the right word, the castle wall top parts )
    - window blocks in shapes of Wall Low, Wall Sloped A(right +left), Wall Sloped C Medium (left+right) (meaning normal windows, not heavy ones) (mostly want the Wall Low size windows for sv/hv deco things, since railings do not excatly fit the half block size)
    - angeled pipes, larger radius pipes, that fit on Cylinder Thin, if you would use 2x Cylinder L to conect a pipe running over a height difference, with the Cylinder L this does still look a bit unnatural/pointy, sth to smooth this out, like a sloped pipe connection, or a larger radius like Cylinder L so this connection would not look so forced.
    - single pipes that can be build like laying on the floor. Cylinder Thin currently floats over the floor. something on the ground so you could create a cable tangle looking feel. this could even be stuff that connectes/expandes on Pipes Fence block series. to make them go more wild. but Cylinder Thin is the one that is floating all the time, thats why mentioned this first. basicly a bit more irregular piping that you can put on the floor as deco and looks like the crew did not clean up after them selfes or like a nightmare for someone working these and fixing the mess^^

    edit: small note concering the deco antennas currently for base/cv's. they take like 2 cobalt, could this be removed. to make them a viable starter deco?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
  12. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    For the prior block, you meant this?

    With the small cylinder to small square block, I fudged the pic by lining it up in a way that gave that impression;) But would you find in your builds a need for the centered quarter block? Cause they only have the one that is stuck in the corner, and you can flip it around...well at least for 9.7...

    You CAN use the other transition block for piping into a drill or weapon casing, like he did:
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ and Supay like this.
  13. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Yeah I have already done the same thing in the past using the piping to the drills. As to your question about the smaller square centered one. I could see it being used for smaller ceiling supports And there might be many more uses. But yep that transition your showing above is what I would be looking for.
    It would be nice if they made a whole set ducking objects with small grills already made into them. But that's a lot of work. And something I don't think they would be looking at doing at this time. But I could be wrong.

    Thank you for your effort there!
  14. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    Np, I just learned from the Eleon discord by a single source of unknown reliability, that the SHAPE is independent of where it's placed in the 10x10x10 grid. So technically, that quarter rectangle, could be placed in the center, without any overhead to the game. Not yet verified...
  15. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  16. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    @Hummel-o-War, Is it the case that these two blocks are handled as one 3D element in the game's system, i.e., does where the block sits on the hypothetical grid not affect the overhead of the number of blocks?
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I have a single unverified source that said that given the ~65,500 possible block ID assignments in an epb, that is the theoretical limit, AND when you display the blocks, like the last one above, on a grid, the grid is there only to give feedback to the potential builder of what the block looks like and how it will place in a given space. Therefore, the 3D shape itself is independent of placement inside the 10x10x10 theoretical cube.

    Is that true?
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  17. 5hinzou

    5hinzou Ensign

    May 15, 2019
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    Are you able to make renders of these blocks: Screenshot (569).png Screenshot (575).png Screenshot (576).png
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I love the new pillar added. It has some really interesting texture faces. Great for power conduits! Would love to see more "techy" type blocks like that.
  19. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    @5hinzou Idk why I thought I did already, or they were released. It looks like the top pick is one block used twice, the second & third pic, looks like two other blocks. I think the first time I looked at them, the distortion of the DoF was so horrendous my eyes crossed. If you come across any more blocks, if possible take a screen cap with the min POV of 40, cause, I think my brain is doing the transformations now so I can see the right shapes, it will be much easier with min distortion.

    I'll make them today. Then I'll post them to see if what I see is what you saw...
    5hinzou likes this.
  20. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    @SkUbA suggested this block:
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.

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