Project Eden (WIP massive random scenario)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by ravien_ff, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Double check that you're using the right scenario for the game version your server is running. That looks like an error with a playfield description and the alpha 10 version of the scenario has custom descriptions for space playfields that won't work in alpha 9.7.

    If you're running the alpha 9.7 version, you'll also need to do a workaround for a bug on servers:

    There is currently a bug that prevents random scenarios from starting a new game on dedicated or coop servers in alpha 9.7.

    Possible workaround for coop:
    Start the game as single player. Then quit the game and resume the save game as coop. (Tested it but please let me know if this works for you).

    Possible workaround for dedicated or coop:
    Copy the scenario to your server like normal. Then before starting the server, copy the playfields from the scenario's playfields folder into your server's main playfields folder. Then start the server. (Please let me know if this works for dedicated servers).

    Let me know if this helps or if you still get the error!
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I edited the workshop description to make it more clear the scenario requires alpha 10. :D
  3. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Okay, my friend and I are going into the A10x version tonight, I'll report back anything we hit, problem-wise, here!

    Thanks for doing this heavy lifting. I was pondering the same, and know, deep in the cockles of my dark heart, what this required of you and your time.

    ravien_ff likes this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I hope it all works! There's currently a bug and larger scenarios do not start in COOP mode (seems to work on dedicated servers). Please let me know if you encounter any problems. So far almost everything has been game bugs that only pop up in larger scenarios like this, so it doesn't just help me but also helps the devs find these weirder bugs. :D
  5. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Well, we ran into an issue where he can't connect to the dedicated server, but I can. Hosted on Nitrado. But he can connect to other servers just fine. Wheee, networking! :D
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Double check he's using alpha 10 experimental. Otherwise I have no idea why it would work for you but not him. Weird.
  7. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, it's not the scenario, it's a networking issue. :D
  8. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    So, we isolated the issue. Empyrion appears to cache server information, including the password. And so if you have a bad password cached, it will just timeout instead of reporting an incorrect password, when attempting to connect.

    So, if you get an opportunity to change the password to the correct one, it clears itself up.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Glad it's working now!
  10. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    You and your cockles...
  11. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    ...maybe in the sub-cockle area. Maybe in the kidneys, maybe, even, in the colon. We don't know.
    Fractalite likes this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Update for Alpha 10.0 Release Candidate 2

    Planets and Moons:
    - New starter planet: Dead
    A very hard starting planet in the midst of a nuclear winter with a focus on scavenging and salvaging to obtain the supplies needed to survive and build a SV to escape the planet. Requires advanced knowledge of game mechanics and is recommended for experienced players only.

    - New Swamp planet: Mire
    Rescue citizens of the other factions from crazed cultists.

    - New Planet: Tropical
    Still a work in progress. Will add more custom POIs to it later. Beautiful and peaceful paradise with a favorable climate to grow crops outdoors.

    - Added the default and unused Desert Moon as a Copper-Rich Barren Moon.
    - Added Research North POI set to Ice planet.
    - Added Alien Drop Base to Alien POI set.

    - Ore balancing on default planets. Generally reduced size of the larger deposits and removed some deposits from a few planets. This might make it a bit harder to find ores like Erestrum and Zascosium because you'll no longer find those two ores on the same planets usually. This is going to slow down the mid and especially end game. You'll need to explore a bit before you can build that giant end-game battleship now. :D


    - Added a new Syndicate Outpost and a new Smuggler outpost POI.
    - Freighters now show up on the map from 6km away.

    Trading Overhaul:

    - Added a bunch of new Polaris trade stations and factories to orbits in the middle solar system.
    - Added new Polaris Trade Station playfields with a focus on either industrial or civilian trading.

    Each station or factory POI buys and/or sells large quantities of trade commodities and sometimes other basic supplies as well. The trade commodities can usually be bought and sold at a profit to other stations.
    Traders list which profitable commodities they buy or sell, but there's no guarantee you'll be on speaking terms with the faction who will buy or sell you the goods!
    Most bulk traders have a 3 hour restock timer.
    Still very much a work in progress. There's a lot more planned for trading. Let me know if you think the trading profits needs to be adjusted up. I started them out at a low profit margin but that can be easily changed.

    - Added Leather Farmer, Sugar Farmer, and Corn Farmer to default Talon Cropfield POI set.
    - Added Fertilizer Factory and Biofuel Factory to default Polaris Industrial POI set.
    - Added Waste Treatment Plant to default Rados POI set.

    - Tweaked solar system generation. Less Lava moons. Spread all the planets out a bit more to avoid planets spawning too close to each other.
    - Minor tweaks to various POIs.

    Known Issues:
    - Coop is probably still broken (haven't tested it yet). I still have the bug report open here:
    Please let me know if you are able to start a coop game. Otherwise, you'll have to run a dedicated server to play with your friends until the bug is fixed. :(
    - You can see through small parts of the asteroid the Pentaxid Mining Facility is built upon.

    A new game start is required to get the changes.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2019
  13. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Loving the scenario :)

    Just started a new game and I've found a couple of possible glitches. My game is starting on the swamp world, and for some reason I can see what look like all the non-faction POIs and a few Talon and Polaris ones on the map as soon as I land.

    Two other things I've noted which may just be difficulty factors :-

    No silicon guaranteed near the crash site, just copper and iron.
    No stone from mining.

    On an Odd Temperate start I can just see all the local wreckage pieces on map (but still get discovery credit when I get close enough), but I get crushed stone from mining as expected.

    Let me know if you need a save to check.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That planet is the default swamp starter planet. I don't think it has a starter biome. :D the escape pod will just drop you anywhere. And the ground is mostly dirt so no rock from mining.
  15. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Ah OK, didn't realise it was the default, I'll report the POI visibility in the experimental forum.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's not an active planet so not sure if they'll fix it or not. I can fix it for my scenario. I'll take a look at it tonight or tomorrow night.
  17. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I took one look outside the starting shelter and thought to myself...


    Oh Ravien.... what have you done?!

    I immediately set about the task of getting to know my surroundings and the theme I suspected you might have for the experience:


    You did an absolutely phenomenal job on the feel of the setting. The clock towers were an especially spooky touch.

    I started to consider my options, and... dang...


    Alright, that meant exploring. Found a constructor:


    Thankfully there was also a shower in the trio of buildings. The radiation is a real driver. Almost like a ticking clock. I never got to poisoning or burn, but ****, I was a nervous and watchful; it was close.

    Got myself a basic HV and went zooming about:


    Kinda love this area. It was a nice touch. Maybe up the temp of the biome?

    After lots of exploration I was not quite sure where to build or hijack for a base:


    but then I found this small vessel and that was interesting, so I reversed my steps and set up shop in an "old base" that was nearby to a series of burnt out structures and not far from more.

    And of course, I had to make it awesome:


    Damn you!


    but that is accurate. So points for thoroughness.


    All in all, that was one heck of an experience. In fact, chaulk that right up to one of the better Empyrion experiences I have had yet. As we speak I hear the "ker-chunk" of my constructor finishing the parts of an SV to escape this intensely unpleasant place.

    And it really does rub you the wrong way; not so much aberrant, like something should not exist, but more... gosh, its just, I dunno. Difficult to explain. You really captured "it."

    I recognize that this start will likely receive more work and touching up but here are some thoughts:

    • This is supposed to be the "really, really challenging start" and while I was definitely nervous at first, it lessened once I figured out the cadence. Similar to to the way I just nudged Eleon off in magic magic land about the base attacks; do not be afraid to kill your players here. You have more than communicated that this is supposed to be tricky and I think you did a good job with the communication, but this start is currently more "discernibly challenging" than "edge of insanity." So maybe up the challenge by lowering the temps and increasing the rads.
    • If you can, maybe mix in a weather event/combo that is "wind and faster moving clouds." You might even want to make the clouds faster moving in general. Differing locations in a solar systems habitability zones and the exact nature of the nuclear holocaust(or whatever weapon was used) might play out with the greenhouse effect in a more energetic way. Then again, you really nailed the feeling you were going for... yeah, nevermind, was just a thought.
    • In the area with the orange plants - up the temps.
    • Leveling was really frustrating. To make an SV that can leave the solar system a given player must be level 10. That was not hard but was more grueling. Levels 7 - 10 were just me reclaiming buildings that had the public core. Since ammo is very very hard to come by and you want the xp to be sought in a similar scavenging fashion, find the biomes that are especially populated with the dead trees and add in just 1 of the tree golems - supposing they are still in the NPC listing.
    • Reduce the "Supply caches" by 30-50%.
    • Is it possible to add more craters?
    • Remove grass from the base of the craters.
    • In the very starting first structure thingy, one of the LCD's mentions "I am not alone." But in fact, I was alone. I was hoping for **** to jump out at me or to be joined by some fiendishly well-placed fuzzy kittens, but nothing ever came? Maybe remove that part, or add in a series of LCD's that indicate the person writing them was going mad and was making it up or seeing illusions.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
    ravien_ff likes this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Awesome! I love hearing people's stories about playing! Thank you so much for sharing and I'm glad you liked it so far!

    Yeah this, along with the whole scenario, is definitely still a work in progress. Balancing this one was tricky, I wanted someone to be able to survive on "hard" difficulty without getting a guaranteed death, but that also makes it easier on "normal" difficulty. This planet, as well as the snow dwarf one that is next to it, will tie in with the greater story. While the scenario isn't story focused, it will have one. I also had to make sure that there were enough SV parts for a player to build a functional non-warp SV without needing the levels to craft each part, even on a multiplayer server. Hence the admin core survival caches. Think I should add some SV warp drives too? Maybe put some in orbit/on the moon? And I always miss some grass somewhere!

    Thank you for the feedback!
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Also with random solar systems, I can make 2 versions of the starter planet that will be randomly chosen, one with faster moving clouds and different weather, etc.
  20. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    True, and I like your thoughtfulness, but do not worry so much here; you have five different starts and a well-communicated short briefing AND a nice starter building. Do not worry about normal vs hard vs whatever, just make it brutally, miserably hard.

    As an example, for practice I scouted with my drone, mentally mapped out how to "leap frog" my way between buildings, tried to identify usful flora/fauna, etc etc. I have a crazy suggestion for you too; because the HV's cockpit can erase the temp and rad challenge(at least, for a time) add in some POI's that are "Malfunctioning turrets" and have them be MEAN fucking turrets - rocket, pulse laser, artillery AND not capturable or some craziness. If you want, and if I have the time, I might sit down and make one or two tomorrow.

    HMMMMM... that is more challenging. I definitely had enough parts from scrap. The bottleneck was cobalt, but then I remembered that the steel growing plots require 1 cobalt alloy... which, to be fair, is kinda silly(*cough* stupid *cough*) but that is an example of the resourcefulness a more experienced player brings to the table - and ultimately an aspect to not cater to, but more, to push.

    It is more of an optimal situation to get the player the parts, but it is also inconsistent... will have to think on this. Not sure. My instinct is to always have the player do everything - as an example, for this starter planet I would ban the motorbike if I could and force the player to have to make a starter HV. So I would be more inclined to want them to build all the parts while hunkered down in some burnt out building with the wind and snow of a nuclear fallout roaring through the cracks in the walls.

    I did not have a moon and do not add one. Also, leave the orbit alone and add in more damaged vessels and buildings to the surface. I love the scavenger theme; I say stick with it. Everything should be on-planet and should be sparse.


    One of the REALLY interesting aspects of this start, and something I neglected to mention in the previous post, is the effect that the food shortage has on things. Similar to how the radiation is like a ticking clock, the lack of food, but the discoverable food in the caches, means that a player has to have an hourglass in their minds. They cannot just dick around; they have to manage things and you MUST find a way off planet or you die. It is delightfully simple and keeps things relentlessly marching forward.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
    ravien_ff likes this.

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