Purpose built designs vs jacks of all trades

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Elder Days, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Elder Days

    Elder Days Ensign

    Jun 20, 2019
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    I’ve looking through many blueprints on Steam as well as observing people’s creations in action through YouTube videos. It seems like the current philosophy when it come to vehicle design is to throw everything on including several kitchen sinks. I’ve see very few dedicated mining or harvesting vehicles that weren’t covered in guns. There are also a good many combat vehicles that are decked out with gathering tools, constructors, fridges and wet bars.

    My point is to people like this sort of one size fits all design principle or would you like to see the mechanics encourage more specialized vehicle designs.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    if you look for nice and easy AND good looking HV's try @CrazyZ 's productions. IMO very good!
    Btw., Constructors are no harm, besides they can supply you with at least a bit of Ammo and some food while fighting your way through the enemy POI's. Same go's for fridges to store the food/meds or whatever you place in there:D
    CrazyZ likes this.
  3. RhodeKill

    RhodeKill Commander

    Mar 18, 2018
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    I try to keep all of my creations purpose built. I've got a dedicated miner, hauler, and a HV tank. But I know what you mean, so many designs max out every weapon and make sure to include every device.
    I think CPU will help alleviate some of this when they roll that out
    Elder Days likes this.
  4. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    im building a HV series just to get out of the "jack of all trades" and to try something new stay tuned :)
    Elder Days likes this.
  5. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    There isn't a single response- you can't make everybody happy in all situations. Problem for us is that we know it's software and so what's doable isn't limited by real physics.

    In practice people don't like the limitations the dev team enforces that tend to operationally differentiate designs- it's a tough thing to implement in a way that doesn't seem capricious. Consider the limitations based on ship classes (an artificial distinction that's used to try to do just this sort of thing) an SV can't carry medical devices, a CV can't carry a detector, an SV warp drive is destination limited, an HV that can carry a a boat load of every flavor of artillery turret can't carry a small constructor to turn it into a movable fortress base and a base in space can't mount even the smallest engines for relocating itself in relation to the sun ... undoing those limitations is a frequent ask but if they were undone, wet bars aside, the designs would homogenize even more.

    It really comes down to the player to create the illusion of mission oriented craft and those efforts come out as self-restraint; in a PVP game you could easily find yourself getting out maneuvered by someone in a shoe box with five layers of armor and internal decking made out of RCSs. Addressing that to enforce fairness under the current mechanics would probably brick most of the ships in the workshop. Hard sell.

    Recent changes to add weight and volume will create more differentiation since the weapons/armor load out needs to be balanced against cargo carrying capacity ... great question but not an easy one to pick sides on.
    Elder Days likes this.
  6. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    I tend to keep my builds separate. I have a scout with low armament simple guns. It's only job is to look and get out of there is trouble is around. If I need to ship to do battle I have one of those. My tree cutter is a small fast HV, my miner HV is bigger. it's slow and sluggish with a full load. I've got all in one builds too. But I find they were good to get the feel of. But over time I find I like smaller ships designed for the job intended. One it makes my game longer and more thought needed to overcome what is ahead of me.
    Gaz, Elder Days and imlarry425 like this.
  7. Elder Days

    Elder Days Ensign

    Jun 20, 2019
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    I am hoping that in the future weight, power usage and resource costs limit the feasibility of the more ostentatious builds.
  8. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    * You Need Oxygen (QoL)
    * You Need at least 2 miniguns to not be a total vicitm (QoL + Survival)
    * most preferd is WIFI & Detector (QoL & security)
    * If you get stranded, you need a constructor (or at least enough Cargo for reserves, such as (but not limited to) Cockpit, Generator, fueltank, warp & fuel, core)
    * You do Need SOME Cargo, for above reason

    Cargo boxes are the total wrong place for CPU...
    (at last with MV the ship will turn useless with not enogh thrusters)
    Weapons, THAT is the place where we should find values like 200 CPU or 300 CPU.....

    THIS would LIMIT the overcrowed weaponized Cargo Transporter.
    But as of now… we cannot even get the 32k SU for HVSV together without exceeding the CPU Limit, despite moving that Cargo...
    So any Kind of Transporter is 'killed' per Limit, whereas still, any and evrey vessel can get as many weapons as one wants….

    My 2 cents
    jmtc and StyxAnnihilator like this.
  9. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Main issue with a specialized vessel is travel time. To get to an area and do the whatever specialization and then back to a base. You might have to skip attacking stuff with a miner, or you use autominers and need an hauler to collect and transport. Maybe use a fighter to take down a POI, for then return with a multitool HV. For then return with a hauler. And so on. Try this on a (very) large planet, then you start wishing a combo vessel.

    If you find a build you like, then can always spawn it in Creative and modify it. I suggest test out a build before using it in a play. In SP it does not matter much, since can just use console commands to give you stuff and such. Also "fancy" looking builds are more hassle to repair, fiddling with what blocks to fit and rotate and texture and color, particularly since have not built them and might try figure out the shape. Unless you have repair to template or do not engage in fights much.

    I mainly build for myself, often no mass & volume (or CPU) concerns, or PvP. Sometimes I participate in creative "challenges" now and then, just to show some "simple" builds. For me function is more important than looks, try not to let them be too boxy though. Only the needed equipment and try place it as efficient as possible keeping the cost and size down. Often place stuff so a build can be evolved, putting on more thrusters and weapons and other equipment. Or easy replacement of thrusters and blocks. Do not bother pretty them up and share them on the workshop, mostly.

    My builds are for early to mid game, to get resources going. Then can always find something "nice" on the workshop.
    Shout out to all that bother and like to build more detailed and work intensive creations.

    Some early game considerations, additions to other postings.
    CPU is not activated (unless turned on for a server/scenario), now a very very unfinished "balancing" mechanic for future use (forcing certain build considerations).
    Do not need O2 system, can use bottles from survival H2O+O2 generator. Rather use cockpit (or pilot seat in airtight room), so protected from the environment and (most) attacks. O2 station and armor locker you can have in cargo and slap on if need to use it, and multitool it away after.
    Sniper rifle and some other guns can take care of drones, so can wait with gatlings. Gatrlings are pretty cheap, wood and steel plates are easy to get for the ammo. Most standard POIs have blind spots, so a nimble and small HV/SV can get to without much damage. HV with harvester can be nice though, mowing down wood and creatures.

    My current "tactics" on a PvPvE server I just joined is to have a small all round HV and a starter CV as cargo hauler (an Abandoned POI often gives enough materials for the CV). Later on add an attack SV. Then a larger CV that can do some battle and be a mobile home. Spawn a simple base with CV repair and deconstructor if needed, and remove after. Maybe have a hidden space base, or join a faction.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
  10. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    There is NO point (fun) in doing specializd ships… More than 1/5th are downvotes…. (with 64/65 Subs)
    'Everybody' (you, a few others) Keep up with 'demanding' (asking for) specialized ships…

    But once a specialized ship has been made, it's overhelmed by downvotes.

    /sarcasm on
    Because of Course, a medical evac SV has no:
    * mobile constructor, fridge & 1 box for Medics
    * has no armor locker to equip personell for the 'current' enviornment of the planet
    * has no oxygen Station, because, who Needs o2...
    * has no warp
    * is NOT high-gravity capable, because ppl only strand on 0.5g planets….
    * has no shield and no weapons, because People Always strand in calm, nice, non-hostile enviornments
    /sarcasm off

    If you disagree that this ship is med evac focused, please let me know WHY, because i'm sick of mindreading (downvotes without comments).

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