BlockShapes Menu and new Shapes

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, May 14, 2019.

  1. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    After working on some designs with the new block shapes, some additional gaps have come up.

    I'd like to see the following:

    Double Beam: two beams spaced apart, such that they can go on the end of "Wall Double". Or another way to look at it, take "Wall Sloped C Double Low" and turn them into square beams.

    Centered half-wall: Take "Wall Low" and move it up so it is centered. The main use for this is to use it rotated like this:


    In this way it can be used as a mounting point for a light or grow light without needing to put a whole wall.

    Duct blocks: I'd like to see Cylinder L, and all the Cylinder Thin variants and connectors, also have square versions (which are basically a cube quarter except centered). The purpose of this is to make square-looking pipes, which are common for air ducts. You can do this with Cube Quarter and Cube Eighth to an extent, but not all connection variants exist, and furthermore they are not centered so you can't do something like stick a Grow Light on the end of it. I really want a mount for a grow light that I can hang from the ceiling in a large warehouse, the Cylinder L used to work for this but no longer does since the Grow Light art was changed.

    Ventilator blocks: Would be nice to have a ventilator on the slope side of Ramp C. It would also be cool to have a Cylinder with a vent on the end of it (but not the sides), so you can make a vent that looks like it is hanging from a ceiling pipe. This also suggests it would be nice to be able to texture any faces which do not have the ventilator on it.

    Heavy Windows: There is a 45 degree heavy window with a frame on the top and bottom (Window G) however since the overhaul of heavy window shapes, there are not enough blocks to go with it. There should be a 45 degree window with no frame, and a 45 degree window with a frame on only the bottom (top if rotated). Those would also require corresponding variants of Window H.

    Container Extension Blocks: Ramp A Double, Corner Double A1 would be nice.
  2. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I feel like there are not enough slopes/ramp shapes, there is the one thin ramp that has a lesser slope, but the only things it connects to have a slightly greater slope making things look strange. I would love to be able to make a slope in SV/CV and BA that takes 4 blocks to go up by 1 block. as well as have thin versions of those that are a thin tile that goes up at an angle.

    When decorating ships I also find I am missing a thin piece that can be put at an angle for example having a piece that goes from corner to corner on top of a tile and takes up about 1/2 of that tile. You can make details with thin tiles like this in a straight line, but as soon as you want to turn that line even at a 45 degree angle you don't have any pieces.
    jmtc likes this.
  3. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    The diagonal HW blocks I already made mock ups for. The other suggestions are "self evident," all depends on what they find important to add, and what they don't. I think the 45 degree windows needed a verticle one sided block too...Idr if I did that, but it's easy to visualize.

    Having the ducting blocks would increase the design possibilities for hulls too, given partially exposing an underlaying block give interesting texture possibilities...
  4. NatlocsTea

    NatlocsTea Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
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    i can not figure out how to replace the Corridor block materials. for example hullcombatfulllarge hullfulllarge

    what is the block type? its not thin, full, or extended... i cant find anything.
  5. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    Otherwise, interestingly, Taelyn was just talking about it on the discord...
  6. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    @Razorlight Entertainment suggested these blocks:
    This became an issue, because you can make a small pipe as above, but only from 4 separate blocks. Then you can only cap it, not extend it in any way. Suprisingly, I couldn't find a corner block as above for the large here they are.
    Na_Palm, jmtc and Maverick241 like this.
  7. Razorlight Entertainment

    Razorlight Entertainment Ensign

    Jul 10, 2019
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    @Jeffglobal has pinpointed the problem precisely. What takes 4 blocks to create should take only one. It's a simple addition, which can be created by scaling the existing cylinder pipe block.

    The HullExtendedLarge command requires that the block number be input for correct replacement. Unlike HullLarge, it doesn't just replace ALL the blocks in the category. You've got to use each block's ID number to replace that entire set of blocks. Fun. :D
    Jeffglobal likes this.
  8. ViralGamer

    ViralGamer Ensign

    Dec 19, 2018
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    Yes to this and also Force Field Blocks, just like the windows only you can go through but environment cannot.
  9. baddkarma74

    baddkarma74 Lieutenant

    Aug 6, 2016
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    This is what I use all the time, and it helps. However, I agree that asking us to edit obscure text files to custom build our menu's is a bit much. I hope they fix this in the future, and allow this in game somehow, or in some other way improve this feature. I do this kind of stuff in my job all the time... don't want to do it when I am relaxing at home.

    Still, love the extra shapes, so in the interim, no complaints. Really. Thank you Eleon!

    One suggestion I would LOVE to see implemented, would be a key you could press while you are mousing over the face of an already placed block that will find the first match to that blockface and show it. If it's what you want, you place it. If not, you hit the button again, and it finds the next match. Keep going until there are no more matches. That would be amazing. Honestly, I am not sure it would be all that difficult to code either. Maybe I am wrong there, but it seems within the realm of possibilities and not way out of left field.

    Keep up the amazing work Eleon. Thank you.
  10. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Is there a way in game to look at a block, press a key, and your current block in hand gets changed to that block shape? Functionality would be similar to the Minecraft Pickblock feature. If not, that would be something I would want added for block selection.

    Trying to play "guess the block used here" makes my head hurt.
  11. Jiroc

    Jiroc Ensign

    Oct 12, 2020
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    This is my #1 feature request. I've spent hours trying to identify and replace blocks because I can't easily figure out what the shape is that I'm looking at.

    Two Suggestions:

    1) Have the multi tool list the block shape in the description of the block when you point at it. You could have the "di" list the block shape, but that's only helpful if you're an admin.

    2) Have a "Match Block Shape" option. You could hold the block you want to place and right click and hold it. Then an option to "Match Block Shape" that you're pointed at comes up.

    Great game! Cheers.
  12. Intezium

    Intezium Ensign

    Aug 26, 2023
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    I propose these blocks.
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2023

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