Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  2. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    that would really only work around gas Giants. not that the moon and or ring system of a gas giant would not be a good add... maybe also a way to scoop up a gasses form the gas giant.
  3. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    I will probably end up getting mobbed and lynched here but.. here goes.

    When this game first got going, I saw the world being created and the life being put into it and liked the look of it.
    I felt that this could turn into a really good PVE survival game.
    While I enjoy shooting people and stabbing them in the face as much as the next guy, I was hoping that this game was going to go for more PVE and not so much PVP.
    Crash landed on a world, no Idea where home is, let alone how to get back there. Survival and Exploration was may main wish for this game.
    I'd need goals, reasons to need to improve my skills and abilities, reasons to explore. Real environmental threats that needed to be conquered to improve my lot. Research and Development.
    Food Farming, Livestock? Tranquillise to capture critters. Study and breed in captivity.
    Lots of potential threats by way of critters... spitty, bitey, crawly, chasey, fall on your head kind of stuff..
    But not so much in the way of sapient aliens. Maybe an alien signal coming from off world, a reason to leave the planet and explore further. Following a trail of satellites from system to system, trying to figure out what they are all about.

    While some of the POI's are fun to play and PVP can be pretty exciting I think that this game is going to far towards PVP and further away from PVE.
    Even single player is now being made PVP but with your opponents AI controlled. Base attacks every so often, alien ships guarding resources.

    I just wanted something different from this game. A fix that I can't get from so many other games.

    The ideas here are very good, I like the idea of canyons and giant trees, I like the idea of having stuff that makes me want to go and explore. Being afraid to leave home because a superior alien race might come around and disintegrate it isn't really the kind of survival I had in mind.

    Ok.. you may throw poo when ready. ;)

  4. Barra74

    Barra74 Lieutenant

    Feb 18, 2017
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    I want a better Head up Display font, colour and style. The current one feels like it came out of Microsoft Word.
  5. altairdark

    altairdark Ensign

    Apr 29, 2018
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see:
    • space weather that affects the planet's weather and climate
    • more weather conditions
    • weather should affect the wild vegetation
      (eg. yellow grasses and other vegetation from heat, radiation, acid rain, etc.)
    • cave systems
    • underwater bases and ruins,
    • junkyards where a small amount of rare raw materials can be obtained. Some should appear in place of abandoned by players bases and destroyed ships. All this to improve performance and restore a more "natural" look to the terrain.

    B. For space playfields I would like to see:
    • more dangerous and unpredictable playfields
    • more solar systems with different star types (red dwarf, white dwarf, neutron star, red giants, binary star, etc.)
    • gas giant, hot Neptune (like Gliese 436), Hot Jupiter (e.g. 51 Pegasi b), mini-Neptune
    • decaying worlds near a neutron star, black hole.
    • ice asteroids
    • comets
    Lucidlook and Ian Einman like this.
  6. Sir Winston

    Sir Winston Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    When playing, one thing I've always wondered about was why there is no interaction between the NPC's? I wander into a Polaris mining camp, and find ZIRAX drones floating around totally unmolested, they are also not attacking anything, but still, you'd think there would be combat between the two factions.

    Why do the 'dangerous' critters out in the bush only attack me? Why doesn't that group of Talon help fight off the five or so spiders? Why didn't the spiders attack the Talon?

    I think there should be some random encounters like these. It doesn't have to happen 'off stage' but maybe the spiders could attack the Talon scouting party instead of me from time to time? Maybe those security installations that are at Polaris facilities can actually *do* something. (Other than kill me when I screw up!)

    Why do all the traders have to be located at the trading station? (Not to mention the one Talon vendor at the Bazaar)

    Just my random thoughts. it seems stuff like this would make the world more... life-like? interesting? colorful? Robust?

    3ndM4n, Bigfeet, SacredGlade and 3 others like this.
  7. Sir Winston

    Sir Winston Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Perhaps more NPC factions? They don't all have to be present on every world, some could be smugglers and bandits, others more like space-faring nomads,(Live in ships in space) Another corporation or three; one can deal in bigger equipment for Bases and CV's, you can add an arms dealer that deals in a variety of weapons systems both mounted and personal.

    How about some 'civilian' Zirax stuff, like mining facilities, smelters, colonies, (that actually have beings in them.)

    So much potential, without altering the story track or game play. I know the worlds are kinda small (relatively speaking) which is why I said not everything has to be present on every world, but a bit more variety would be good.

    You could also include small 'quests' from vendors, or bounties from corporations. Things like that.

  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Predator/Prey interactions between wildlife. Sure, it’s pretty minor in the grand scale of things, but it really does bring things to life.

    Seasonal Weather patterns.

    Aquatic Life.

    More wildlife varieties.
    3ndM4n, Supay, Sofianinho and 2 others like this.
  9. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Well, first of all thank you for asking.

    Planetary playfields:
    • creatures bosses (useful also for PvP) i.e.: king T-Rex, spider queen
    • dedicated structures with dedicated terminal for various jobs. As of now research is just a switch: why not do research only if a laboratory is built?
    • add an hidden race with dedicated planet and questline (useful also for PvP): something like Aliens the movie
    • archeological missions and questline with dedicated rewards
    • shops micromanagement - something like Moonlighter: you build a shop, you'll begin to commerce with factions, you'll earn some money and with that money you may buy some advanced technology. Of course there must not be another way to do so much money to give a meaning to this :) and of course in some planet/asteroid/cave - as someone already suggested - you'll find raw materials to give to shop to produce something. Shop should be maintained by a worker of course
    Space playfields:
    • it a little bit strange that in a space game there aren't satellites or is it me?
    • satellites may be useful when the game has more than one star system and many planets - not an entire universe, in my opinion EGS will need just the Andromeda galaxy also for the sake of the plot
    • playing to Stellaris gave to me one idea: between a star and another, why not insert a titan creature very huge and managed only by CVs with dedicated weapons (also for PvP this thing)
    The following would be nasty: sorry for that but playing at Fallout I could prevent to think to that -> nuke space rocket to attack other players planets. To be verified if that could be used also in PvE and single player.
  10. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Regarding more critters, what about BIG critters. Something to challenge our HV and bases?
    vscuorzo, SacredGlade and Sir Winston like this.
  11. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Does anyone remember Dune? Sandworms !!! Aerial and space predators! Something apart from the Zirax and other animals that we see coming from far away! Maybe events that happen very randomly, that meteors fall and bring some creature out of space! And they have some amount of unusual material that may not be useful to us but is marketable and valuable. So it is a good reward to go to meet him! Sorry!! I was daydreaming !!!
    Supay and spacegal like this.
  12. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    I do :)

    Sandworm would be nice on some sand planets: great idea!
  13. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    I will be mixing talk about PLANETARY and SPACE additions, because they intertwine each other.

    I know people take inspiration from other games, because we seek things that are really good and would love a mash-up of them in one game. Some of the suggestions stem from No Man's Sky, but do remember that it is a very different game in view of how it works. EGS has planets with POIs staying at constant spots, these are maps with objects on them. NMS has planets with a number of special POIs that are generated when needed. If you use a comm array to find something interesting, it spawns in a proper distance and you fly to it, but you will have a hard time finding it again.

    On this also spawning of patrolling vessels work - you seem random ships landing on space stations, flying in the sky of a planer or landing on trading POIs. BUT! They are randomly generated every time. There is no source of them, no "base" or "city" from which they fly. EGS has drone bases, armories, villages and many spots that SHOULD be enhanced to deliver a more enriched experience.

    Visual effects are fairly easy to do - substitute or add new textures, manipulate the amount of effects in certain situations, incorporate new models, etc. New mechanics are harder to do. 7 Days to Die had Alpha 17 in December, which introduced many new systems. Surely, it needed more polish, balance and testing, but it was a framework for future features. NPC dialogs and questing, more diverse buffs/debuffs, sophisticated zombie AI (in the end Zs will be toned down and bandits will inherit the smart AI), more advanced vehicles, a sophisticated perk system and many more. Now they are working on A18, which will introduce A LOT of new weapons, rebalanced perk system, new Random World Generator and a lot more cool stuff. They have the basis now, they expand on it.

    EGS will have many new updates that will shake the foundations of this game. I'm sure it will take time to implement some of these (we will need a lot of patience surely, but it will be worth it), but I see among them:
    - NPC dialogs for casual talking, progressing story, invoking quests or even seeking enhancements for building recipes
    - NPC faction vehicles doing specific tasks (i think currently the game allows that in a limited way, like making attacks on players) - patrolling, attacking other factions, mining, etc.
    - More vivid space with a variety of ships from different factions you can interact with - random pirates, transports, patrols, miners, etc.
    - Special POIs on planets and in space that would point the player towards specific goals, especially story wise

    I can wish for more trees, better hills, mountains, canyons or improved biomes. But i wish for a more lively experience, more interactions with NPCs and a better visible purpose, apart from only surviving, so that the players can make their own goals alongside it.
    Bigfeet and SacredGlade like this.
  14. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    :eek: In the last two years I've followed in silent mode EGS progresses and I thought: ok v1.x was already stable, v10.x for sure will be some sort of final... now I'm reading about new updates that will shake the foundations of this game.

    OMG: hope my life lasts enough to see and play to them all :)

    I'm joking of course.

    Anyway to me EGS has just one huge, enormous issue: it is too damn good to be early access and a human being cannot resist and wait too much to see it completed :)
    zztong likes this.
  15. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Before I make specific on-topic suggestions, let me say that I think the addition of "game" features that created more things for players to do appears to me to be important at this point.

    I would find Planets more vivid if there was more variation in terrain.
    + Folks have suggested rivers, waterfalls, caves, land bridges, canyons.
    + Additional variety of biomes, flora, fauna would always be appreciated.

    I would find Planets more lively if there were more interaction with the environment.
    + Base attacks should continue to evolve.
    + Patrols could change from a dense collection of statically placed opponents to fewer, mobile opponents (drones and creatures)
    + Some drones could range farther from their POIs, giving them a larger patrol area.
    + Some drones might just fly from random POI to random POI creating an interesting semi-complex web of patrol.
    + Troop transports could occasionally fly from one random POI to another.
    + Other factions could have drones.
    + Other factions could interact with each other as they happen to meet. (Hot "drone on drone" or "patrol on patrol" action.)
    + Consider adding a Pirate and/or Smuggler Factions with hidden POIs.

    I would find Space more vivid if there were more types of well-known destinations to treat as playfields:
    + Gas Giants
    + Very Large Asteroids
    + Planets with Multiple Moons
    + Orbit/Close Proximity to a Star/Sun

    I would also find Space more vivid if:
    + Planets could have rings
    + The background of space wasn't so colorful.

    I would find the Space playfields more lively if:
    + Asteroids passed through the area
    + Ships moved around
    + Drones patrolled

    I would find Space more lively if there were a "Deep Space" alternative destination:
    + Asteroid mining
    + Anomaly investigation
    + Wreck discovery
    + Pirates

    Deep Space needs discussion:

    In this case I'm defining Deep Space as space not near a "landmark" like a planet. I'd like to think of it as the "connective" area between all of the landmark playfields, but I realize few people are going to want to travel between planets this way. So, perhaps there would be various "Deep Space" playfields and those playfields could be rather large and dynamic?

    Perhaps to jump from one planet to another, you would have to enter Deep Space, jump to Deep Space near the destination planet, then fly to the planet. That is, change playfields like you do when you enter a planet. Then each playfield gets a surrounding Deep Space playfield.

    To me, Deep Space becomes a place to go hunting. It would be a place where you need Sensors to find things like asteroids to mine, wrecks to salvage, pirates to fight, and anomalies that unlock technologies. I don't see having to use significant sensors to find things in orbit around a planet, but in Deep Space you would need to detect "things" at long distances even if you had to get close to identify them.

    I don't see asteroid mining taking place near a planet. That would be so convenient that those asteroids would likely have been mined out very quickly. That is, unless folks can tow asteroids back to planetary playfields. (That's interesting.)

    EDIT: Various typos and clarifications.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
    SacredGlade, Ian Einman and spacegal like this.
  16. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I hope not. I like to think "the gang" here is largely tolerant.

    I also would/do enjoy these kinds of games. A slow progression and struggle similar to Adny Weir's "The Martian" would be really cool.

    If EGS is to support it then I think extensive mod support is going to be important. The stock game moves from struggling to survive into building advanced technologies pretty fast. I mean, I typically have a capable HV in the first few hours of play. There are many different constituents hoping and dreaming of possibilities for EGS.
  17. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Already in another thread I read that criticized the way in the technological tree is unlocked each technology. The truth is that it does not bother me since it was also clarified by the ESG team that that will also change in the future. I just return to the idea and bring it here. If that knowledge already exists, it should not be unlockable since it is our own knowledge (or something like that already incorporated into our technology). In this aspect I would like to see some additional change oriented towards research to unlock technologies.
    An example: In our arsenal there are no ray weapons of any kind. Then we see that the Zirax do have !! Then we knock down a drone with a mounted laser weapon and get parts, kill a Zirax soldier and get pieces of his weapons. These pieces are put into the constructor and through an added tab of investigation (reverse engineering) we obtain either unlocking points or directly a weapon that is added to the laser weapons possible to manufacture !!! Another example!! We obtain a plasma rifle (it does not exist in our terrestrial technology) of a container, we can use it or we can introduce it in the constructor and "investigate" it (losing the weapon) and thus obtain the plane to be able to build ours. Maybe find plans and add it to the constructor and have another way to get another weapon to build. In general I do not unlock all the weapons of the tree since I do not use pistols of any kind, I prefer rifles or bigger ones ;)
    Sometimes we find an epic weapon in the beginning of a game and we go like Rambo entering an abandoned mine ... and we lose it (we scream in the sky) without the possibility of going back to look for the backpack :mad:
    At least I would like to have something similar to replace the lost weapon.
    Then we could already have a good weapon through reverse engineering at any time of the game if we come across one. Perhaps it restricts being able to arm a single one for the necessary material, but if we found it we could do it without waiting for the necessary "level". This would leave the use of xp points for another tree that could be of more real experience levels. For example a new tree for an efficient use of oxygen, better harvest, better use of the repair tool and rescue of pieces with the multitool, less stamina wear, greater weight of load, greater damage with rifles or greater damage with guns, less time to recharge weapons and as many others as you want ...
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
    vscuorzo and spacegal like this.
  18. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    I like that point and we're... ehm, sorry :) you're, not the first to think to that. Indeed the devs of Subnautica, maybe the most compelling and fascinating plot ever in a early access game, had the same issue, the very same issue.

    How they solved that? Just like something you proposed: if you're a crash survivor then maybe some memory of some of your digital device was corrupted so it has lost many blueprints. There, you should explore oceans to look for blueprints exactly as you suggested. Here in EGS we may do something similar.

    I totally agree doing something like that: definitely more realistic.
    nexus_absolute likes this.
  19. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Yes :oops: The truth is that I knew that it had been used more or less in this way. It is the idea and you can work. I know that the developers are looking for a great way or idea as they have done so far !!
    It is also true that I have not played subnautica:(
  20. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    To me this should be a major goal. If we have crashed landed and If I,m a cook on that ship. How would I even know how to make a fridge . I would have to learn to make them. Now unless we have some high tech device that plugs straight into our minds and teach's me how to make that fridge in a instant. Then the current tech tree could be used as part of that quick teaching aid.
    I feel this sadly would have to wait until we know all the skills that will be added before they decide how to teach.
    Myself I really do want to feel I have earned the knowledge. I want to see where I would have to trade for the devices I need before I'm able to learn them.

    Should I be able to learn everything? OR should my avatar have skill levels where they might not be able to learn everything?

    One thing LOTRO did was to allow you to pick a major skill and a sub skill Like the main may be making better light armor the other cooking. It is a MMO you had to rely on your friends in game to get what you were needing. You could always buy all the basic items from the NPC's
    This could be done for pvp.
    But for single player same thing could be done with npc's being able to craft the different items.
    We also need black market NPC's where yes you could buy that epic armor at a huge cost or maybe in trade.You might have to trade him a few cv engines. Maybe introduce stealing to the game where items could be sold to them but at not to normal npc
    Anyways just my thoughts.

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