Can Troops be spawned at/near Fixed POI's?

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by cpontin, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    I am creating a custom scenario and have set up creature spawning like the example yaml but it doesn't seem to want to spawn troops at a fixed poi.

    In my example I have created:
    a fixed poi 'Zirax Base [T:BA_Alien][P:BA_RadosBase]
    a spawn zone: [ZiraxShotgunPatrol] @always @ BA_RadosBase

    However no troops ever seem to appear. There are other creatures roaming about that are set up in the Creature Spawning
  2. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    I’ve spent some time experimenting with this and looking through other scenarios.

    It seems that spawning is broken for the entire playfield if any is assigned to a fixed poi.
    This is a shame is I was setting up a really complex Zirax base layout in the caldera of a mountain.

    If spawning at fixed poi’s doesn’t work, is there a way to ensure a random poi is spawned at a specific location?
  3. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    I was wondering if you could create a new zone something like the starter area or those patches of gold rocks and flowers or the radiated zones.

    You could fill the small new zone with random troops place this in a fixed location just like the starter zone and then place a random poi within this small zone.
    It might not be right in the location your looking for but it would be close to it. It's just a thought I was having about adding new zones.
  4. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    Sounds interesting. I need to work out how to create zones and then try to set something up.

    Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It looks like the TemperateStarter2 playfield_dynamic.yaml file has an example of how to do this near the end in the Grove biome:

      - Name: Grove
        LevelMod: -2
            FixedPosition: [ -200, 200 ]
    So in theory, you could set up this biome in a fixed location, and then a random POI to spawn in this biome, and then set up patrols near that POI, and then set your fixed POI to spawn nearby.

    Problem of course is this means the local biome will be different, so you'll have to play around with it some to get it looking right.
    RazzleWin and cpontin like this.
  6. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    Great find. I’ve been looking through the available scenarios and hadn’t found this example so thank you.

    I will give this a go and post my findings.

    It may be possible to copy the settings for one of the other biomes so it blends in. I’ll take a look.
  7. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Thank you ravien I too will be looking at this. Because I had also wanted to make a new biome and play with it for a couple of ideas I have in mind. You just saved me loads of time.
    @cpontin please do let us know what your findings are. Glad my suggestion was of some use for you.
  8. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    So I've had success with this. I now have Zirax troops spawning around my static poi player starting location.

    1. playfield.yaml exported from the SSG
    2. Open it in EPD
    3. On the Biomes tab, edit the existing entry 'BiomeClusterData' (you can't add a new one)
    4. At this point I edited an existing entry that I wanted to copy and made a note of the settings
    5. Add a new entry (I called mine 'StarterBiome') and make sure its at the bottom of the list (order is important)
    6. Modify its settings initially as noted from the existing one (tinker with it as you see fit but I'd test each change one at a time as it can have drastic effects)
    7. Tick 'Fixed position' and set the position to where you want it (maybe load your planet and go and stand where you want it then note the coordinates (console command di will help here)
    8. Tick 'Is Starter Biome'
    9. Set count Min1 Max 1
    10. On the POI tab, add a static POI
    11. Select 'BA_Player from the main box and then pick a blueprint from the first dropdown (I chose TSP_Aitis)
    12. Add a name (mine is called 'Base' )
    13. Set Faction to 'Public' (I've not worked out how to make it player owned from the start yet so public will do and it can be set private once in-game)
    14. Tick 'Initially Powered'
    15. At this point I added resources to spawn nearby at a distance of 200
    16. On the Creatures Tab, in 'Creature Spawning', add a new entry, select your new biome and add whatever you like, when you want it to spawn (day/night/always), how many and in what radius.
    Here is the code sections from my playfield.yaml:
    StyxAnnihilator likes this.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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