Some friends and I are really liking this game and are looking for some RPplayers to join us. Mostly pve right now maybe later with pvp between faction.
Roleplay is a very broad term, and you further broaden it by saying that you also want to do pvp. Try to give some examples on what you define as roleplay and maybe screenshots. Then you should have an easy time forming a clan.
There's a spot in this forum for RP requests As JinM stated the first step is defining what a group of people want out of RP and going with it. Once you have enough people watching a thread you can pick what the bulk of the group wants. That link is just for a thread that people recently started regarding RP and we can use it as a meeting place. I've put my request in and I want to see if anyone can elaborate on it.
Hey guys! If you're interested to join a very friendly faction with a very friendly server (That's not P2W "Pay to win" server) then contact me! My and my small team are playing on SBS (ShortBusSydicate) server. We've been searching for a realy good server and we finnaly found it few years back. You're more then welcome to join us. We're INC Pirates. Don't get wrong about the name. We're not scavangers or raiders actually. We've been aiming at helping another players on the server and our reputation thanks to that is very high. We aren't some big group of players. Just a small team. Find us! We're more then welcome to accept nice people!