This is one of the types of games I like. I'm Norwegian, from Oslo. I still feel newb to playing this game. Trying to learn the ropes, mechanics for building and all. Bought it a long time ago after seen some LP's and such. Followed the development through more watching. Back then I had a PC that could not run it, Windows Vista with too many games on it to upgrade, the HW were good enough though. Recently got another PC, where the timing was in favor of Empyrion. The E6 made a difference too, beginning to become a good game and playable for me. Also waiting for other EA games to mature some more. Have played computer games for some years; Strategy, survival, FPS, and more. I have become tired of high pace PvP, so now I go more for SP/PvE. After playing WoW for a whole year some years back (not this nick) as my first main (MMO)RPG, probably no more. Why games with (too) much character leveling and grinding are way down on my list. I mostly try build and do things efficient and functional rather than artistic and/or big/detailed, particularly when a game is EA and changes enough. My work the last years is high level IT Support (right, that can be several things). I have backgrounds in programming, economics, media, and more. My main gaming computers I put together myself and can afford high-end. I could have streamed and such, but have chosen not to so far. Not my thing anymore, some years back I got the chance working for a small TV-broadcast station. Learned and did all the tasks, except makeup and such. Started with doing technical stuff there, since had knowledge of electronics and computers for commercials/graphics (too). I am used to tell my opinions, so I often participate in forums. At least have a small chance of changes towards what I like, or maybe help out others a bit. I do not take postings personal, so attempts to "attack" me just reveal themselves and time wasted. Wish all enjoyable gaming, keep up the good work devs!
Gaming PC (newest): MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X MSI X299M Gaming Pro Carbon AC, S-2066 Intel Core i7-7820X Cooler Master MasterLiquid 240 Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR4 2666MHz 32GB Samsung 970 EVO 500GB PCIe SSD Fractal Design Define Mini C - Window Corsair TX750M, 750W PSU
Jeg bor osgå i Oslo (Oppsal) og liker å spille empyrion. Har spillt gjennom det hele et par ganger men kun single player survival. Fantastisk spill. Liker best når resursserne er begrenset og kostbar. Combat er kul også, men etter en skikkelig shootout er det godt å gå en tur og samle litt mat, krydder og mineraler. Har du spillt multiplayer?
Hei @ErikV70 , fint du liker EGS! Jeg har prøvd forskjellige vanskelighetsgrader, også "IronMan" utfordringer. Er noen scenarios verdt prøve også. Har vel split over 2600 timer. Prøvd litt PvE, PvP blir for masete. Nok av servere å velge mellom.