Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Sir Winston

    Sir Winston Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    I thought the base attacks already slowly built up, so they don't overwhelm a new base? I could be wrong here, but I do agree with you that, at least on the starter planet, the base attacks are pretty weak; even on hard setting.

    You know, I don't think I've seen even a drone in space lately; granted, I don't surf the asteroids like I used to, but still, you'd think I'd have seen at least one.
  2. Ugh Zug

    Ugh Zug Ensign

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Hi there, long time player and fan, rarely posting. Things I would like to see added into the game:

    A higher tech tier, that is locked behind something other than Exp.

    Rare and valuable resources, that are hard to get.

    Coordinates to every trading SPACE station in EVERY playfield.

    Not having to resurrect my space stations every time there's an update, kthxwtfbbqfixitalreadyjfc.

    The factory is far too powerful, it should place a blueprint into the world which players can either build themselves or add crafted blocks to for it to fit over time.

    A clear indicator of how many thruster/RCS is recommended for your craft at varying working conditions for builders.

    Geothermal power.

    Wind Power.

    Gas Giants, Ocean Worlds.

    Make finding things in space less aids.

    Tornados the size of texas.

    Bulk and or very fast Food Processor.

    Automation for plants and growth syncing for better server ticks.

    Alternative fuels.

    Deployable drones/satellites with certain functionality like scan for resources, scan for poi, scan for player bases.

    End warp paths because they get hella messy, use AU warp drive limitations and or player made beacons to bypass. You can use wormholes to shortcut AU to very specific destinations.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
    Supay likes this.
  3. Ugh Zug

    Ugh Zug Ensign

    Feb 14, 2019
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    additional thoughts:

    Emergency rations should be just that, the last thing you can eat before you kick the bucket. It should hurt your teeth, trigger your ibs, and make you dehydrated. There should be better perishable meals with perks for consumption and going through the effort to make, grow, and keep refrigerate meals. For example maybe a longer lasting food bar with upd volume capacity or movement speed.

    While I do like the inventory management and volume changes, it would be more realistic if there was a visual effect or even a swarm of drones moving the items to the new location (ignoring pathing and clips through objects,) as opposed to a completely wireless system. Also it shouldn't be instant. The moves should be queued up, and a travel time based on how far between inventories is generated as the items move x number at a time. You could go even further on that with an internal ship logistical rail systems and actual pathing drones.
  4. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Eh. I like ration packs. I keep two cases of pretty good ones on my yacht, and make a habit of eating them in six month cycles. Right now my current favorites are Chili with Beans and Southwest Style Beef with Black Beans. Gotta love Western Frontier!
  5. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    Something like a little drone machine that would shift materials between containers, constructors, etc. You could build as many as you want, but they still would need to shift required materials and products around, also helping in moving the bigger things that the player cannot lift.

    This could be extended to HV/SV/CV, where drones would move the heavy items into containers (similarly as above). Especially if you're raiding a POI or salvaging it. Having a lot of drones on your vessel would help to quickly gather the materials that pop up when you dismantle things fast.
  6. andrew.shepherd3

    andrew.shepherd3 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2017
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    In space it would be interesting to see derelict space craft for the player to explore. High risk/reward with plenty of cool loot but swarming with the critters that make me afraid to go into the abandoned mines on planets...
    Fractalite and ravien_ff like this.
  7. Sir Winston

    Sir Winston Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    I do believe we already have water/ocean planets. Not completely water, (there'd be no place to land/mine/raid POIs) but with small enough land masses that you could set the cruise on your hover and circle the planet without going over land.

    Now, if you could have underwater POIs/ore deposits and a way to mine them, that would be pretty cool. We'd have to find a shallow spot to build a landing platform for the CV while it hovers nearby burning fuel. That could get pretty interesting, especially if the Zirax developed a navy!

    We also have derelict ships in orbit. I haven't raided any lately, but last time I did, they were crawling with nasties and had tons of loot; has that changed? One thing you could do with those derelicts is have them in a decaying orbit... you only have so much time to loot them before they crash/burn up/ or destroyed by Zirax. (Evil Zirax Empire!)
    cmguardia likes this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    This is currently possible but if you dig under the water, you'll be out of the water so it's a little weird.
    cmguardia and Germanicus like this.
  9. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Once Eleon solves the volumetric water problem I see many hijinks happening. :)
    cmguardia and ravien_ff like this.
  10. mikenelson

    mikenelson Ensign

    Jul 13, 2019
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    This would apply to both space/planet playfields:

    update the end game, more Patrol Vessels and more drone attacks. if players are mobile and live out of their CV, then send more drones to that instead of bases.
  11. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    Maybe only the AI dev will get this, but if he's still doing path finding algos, he should consider this:
    Last commit was 4 days ago, so it's being developed...

    Somebody is gonna do it eventually, why not you guys first? It's not that bad, but I'll have to verify that by actually building something presently, (the Sophocles dictum: You don't know if you can do the thing, until you've already done it...)

    Up to you guys, but it would be killer...someone will do it, make sure it ain't your competition! (You're welcome unity dev team, email me bitcoins!)

    Given it's been introduced more than 2 years ago, I'm really wondering why we still have crappy AI in our PC games... UE4 and the AAA houses have to have their versions of this...why do we continue to get scripted, drone like experiences? Maybe so we stay scripted and drone like (!)
  12. Carbonmutant

    Carbonmutant Ensign

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Empyrion desperately need a real Global Market with a real time trading board for players to trade goods and resources.
    Hire an economist like Eve did. Let players post contracts. This alone would change the face of Empyrion.
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There are mods to do that on servers. :D
  14. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    It is not the purpose of mods to make the core game lively and worth playing. Mods should enhance the rich experience, the core game provides. Sure there are mods that bring out a lot more to the game (seen that in many games), yet people do not always seek mods from the start, if at all. I don't look up mods when i start playing the game and if it's not interesting enough i shelf it. When i have played enough and got acquainted with the mechanics of the game, i seek new adventures, as well as more flavour - mods.
  15. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    While you might not do that, other people do. It's all in what one wants to do.
  16. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    While i would agree with your statement, the game should be developed to a certain degree, not only be a skeleton frame to be filled with content through mods. It can be a good recipe, but if there are a lot of different mods and game is created for that sole purpose (like 7 Days To Die is made for a lot of modding support), it can be way different.
  17. Sir Winston

    Sir Winston Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Most of the mods I've seen for Empyrion are ships and other structures. I'd like to see a 'sort' button incorporated into the storage boxes, or the ability to sort (for example, ingots) out to specific storage crates and boxes. Of course, I tend to be kinda lazy anyway. :p

    The ability of an LCD screen to scroll content, or slide show different messages, or display a feed from a remote camera could also be neat. However, I believe adding such would create too large of a memory footprint for most machines.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
    Carbonmutant and SacredGlade like this.
  18. Carbonmutant

    Carbonmutant Ensign

    Jul 31, 2019
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    There needs to be a way to profit from our excess inventory.
  19. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Different wattage (and power consumption) interior lights. Right now I have to place them almost every other space just to properly light a room at night.
  20. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I tend towards lights in spotlight mode, as it is directed in a more efficient manner.

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