Liberland: New Public Server free of Admin Abuse

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Shannon Patterson, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Icarus

    Icarus Ensign

    Jan 2, 2016
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    If you get a server crash during internal error, get the log files for the devs. They asked me for them but we didn't crash when I had my internal error. However, when we restarted the server I could join. Thanks Shan I'll come hang in Liberland again soon!
  2. Misc.Debris

    Misc.Debris Ensign

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Great Server with great admin. Thoughtful and attentive to everyone's issues.
  3. SilensVentus

    SilensVentus Ensign

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Server down at the moment? My first time in was yesterday and I know Akua was scheduled to be wiped. I figure that may be the case right now.
  4. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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  5. SilensVentus

    SilensVentus Ensign

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Thank you Shannon. All I need to is be able to come down in the escape pod again, since right after I placed my small constructor yesterday, I heard about the impending wipe. So I am down nothing, except not being able to construct anything if i was to start on Akua after wipe.If you need my Steam ID please let me know how to send to you. I see "conversation" when selecting profiles here but no "PM". I am sure I am not looking in the right place.
  6. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    If you click on my name you can start a new thread between just us. Once the server is back up you will be able to login again. Just message me in game or here and all I need to do is delete your character file if you want to reset to level 1 on Akua. I'd wait for the Akua wipe later tonight though as this is just the world rollback due to the corruption started on Omicron. I hope this helps!
  7. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ensign

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Will Liberland be back up? If so, when? It's been down for a while now (12 hours?)
  8. hehehemann

    hehehemann Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
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    They are moving to a new server, everything will be starting on a fresh wipe. Get ready :)

    The new site for updates is
  9. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Heya Liberland admins! Brought my boss in to play a little MP on your server this week. His i7 laptop out performed my gtx 750ti, even after I upgraded to 8 megs of ram. Unsure of why I logged out of Liberland and found a random server and was amazed at the smooth gameplay and very high FPS I had. So we moved to the new server and played for a few hours. His laptop maxed at the expected 15 fps, which was much better than the 10 FPS we got in Liuberland on it. While my rig ran in the 40-50 FPS range. Being PvP it isnt really our bag but the problems on Liberland were so bad we found it unplayable.

    We find the quality of the people on Liberland second to none, but something is up with the server in a bad way. The other server is called Event Horizon and we talked with an Admin who could possibly be of some assistance to you guys. We will periodically check Liberland for an improvement and will be back when you get it sorted. I just wanted to give you all a heads up.
  10. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Hi Wrench!

    Thanks for the complements and info on performance. I believe that all of the performance issues which you described are due to player structures and / or save game corruption rather than the server itself. Both of those issues are much worse on our server due to our high population and receiving 50 new and unique players each day (though fewer of them stay once Akua becomes full). We also have a quite a few players who specialize in using lag as a weapon. Some of the ships made by these players are capable of dropping any playfield to 5fps. It is also true that all PVE areas (I added several new custom PVE areas) are so full of player structures that fps is very low. Because of these and other issues exasperated by being popular our performance has taken quite a hit as the game world ages. This has also reduced our typical player count since people have the same experience that you did and choose to move to another server.

    Those of us that play on PVP worlds (not for everyone and I fully expect to lose everything at any moment) the fps is 30-40 for me at least, and is further evidence that player structures play a role in the lag. This is something that the developer has to fix so all we can really do is report these issues so that they are aware of them.

    When the server starts fresh with the release of 5.3 you will notice that it runs better than most other servers our there. This is good and bad since the increased perf0rmance and ability to hold more players causes Akua to reach the 100 base limit in 4-5 hours instead of 4-5 days like from before we had a dedicated server. If the developers figure out a way to make this game run 4x faster then servers slower than ours will begin to see the same problems because they too will be able to handle the sustained high player counts, which in turn attracts more players seeking higher populated servers. So performance on our server is fantastic for about 2-4 days, after that the sheer magnitude of player structures starts to take its toll on performance.

    One interesting thing about how the server runs is that when starting a fresh world where everyone is on Akua the server is only utilizing 50% of the CPU and maybe 11GB of RAM at most while sustaining a 40/40 population. Once people start to spread out and occupy other areas the CPU will stay at 95% and at onr point was using almost 26GB of RAM (mid to high twenties I am pretty sure). When we were just another server hosted at a GSP we needed to restart the server once evert 12 hours but now it has to be every 3 hours.

    I hope these observations are helpful or at least interesting :)
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
  11. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Shannon, thanks for the prompt reply. I understand the issue much better now. I guess popularity has its curses :)
  12. Matthew Allen

    Matthew Allen Ensign

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Anyone shed any light to were the server has gone
  13. Durf Lugdenstein

    Durf Lugdenstein Ensign

    Dec 22, 2015
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    There was a massive power outage in the area where the owners live. Server is back up!
  14. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    We have been using an automated restart script I made in powershell but empyrion crashed and left a few processes still running which prevented it from starting again. I will add a tskill to the script to ensure no process is hung prior to attempting restart. We are back online!

    Myself and thousands of other Southern California residents are currently without power due to storms. I had to use my phone to fix everything :) and it has very little power left.

    Liberland is back up and I apologize for inconvenience.
  15. Darkwulf

    Darkwulf Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Just want to say Liberland is the best server I have found yet. The admins are very good at correcting problems and helping people. I highly recommend this server to anyone looking for a place to call home.
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Hi Shannon, Liberland is the most populated server atm, the server however has a couple of very serious issues that prevent a lot of people being able to log back on, moving PLY file folders while people are still in game doesn't work for those people still in the server, they need to log of first for the PLY file to be saved correctly or it will overwrite it, if you take a PLY file save while there still in the server you get the PLY file from the previous save. That leaves people with the wrong stuff in the inventory so it would be a cleaner transfer if you shut the actual dedicated server down before moving any PLY files.

    If you have bases on planets that have not been used for weeks and the player hasn't come back, one not so perfect solution, but works is , change the play field to PvP for an hour and let people attack bases, good target practice for strafing. Removal of base cores the goal.
    Maybe a ''silly sunday happy hour'' for an hour PvP on starter planets for people to blow stuff up !

    When every planet is at the build limit like it seems to be now, you need a lift into orbit to start, then if you get any roll backs your doomed.

    Great server though, smooth in every play area when wallies don't build giant 300 thruster 600 light goon machines.
    The most active admins Ive seen to, well done to you and your partner.

    Do you have your own forum page ? Got a link, a google for Liberland brought me to this thread.

    Keep up the good work, a lot of people appreciate it.
  17. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Hi Piddlefoot,

    I am a big fan of your creations in the workshop, and thank you for the compliments.

    Regarding PLY files. I no longer move people as that began causing errors several updates ago and is a lot of work, but I do delete them upon request when a player is logged out so they can start over again in a pod. To the best of my knowledge this is perfectly fine to do when the server is running, so long as the player is logged out, and I have never encountered an issue to date with this method.

    Our restarts and backups are automated now and I just finished writing an 835 line powershell script which completely automates the PVP event process, complete with in game broadcasts leading up to, during, and after the event (and all required server restarts, backups, and file changes). Since we wiped yesterday I figure we might start them twice daily once more people get into space (or whatever people want). We roll back after these events so it's not the base purging solution you mentioned, which btw I am not a fan of but I do feel the temptation :)

    Our server does have a forum at

    I also made a post about the history of the server too if you're interested.

    Thanks for the feedback and it's great to have you on the server!

    Shannon (Skeptic1222) Patterson
  18. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    So I understand that you took down the dual CPU system and went back to the old server, sighting issues with the game running on a dual CPU system, so I was wondering about its precise specs.
    I am in the process of building a server box with two 12 core AMD chips, was the system you guys tried an AMD system ?

    I ask this because there is a mob in the EU that are running this game on dual CPU system , there's are Intel Xeons though, it would be nice to track down the problems before investing in this AMD system if it has issues with AMD hardware.

    Would be a real shame if we have to build very expensive systems to run the game over the much cheaper AMD that is capable of doing it almost just as good.
  19. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Using piddlefoot's suggestion on Sunday with setting Akua to PVP was awesome, I loved it :) I hope you extend this to Orbits as well, this appears to be a great way to clean up some of these overcrowded locations rather than doing wipes. Was really cool to see DEA hold their defensive position so well. I think this really is a interesteing concept to allow players to spend some time building up strong bases in a PVE environment then letting it go PVP for a day with no rollbacks and wipes. Only the strong and organized survives. Gives people a chance to practice different ideas on how to attack/defend.
  20. Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Apologies for the late response!

    I have confirmed that the game cannot run on any system with more than one socket and the developers are aware of this issue. They let me know that they do intend to address it but likely not before Alpha. What's interesting is that it will work fine until there are a certain number of playfields open (between 6-11) then all cpu's max out at 100% and server fps drops t o 1.5. It does not matter how many players are online just open playfields, and closing playfields causes everything to return to normal.

    The specs of the servers are:

    Dual E5-2620
    64GB Ram
    500GB SSD x2 (Raid 0)
    Gigabit Connection
    Windows server 2012R2

    I hope this information helps. I have canceled this server contract and am currently seeking a new server with only one socket but as many cores as possible.

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