What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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  2. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    "Sharks with frickin Lazor Beams!!" confirmed for Alpha 12 :D
    ravien_ff and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I love building my own bases... a mountain side, a neat underground base with truss blocks acting as supports, a stilt base in the deep forest.

    But more than anything, I love taking bases and turning them into my home base. Abandoned, Supply stations, Lvl 1 powerplants; it's all mine! This time around though, I decided to convert the fun little helper base that is pleasantly located next to the drop pod point:


    It is very cozy:

    20190910150604_1.jpg 20190910150610_1.jpg 20190910150616_1.jpg
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    @JinM ... Thanks! I love concrete. I think that as far as the first Unreal game, I fell in love with the concrete texture in games. Cheap, solid, and has a smooth shade in various lightings. Here it's just lazyness, but I can at least make it less flat with some cool textures in some places. And sentry guns: good idea! I might put them in a mini-bunker with just a slit to shoot through at the bridges...

    @StyleBBQ ... Your HVs look cool, even if squar-ish. If I'm going to make a big HV it's going to be wide and flat, because I don't want to spend lots of time balancing the thing. I begged for wheeled vehicles many times, because I saw them fit for minig and hauling jobs, but it seems like we're not going to see more than the motorbike... arf...
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I made a HV...


    And it works ! Very simple, light and symmetrical design. That's just a prototype, of course, to see how it would behave. View inside:


    Funny thing is that in either seat I can press "forward" and it goes forward. So I just walk in, choose a seat, press master switch to "on" and press forward. The thing pick up speed very slowly, it doesn't even "lift" of tilt in any way when I power it up or when moving.

    Here's a detail view:


    It works on skids that prevent it from moving sideways, with 1 thruster right/ left (if it ever gets stuck) and 1 front/ rear, 1 fuel tank, 1 gen, 4 small hover engines. Here is the track:

    The "railing" is made of 1/4 blocks back-to-back, and the thing's skids fit on each side (it rests on the middle row of blocks/ devices for adjusted height). It has very little space at the top, and the vehicle is 7 blocks wide, leaving 1/2 block each side. I spawn it in place on an extension of the track, very precisely, or alternatively I use a rcs just to put it on tracks, adjust it, then remove it and power off. The bottom rail holds it at the hover engines' default starting height, and either on or off the vehicle's door is flush with the "station's" dock... Going to make a similar SV for space tunnels now...

    It's all made of carbon composite, else it's too heavy and doesn't move much...
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2019
  6. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @Kassonnade , thanks!
    Definately agree on that design strategy. I'd first done the math for the lift I wanted so knew I needed to use 24 2x2's. Once I'd laid them out with a 1-block space between on x & y so the total would be an odd, well, I noticed it looked like it would fit within a 3x5 Lrg blk envelope.
    Since my CVs are all quite small their hangers are too, so 'fit in a 3x5' became a design goal. And that put paid to the back half being anything other than a box. Oh well. I've soothed my pride by thinking that a Semi looks cool, but all the trailers they tow are just plain boxes, heh :)

    Balancing wise, I _think_ there's something odd with the Harvest Modules. Assuming I understand the Blue Dot correctly and that the "ideal" is to have the Yellow ball perfectly match the Blue, which 'should' result in a perfectly balanced ship. Certainly not in this case, nor a new in 10.4 smaller HV (150t capable miner/hauler) which also has the nose grinders.

    Edit: totally forgot about the wheeled bit, your Train distracted me :)
    In all seriousness: unless lrg block masses get a -huge- reduction, -or- Deconstructors become HV mountable then there is a real need (imo of course) for something early-ish game that can readily handle at least 500 tons. That's only 250 Hardened Lrg Blks. T2 Genie is 120t. T2 Fuel Tank 159t. And a 3x3 CV Thruster is 433 tons.

    So without Wheeled heavy trucks, which I agree would make the most sense, I think a Capitol version of the Hovercraft starter-do-all engines is the best fit. So CHVs for the win! :D
    Kass, you made a frickin working Mag-lev Shuttle Train! Very very cool :cool:
    heck, I bet it could go Up/Down by using the thin knife-edge wedges to a plate, etc., so could have a Bond-esq shuttle down to the lair, lol
    (though it might take re-centering the tunnel so half-blocks for main guides instead of the quarters: depending on avail thin wedge shapes)
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today I decided to update one of my old landing strips.
    As part of the update I decided to drastically expand the base at the end.
    It is intended as a late-game base, the primary reason I built is was to have a landing strip.

    Here is the old base.

    Here is the new one.
  8. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Need a spot of help with CV Shutters.

    How do you "lock" them in either Open or Closed position?
    I don't want my toon to trigger them by getting close.

    Reason is I just found out that you can dock onto them; which is great news. Now we can make hide-away HV docking porches, yay!
    just need the buggers to stop opening & closing whenever I get near, heh.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Put them on a signal. There are even a couple static signals you can choose from to define a signal input with. It is how I change the behavior of CV/BA shutter doors so that they'll open for HV/SV. However, I do have an example in one of my BP where I intentionally left the 2 meters just above the floor without motion sensor and I can walk right up to those shutter doors without them moving at all. You would just have to take it a step further and skip the motion sensor part. Either use a switch or just create a static signal.

    In this first pic, you can only see the various signals I have named. I deleted the previous custom defined signals so this is just a list of signals either from the control panel or some device on the CV.

    A10 FTB - Ferry_2019-09-11_06-40-00.png

    However, when you create a signal there is actually two static options you can choose from. For example, if I have three inputs and I want to trigger something to happen if any of those is turned on, I will use the 4 input OR signal. Since I only have three inputs, I will use the static 0 for the fourth slot on the OR logic switch. In the example below, I show the list with the two static input options on an inverter. Same list as before but now we get 0 and 1 (off and on). Granted, with the inverter, I would have to choose the opposite input of what I want the final output to be.

    A10 FTB - Ferry_2019-09-11_06-40-29.png

    First, I like the update. Second, the fact that you updated the old BP on the workshop makes me feel better about my own habit. I realized last week that I have only released two "new" BP to the workshop in the past year. Most of my works in the past year have been updates to old BP and I still have a long ways to go to get my collection up to my "improved" personal standards. Mostly I revised my vision of what my collections will be and it is taking me time to convert my works to align with my vision.
  10. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    so im very worried about 10.5 now since EAC is all sorts of messy atm, i am able to play now but very worried i cant play in 10.5
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Put a LEVER somewhere, point at it with your reticle while opening control panel (the lever should be selected in the list of devices), go to tab "signals and circuits", in the field TxSignal just give any name you think appropriate (ex. SouthDoor ). Close control panel. Go to shutter door, point at it with your reticle while opening control panel, then in the on/off field below choose the name of the lever (SouthDoor). It should make the field next to it read "follow", and if not then select this. You can still open the shutters manually by clicking directly on them.

    You can then do the same for all doors, linking them all to that same lever (they will all open/close at the same time with the lever, or one at a time manually).
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2019
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Keeping my fingers crossed that it won't happen to you as you fear:(.
  13. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @dpburke2 , @Kassonnade , thank you both very much for the help; it works! :)

    Used the 5x5 Shutter underslung so at the same 'level' as the landing gear; giving a HV parking deck that's only 2m high, easy on/off.
    Perfect fit for the "That'll Do".
    Only downside is the expected collision box vs. ground object. Pic shows the Shutter resting on top of the Iron surface ore rock & the Landing Gear floating in air on either side. Certainly not a big deal for such a small ship, but I do hope that one day using thin/half plates for armor will work without this effect.

    --> Btw, re-reading that post I noticed the unfortunate sequence of sentencing, which one could interpret as comparing my dear talented sister to our oh so unfortunate cousins, the swine. Nothing could further from the truth! And I say this of my own free will and absolutely have -not-, I say again, -not- been threatened by anyone with severe bodily harm. No one I say! <blinking rapid morse code> My Sister is dear to me and while our porcine friends managed to hit every branch during their fall through the Ugly Tree, my dear Sister floated gently down among the trees of Grace Talent Kindness Beauty & Serenity (did I spell that right Sis?). I am so very lucky to have her as my Sister.

    The starter CV will fit a Shield, though man, that 3x3x3 is a real ..... to fit!
    The stats pic shows it without a Shield, P-tank or Constructor, but with all 7 Medium Thrusters installed.
    (interesting to compare the mats needed for this CV versus the HV)

  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    That's the same solution I used for my subway track thingy. It works pretty decently.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Based on the rather robust beauty of the orbital playfields since 10.5 I wanted to see if it would be viable to build in the asteroid belt or on a station as a primary base at lower levels. Turns out, yes it is:

    20190911171038_1.jpg 20190911171057_1.jpg

    Granted the base is only bare-bones and less than pretty but it is ultimately proof of concept. As long as a modest amount of planning goes into setting up some water gens before hand, it is quite nice. Solar panels are always running at 100.000.000% A pleasant bonus. :p
    Bollen, Supay, Kassonnade and 7 others like this.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'm the same, I like seeing how a captured POI or one of the starter bases - which I find, I don't follow Robinson - evolve over time into a large sprawl...no real planning lol.

  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I frequently revisit my old builds, all of the new block shapes has given me the opportunity to rework many old builds I was not completely happy with.
  18. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I tend to do much the same. I have a relatively small number of blueprints which get updated and iterated upon from version to version. Heck, my current SV utility shuttle is still a direct descendant of that very first SV I built by hand and conquered the world with in survival way back in the Alpha 3 cycle. So long as the basic design isn't made obsolescent by game changes, I enjoy the challenge and the process of improvement and revision over that of replacement.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Spent time updating my test scenario with the latest changes in experimental. Played around with making custom creature spawns too. Let's just say you won't be able to mow down Talon patrols in your SV with impunity on some planets anymore... :D :D :D
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Talon Crossbow patrol:

    Talon Shaman patrol:

    If you make them angry, the Shaman will cause your SV to lose power and drop out of the sky and you'll have to get out and fight them on foot. This makes flying over Talon patrols much more dangerous than it normally would be.

    This is possible with the new changes allowing custom spawn groups in scenarios now! (needs testing)
    Kaeser, Supay, Robot Shark and 13 others like this.

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