[TOOL] Empyrion Playfield Designer v2.43.0 EXP (Empyrion V1.11.x compatible)

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by jmcburn, May 5, 2018.

  1. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Hmm, I'd need the playfield.yaml you created, to see what's the problem. Upload it here, but rename it to .txt first.

    Mofa and ravien_ff like this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That means it thinks there's something wrong at that part of your playfield.yaml.
    Mofa likes this.
  3. Mofa

    Mofa Guest

    now i create a single player surval game. Pick up an Orbit. same Problem i'll send you the .txt


    Attached Files:

  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    - Name: MainDroneBase
    Pos: [8564,555, 3739,917, -11188,19]

    Should be 8564.555, 39739.917, -11188,19

    Its an issue with the SSG whats fixed in the EXP Branch already

    you have , what should be .
    Mofa and jmcburn like this.
  5. Mofa

    Mofa Guest

    ok also is a bug with SSG.
    Big thx
  6. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    UPDATE (v1.63.3 b2018)


    • New Preflight:
      • added first batch of checks and new layout.
      • For now only on fixed 'playfield.yaml' and playfieldtype 'planet'.
      • Now Preflight can be run separately from saving. See toolbar button.

      • Preflight windows will now show all the time when saving (except when disabled in options), but will still save if all is green.

    • PlayfieldTree/FileSystem: Now possible to toggle 'show all files' in tree.

    • PlayfieldTree: Now possible to delete/cleanup all game generated '.yaml.bin' files in content folder
    • added missing 'AsteroidFieldRingOld' to fixed prefabs list.
    • changed description tooltip for BaseAttackCount to better make clear what 0/1 means.
    • SplatMapInfo for SplatMap stamps wasn't emitted to yaml, when stamp probability was set to 1.
    • OptionsEditor: changing the main game path in options had no effect anymore.

  7. KayaM82

    KayaM82 Lieutenant

    Jan 14, 2017
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    When saving an asteroid field, the following error is emitted during preflight:

    Biomes list is either empty or does not have exactly 1 entry, you need exactly ONE biome in the list.

    A save is not possible!

    Edit: Same at an Orbit Playfield
  8. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Ok, seems to be a bug, since orbit playfields don't have biomes. Will take a look right away, but for now, disable preflight in options, then it should work.

    KayaM82 likes this.
  9. Joew

    Joew Ensign

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Thank you for this tool.

    1) Are there any doc or guide, please?

    2) Is a easy way to enable PVP on all playfields? or have i go one to one and change them, please?

    3) I want to add ores meteors on all playfields too. I want all ores on a planet had meteors too. Could anyone explain me the 2 options, please? The first one (0 to 1): 0,2 means the metors should starts drops after all ore deposits for the same meteor, on ground be at 20% right, or im wrong?
    And how about the second one?

    I really want that meteors fall down all the time and allow at max 3 meteors for each metal at the same time.

    Thank you!
  10. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Yes. In the gameoptions.yaml inside a scenario, you can set "ForcePvP: True" as an option. In fact, I think that may be the default setting.
    Joew likes this.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sounds like you want to enable random meteors. Those will drop at specific intervals and last a specified amount of time.
    Joew likes this.
  12. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Not really, sorry, although I added some tooltips, when you hover over a property to show you (known) min/max limits and also some usage tips, as far as I know them. But you can also take a look at the playfield Examples found in ./Content/Playfields/ folder.

    But if you have any questions about usage fell free to ask here. :)

    Here's some VERY BASIC Wiki I was working on a while ago, but it just covers the very basics yet.

    Hmm, so do you want them to drop always or by threshold? Those are two different things. :)

    Here's the excerpt from .\Content\Playfields\+ExamplePlanet\
        - Name: IronResource        # Name of resource in asteroid: IronResource, CopperResource, PromethiumResource, SiliconResource, NeodymiumResource, MagnesiumResource, CobaltResource, SathiumResource,  ErestrumResource, ZascosiumResource, GoldResource, PentaxidResource   
          Threshold: 0.6            # Float [0, 1] - threshold (compared to the total amount of ore, NOT related to single deposits) below which asteroids will start to spawn
          Amount: 0.8               # Float [0, 1] - amount to restock (compared to the total amount of ore at game start)
        - Name: IronResource        # Possibility to spawn resource asteroids independent of the remaining amount of ore on a planet
          Amount: 5000              # Amount of ore that is spawned per event. Minimum is 3000 ore.
          InitialDelay: 1           # Float [0, 10000] Initial delay in game hours before spawning of asteroids, if InitialDelay < 0 => no spawning
          Delay: 24                 # Float [0, 10000] Subsequent delay in game hours, if Delay = 0 => no spawning
          DespawnDelay: 5           # Float [0, 10000] Delay in game hours after which asteroid will be removed. If parameter is not set or set to 0, asteroid will not despawn
    The first block describes the options using threshold.
    Amount is between 0 and 1 here. It defines the restock amount compared to game start, so 1 drops meteors as long as original amount on planet is restocked.

    The second block describes setup for 'always drop' meteorites independent of remaining amount on planet.
    Amount minimum is 3000 here, as it's an absolute amount in this case.

    Hope this helps. :)

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
    Joew and ravien_ff like this.
  13. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Be careful with randoms. In my experience the game doesn't handle random meteors well. Threshold meteors work fine. No matter how I configured random meteors, 60 or more would rain down at a time and I think it was the cause of some other problems with my game. Try it though, maybe they've fixed it. That was before the Unity engine upgrade.
    jmcburn likes this.
  14. Joew

    Joew Ensign

    Apr 2, 2018
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    That's already set it up this setting.
    I think i will have to edit all my playfields to add the option: PvP: True
    I'm using the scenario Redux 10.x from workshop and i noticed at first try, that all starts planets are PvE, and i want all systems pvp. So i would have to edit all playfields, and there are more than 300 if im not wrong.
    Do you have any tip to change those easier instead edit all files one by one, please?

    @jmcburn , @Monroe
    Ty very much, i really appreciate ;)

    Just one n00b question, please. All the time that I change one Playfield, it auto update on the server or have I wipe the server? If so, which files have i delete to apply the changes?

    Thank you!!!
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    They are set to pvp. The planet selection screen doesnt read that flag since the game isnt created yet. We fixed this already on our side today
    Joew likes this.
  16. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    I'm not much of a server or MP expert, but if your playfield has already been visited once, then it got copied already from the main templates folder ./content/scenarios/<ScenarioName>/playfields to your savegame folder ./saves/<SaveGameName>/playfields.

    So, after that happened you would need to edit that file in the savegame folder from there on and wipe that playfield OR edit the template in the scenario and delete the playfield folder in the savegame after you've changed something. Also, if there is a .yaml.bin file in there already, I think you maybe also need to delete that one, as the game first tries to load that as far as i know.

    But as I said, no expert there. Maybe others know more about it.

    Joew likes this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The meteor needs to be set at 3000 or 5000 I believe (I think the lower limit actually is 5000). If you set it lower then it causes the problem you encountered. Though it does look cool when it happens. :D
    Monroe and Joew like this.
  18. xXDeathXx

    xXDeathXx Commander

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Get notepad++ open them all and do a mass edit on all for the PVP:true/false line
  19. Joew

    Joew Ensign

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I can't do that because there aren't the line PVP: on the files if it is false. It just have PVP: true if you set it true. So i can't search the line because it don't exits. =(
    Anyway as Taelyn said, if i placed ForcePvp: True all playfields will be pvp, the error is because on select planet screen it don't load this option, telling that's pve but they are all pvp ;D
  20. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    UPDATE (v1.64.0 b2054) WIP

    Still way to go with the new Preflight, but I thought, I'll release an update.


    • New Preflight:
      • Total internal rework of Preflight engine to make coding new preflights more modular and readable.
      • New batch of preflight checks (Dronebasesetup, PlanetVesselSetup, BiomeCluster texture setup).
      • Now also supporting status type 'Warning' besides 'Error' and 'Success'
      • Now you can save, even if Preflight reported errors (New button in Preflight window 'Ignore & Save')
      • Showing of PreflightLog on saving can now be disabled if no errors were found in Preflight.

    • Playfield tree will now remember it's collaped/expanded state of each tree node when cleaning up backups/bins or just when refreshing.
    • CreatureSetup: Changed description text in tooltip for 'Delay'.
    • Removed 'IsOrbit' property from Space playfields. Don't think that's needed anymore. If anyone knows for sure, that this one's still needed, plz let me know. Then I'll enable it again. :)
    • Some Preflights were marked as Success, although they failed.
    • Options Editor 'forgot' current playfield name, thus 'SaveAs' routine was called instead of 'Save' after closing of OptionsEditor.
    • A bunch of little bugs.

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
    ravien_ff, Bollen, Joew and 2 others like this.

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