Project Eden (WIP massive random scenario)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by ravien_ff, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I asked because...recently I get only 2 CVs within the Minefield/Graveyard...dismantling those would provide almost nothing to build a CV from that can carry stuff AND is able to "jump" somewhere as they lack Warp engines...:rolleyes:

    So I have to use my SV to fly to a different Planet(Starter) and look whats in the Graveyard there...
    Btw..this time I can literally WALKo_O between the Planets:confused:.
    And not to Yield_2019-09-14_11-39-12.png
    ravien_ff likes this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yup still using the default starter orbits. :D
  3. Ronin-101

    Ronin-101 Ensign

    Mar 9, 2017
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    :D Which Planet is Mogo? … Seems that the lantern core is busy in this sector ;)
  4. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Why dont you make different approach for your snow custom starter - instead of space graveyard you use deeeep underground for 'lost ships'!
    Find or make some retro-design space ship (flying saucer type of thing) and place it in deepest place you can, so you must dig down to get parts & materials for engines and warp... If it is possible, that would be super interesting to me :cool:

    cmguardia and Bollen like this.
  5. DisgruntedSpaceNinja

    DisgruntedSpaceNinja Ensign

    Sep 16, 2019
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    I need more planets in this scenario. I want to make sure that no one else has the same resources as me, so I need many planets. Can you add economy to this scenario game.

  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The scenario spawns about 80 planets and 100 moons. There is also a WIP economy with custom trade stations that buy or sell commodities.
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. DisgruntedSpaceNinja

    DisgruntedSpaceNinja Ensign

    Sep 16, 2019
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    Can you sell private planets like HWS
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Germanicus likes this.
  9. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I'll wait for official 10.5 green light to start!

    (I'm willing to play same seed with others to compare notes and possible bugs if that can help in future scenario creation ;))
    ravien_ff likes this.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Major Update for Empyrion Alpha 10.5:

    You'll need to start a new game to get the new changes. Old saves should continue to work fine but it is recommended to start a new game.

    Traders should be fixed now:
    But just in case they still bug for you there are directions in the Project Eden Guide to fix them. Please let me know if traders are working for you now.

    Reminder when starting a new dedicated server to set the playfield structure limit for each playfield to 1000 in EAH if you're using EAH and to setup your game options as desired for POI regeneration, escape pod despawn, origin faction start, anti-grief, etc.

    - Updated scenario with the latest changes of Alpha 10.5.
    - Added new planets, moons, and POIs.
    - More sources of Erestrum and Zascosium.
    - Various tweaks, fixes, and changes to the scenario.

    Full Update Notes:

    Planets and Moons:

    - Updated atmosphere color and clouds of planets and moons to fit the new planet visuals.
    - Removed shield recharge from all drone bases to match the default game.

    -Updated Planet Type of many planets to differentiate between them. Starter planets are now listed as starters in the planet type.

    - Now using a custom EGroupsConfig file to allow custom creature spawning on planets.

    - Added new Ocean starting planet made by Needleship. Please let me know what you think, if it needs adjustment, etc.
    - Added new Dead planet to inner solar system. Has old automated AA turrets. Watch where you fly. :D
    - Added new Ice planet variation to outer solar system. Uses extreme terrain generation and might be slow on older PCs. Has some tough Polaris POIs. Has rare custom Ice Golem herds.
    - Added new rocky desert variation to middle solar system.

    - Added new Toxic moon to inner solar system. Has a lot of trash. It's a dump. Literal garbage moon. Not a good vacation spot.
    - Added new hot barren moon to inner solar system. Thanks to Tellrog.
    - Added new pentaxid rich Crystalline moon variation to middle solar system.
    - Added new Crystalline moon variation with auto miner only Erestrum deposits to inner solar system.
    - Added new Desert starter moon to Swamp, Odd Temperate, and Ocean starting planets. Very similar in resources and POIs to the default starter moon for game balance reasons. Still a WIP.

    - Tweaked Ice Giant. Now has resource deposits. Still a major WIP.
    - Added new dig site and alien artifacts to Snow Dwarf Starter. Thanks to Fractalite.
    - Rados went on a mining expedition to fill their silos with ore on Methane moons.
    - Fixed Airtightness in Foundry on Lava planets.
    - Added Zeta POIs to some outer Ice Moons. Thanks to liftallthepizzas.
    - Mire planet is now listed as hard difficulty. Updated Cultist spawners. Added custom Overseer/Nightmare patrols near Cultist POIs. Added Shaman to Cultist POIs and increased loot. Increased Erestrum deposits and added custom AlienBug03 herds to guard them.
    - Updated Lava, LavaNascent, Snow, TemperateStarters, and Alien planets to match the new default planets (new POIs, textures, etc).
    - Updated Ice and Frozen Inferno planets with the new Rados snow POIs.
    - Added custom Talon Crossbow and Talon Shaman patrols to Desert Oasis planet. Added Shaman to Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon.
    - Added custom Overlord/Nightmare patrols to Black Desert planet near red crystals.

    - Tweaked ore generation. Erestrum and Zascosium can be found on more planets and moons on average, but decently sized deposits should still be hard to find.

    - Added low amounts of Rogue Drone scouts and harvesters to inner orbits. Just a taste of things to come.
    - Added powerful Pirate Battlestations to a few inner asteroid fields. Thanks to Unforgiven.
    - Added 5 strange new objects to outer solar system. See if you can figure out how to open them all.
    - Beefed up Xenuan Carrier encounter. Doubled max shield. Added weak secondary shield. Replaced some laser turrets with ion turrets. Added a lot more alien containers.
    - Added Derelict Trade Station near the Snow Dwarf starter to continue the storyline (still WIP).
    - Lowered amount of ore asteroids in the Snow Dwarf starter orbit. With a planet size of 2 there were a bit too many.
    - Added the new POIs from the default game to some space playfields.
    - Tweaked some smuggler and Syndicate POIs, adding loot or captured prisoners you can help out to a few of them.
    - Added new powerful Alien Structures to Gas Giant orbits. Thanks to Faith.
    - Increased time to loot trapped cargo pallets from 15/30 seconds to 60/90 seconds.

    - Tweaked solar system generation. Slightly increased count of Alien planets. Added a new inner planet hub and a new starting planet hub. Slightly increased spread.
    - Fixed floating POIs. Many, many, many floating POIs. If you find any that are still floating or offset after starting a new game, please leave a comment with the exact name of the POI. I'm sure I missed a few.
    - Added a new delivery mission. Does not use PDA mission system, instead you have to physically talk to a trader somewhere in the world who will tell you where to go.
    - Added new rumor NPCs to some custom trade outposts. They'll tell you about various rumors in the solar system to help lead you to areas of interest. Still up to you to actually find what they're talking about however. :D

    - Other misc tweaks and fixes.

    - Special and huge thanks to all the creators of the blueprints used in the new POIs added:
    saschaf81, TiwBras, Robot Shark, =3ngin3=, Jagdfrettchen, DarkFall, yourpersonaljesus, guardianfree 74, Popey, German Deep Fryer, XCaliber, [FBT] クレイグ, olurz, Nordman, NimrodX, pilgrim, Kieve, LeVentNoir, Askesis, Myrmidon, (SOB) Ronan, Na_Palm, Hawk, jepbindawernoch, Nomad, Jarvis1563, Gone/Tellrog, SexySaxMan00, Unforgiven, Fractalite, liftallthepizzas, Siege Inc, Man_From_Mars, Fractalite, Spanj, Faith, and Needleship.
    All the original authors of blueprints used in the Lost City of Sol scenario by Piddlefoot.
    Thanks to everyone who has posted feedback or reported issues or gave their support.

    As with any major game version, there may be game or scenario bugs. Please let me know if you have any problems so I can get them fixed. Thank you all so much!
    Bollen, jmcburn, Monroe and 6 others like this.
  11. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I started on Ocean planet, but did set her to Large (mid. was default) - just want to enjoy view from space when I get there ;)

    For now things are looking ok and I died couple of times, but resources wise it is good with nice number of ore-rocks and plants... creatures also!
    I started on mini island in Zirax territory :)

    I had one strange bug, not sure is it from game or scenario or just some hiccup in my system. Few waypoints I placed on POIs that dont show on main map disappear after I leave area (but they stay in map info tab). POIs are Aln.Helix, Smugglers Hideout and Broken Engine. After I reload saved game, my waypoints are there visible.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I take it that this "Major" Update is now for Public use---only?
    Does this mean I have to switch to Public (again) to get all those changes you have made?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  13. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Seems fine for me on experimental still, and it has updated.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Well I started a new game anyway. A change to Public does not start a download which is even better as I have only Mobile Internet:rolleyes:.
    Game title this time is another Part of the Tennyson Poem "Ulysses": To strive, to seek, to find
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's a good idea to switch to public branch now and use the main version of the scenario instead of the dev version I had posted. :D the dev version wasn't updated.
    Germanicus and Space Beagle like this.
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    So just to make sure I play it; you updated the original 10.x Eden right? This is not a new file that needs downloading?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes the main scenario. (Not the dev test one)
  18. [BB]Drifter

    [BB]Drifter Commander

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Since we have been playing this on a dedicated server will I have to overwrite the files ? We are going to continue the current game we are playing although we know we will be lacking some of the new content. We were on 10.4 and will be updating the base game.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If you are continuing the same save game then you don't want to update the scenario on the server. You can keep playing with everything as it is.
    Drone base shields will regenerate. Planet atmosphere colors won't be correct. You might have some bugs with the PDA missions. Just some issues you might encounter if you don't start a new game using the updated scenario but everything else should work fine.
  20. [BB]Drifter

    [BB]Drifter Commander

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Perfectly fine. We have a lot of things happening so I want to to keep this going. I will do a full wipe and fresh install on a second server so we can be up to date. We are basically getting setup and familiar with what we can and cant do before we fully switch. Then everyone can get up to speed too before the switch. Still so much to explore. ;)
    ravien_ff likes this.

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