Food System

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Been Discussed many times, The spoil Timer makes each item currently unique. I do hope the fix this problem. Currently I chalk it up to the current spacial compression Technology we use in our storage system (containers/backpack/constructors) only works on inorganic materials.

    P.S. some how it works on plastic wrapped e-rations.
  2. Turmith

    Turmith Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Still it's good to chime in on this post from time to time so the Dev's know it's a feature we want.
    My vote is still for averaging the spoil timer on the stack when they are combined.
  3. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I think that the small constructor ought to have the same functionality as the survival constructor in the respect that you can make steak with it. That or you can have a mobile food processor that can cover your basics: cook meat, make small medkits, antidote pills etc
    Frigidman, Osfognarg, Ehta and 3 others like this.
  4. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Regarding hunting on Akua: The alien cricket creatures appear to have a very small hit window. In addition, when trying to loot their bodies for food, it is difficult to find a T-button access point. Does this food creature model need to be reworked?
  5. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Yeah, I feel like I don't hurt an Alien Insect unless I'm shooting it in the bottom of the mouth. The Plant Monsters sort of feel the same way, although they are pretty small to begin with.
  6. LordGrey

    LordGrey Ensign

    Jan 11, 2016
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    While I find the food system a good idea, the processing of food is somewhat unbalanced. I would like to have more plants for farming, maybe within another soil cube or/and Growth light for the alien plants. Would like to plant egg plants, alien egg, phoenix fern and others.
    The combinations of food should bring you more benefits, either more food value or longer perish times. At the moment there are recipes that bring you a lot less food value out than the ingredients have.
    I like that idea. And canned food should last way longer. A small food processor for SV / HV would be useful too, maybe with limited recipes, but at least able to make the basics. At the moment I turn off my SV when landing on planets because it always turns upside down if I left it on and eats a lot of energy. But by turning it off, the fridge is off too...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I like gardening!

    But tbh there is no point in crafting all available foods. Making tins putting em in the fridge makes no sense too

    - Salami + fridge is op, so there no use to most of the other meals
    - give a bonus for consuming multiple sorts of food eg. 4 differnd kinds = no need for food during next day
    - Space survival shouldnt be focused around food. So pls no 6+ Salamis a day :p
    - Food focus should shift with game progression: -> survival after crash -> exploration rations, medicine -> assault rations/healing
    - Alien food/plants should be used for biotech like fuel, gardening, hardening stuff, etc. this would also add to the research which u hopefully implement :p

    All in all food and hunger needs to be there but should be less time consuming and specialised for different tasks. - Doesnt mean to put fun stuff like pizza away :p
  8. Hurgar

    Hurgar Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Food in ths game at this time equals retarded and bad game design. Has anybody every really sucked so bad at this game they starved to death? I have died from many things in the game, but never starvation. the whole food spoilage system can be removed from the game and not hurt anything. food should be stackable like all the other resources in the game.
    My suggestion is that the food spoilage system be removed totally from game. rate the food in game by how hard it is to make. the items that take more resources and/or difficulty in farming give more food back so less time and energy spent on farming food. a game needs to fun not boring and tedious. too much time is wasted in the food production chain.
    Taun Hawk, Frankyln and =TCR= Big_Red like this.
  9. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    That's funny.
  10. Hurgar

    Hurgar Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Thanks >:)
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    1: Pumpkins rock! It's retarded for Space Fries to beat Baked Pumpkins in Food Power! (Shamelessly biased opinion.)

    2: I ask for future implementation of Pumpkin Milkshakes, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Fries, (Don't laugh, there's such a thing as Sweet Potato Fries irl, seriously! Why CAN'T these exist too?) Pumpkin Pie Spice Coffee, Pumpkin Spice Tea, Pumpkin Ice Cream, & the ability to recycle the Shell of the Pumpkin into making Jack-O-Lanterns... or Pumpkin Bombs! :p

    3: Please never add any way, shape, or form of Onion or Mushroom food. :p

    4: If ya can't let Food Items stack, at least do something about the problem of Fridges that aren't that useful when we wanna be able to turn our stuff off so the Aliens don't see them while we're away & attack them. (Maybe if something like Batteries ever get implemented, Fridges could run on Power & use Power to recharge its Battery simultaneously while the Vessel/Base is on, then run off this Battery when the Base/Vessel's Core is off?)

    5: Please allow us to throw Spoiled Food at our PvP foes like Monkeys fling poo. Spoiled Food needs more uses. :p (Seriously, we get so much from all those Plant Monsters & sometimes Soldiers... how many Growing Plots can a person need to craft?)

    6: Maybe someday Plants could get implemented that'd need to be placed on Growing Plots that are placed pointing sideways or downwards, with appropriate Growing Lights placed to light them appropriately... or maybe some future Plants may require dark to grow, especially Glowy Plants! (Let's get some more alienish stuff going, surely there would be some Species of Plants in the Universe that wouldn't wanna Evolve as a generic boring 'grow straight up against Gravity' kinda way & think that'd be too Mainstream a thing to do.)

    7: It'd be cool if we could grow combative Plants that could then automate guarding the Garden area & maybe to at least some extent help with its care, & maybe they'd be sustained on either unneeded crops or Spoiled Food? (They could be fond of attacking & killing Plant Monsters for this Spoiled Food too!)

    8: If a wild critter kills us Players, it'd make sense for them to wanna chow down on our dead bodies afterwards... surely they need to eat too? :p

    9: Maybe stuff like excess Nutrient Solution & Spoiled Food could be clicked onto Farm Plants to speed their development of more harvestables? Or craft into Fertilizer to do that?

    10: Do I even wanna KNOW where that Meat that drops from Slime Monsters even CAME from on the Slime's body...? o_O
    Taun Hawk likes this.
  12. Bulitt

    Bulitt Ensign

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Yep pumpkin pie would be a start, flour + water + sugarcane + pumpkin = pumpkin pie.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Ehta

    Ehta Commander

    Feb 10, 2016
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    This 9000 times, Can't say how frustrated I was when I first put small constructor on the small vessel only to die of hunger in the cockpit with inventory full of dino meat ,on the way home, since I hadn't even bothered to check if it can cook a simple steak. Turns out it can't. Makes it pretty pointless. Currently flying vs size of the planets are fast enough that there's no point in making ingots or even ammo in small constructors and apparently they cannot cook something you could do with fire and a stick :D
    Nick and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Most people take can food on there trips.
  15. Osfognarg

    Osfognarg Lieutenant

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I like the combinations of items you can use to make food. There ought to be more options for what you can pick up from planets, though. Like I saw mentioned, the animals on the planets have to live on something. Not sure what, because they're never eating (unless they're trying to eat me.)

    I think the counter for food and oxygen ought to be increased a little more, or the timer for food consumption. Reasons why the timer for food consumption ought to be increased? Look at the recipe for emergency rations. Tell me why consuming the equivalent of three hams, a loaf of bread, two pearthings, etc., only fills the food bar once, and starts disappearing quickly.

    Canned Meat is a favorite of mine. One raw meat and one tomato is easy enough to harvest. But again, the amount of food that you're eating should last you longer than what is there, or give you more 'food points', for lack of a better term. Canned meat's 'food points', in this instance, are 170. This would probably do better around 200-250. While the emergency rations, which are made up of more ingredients, might do something like double the time the food bar takes to reach zero or something.

    I just can't see a reason that I can't take one single base without running back to a CV or BA to refill on food and oxygen.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I always carry two to four cans of vegetables with me all the time. I also put two into my HV and SV's. Also eat local food stuff. The current food system hasn't changed since 2.0 that I noticed. Other than changing the food processor design. Used to look like a space toilet at one time. With two garden patch's you can grow more than you will ever eat. That's two patch's of 9 grow pots each. All the other stuff in the food processor besides the medical kits I almost totally ignore.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Agree that it seems like our future space dudes & dudettes seem to have a stupidly high metabolism.

    I tend to live on Salami, but eventually i'll get my Aestus Base done, including a large farm, then i'll have an actual selection of things to eat... & maybe once i'm living somewhere a tad more permanently i'll have more use for a Base Fridge too. (Mmmmm... Fridge Cold Dino Stew Royal... made of Overseer Meat instead of Dino Meat... good thing that makes sense. :p)
  18. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Don't forget your yummy slime burger. Lol
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Yama

    Yama Lieutenant

    Apr 8, 2016
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    I would like a reason not just simply grow one efficcient kind of plant.
    Once you get a fridge going there is no reason to grow anything but the most efficient food.

    I guess its just alittle too easy to have food not spoil.
    I mean, why even make canned food if you can slap a small frisge on your SV and bring Space Fries?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Keep in mind that this is both a single and multi player game and in the latter there should be and is the possibility for players to specialise. Yes one player with a fairly small amount of plots can easily create an over-abundance of food. And spoilage can easily be negated with a single fridge so may seem pointless.

    But in multi-player you don't want to have to cover half a planet with plots to feed your peeps. And spoilage still isn't difficult to manage but it does add at least a little, realistic complexity to the system.

    On the whole I think the food system is pretty solid. It'd be nice to have an emergency rations recipe which doesn't require meat (yuk) but I've never seen a need to make emergency rations anyway.

    The game doesn't need to require or specifically reward you for doing something for you to do it. Do it just because you want to. If you ate steak yesterday and think it would be nice to eat something else today, do that. There's an abundance of recipes to choose from.

    I strongly prefer a game giving me a wide range of options to choose from even if there is no other 'point' to the variety than variety itself, than strange and arbitrary systems which force me to make use of different options just because they're there.
    Frankyln likes this.

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