Fixed Shield on Drone Base keeps resetting [6774]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Bigtoad, Sep 20, 2019.

  1. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I've got to post this one again. I threw out our old game, which we started in 10.4, and setup a new one based on the Default Multiplayer scenario in 10.5. I've advanced far enough to find and attack the drone base on the local moon, and the shield keeps resetting. In my last run at it, I took the shield down, and then was able to destroy two turrets before I had to duck into a crater so my shield could recharge. When I popped up and opened fire on the third turret, the shield reset to 100% the instant my first shot hit that turret. This entire sequence took maybe five minutes. I have confirmed that the playfield.yaml contains the correct directive, as seen below.

    ### POIs
            - GroupName: DroneBaseT1
              Faction: Zirax
              NoShieldReload: True
              DroneBaseSetup: DroneBaseSetup
              CountMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 1.0
              DronesMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
              ReserveCount: 5
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Did you depleet the shield compleet? Aslong you dont it will regenerate

    ive tried it and it works as it should. Shield doesnt Regenerate
  3. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Same thing happened again, without the duck and hide. Took the shield down, destroyed a turret, and as soon as I switched fire to another turret the shield went back to 100%.
  4. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I think I have to deplete it completely to destroy a turret, don't I?
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Useing a custom config? Mind uploading your save game / scenario and config file for me?
  6. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I just stopped the server and grabbed a copy. My SV is parked in a crater near the drone base on Shambhu Moon. The custom scenario, Default Multiplayer3, is an exact copy of Default Multiplayer except for the gameoptions.yaml file. Here is the dedicated.yaml:

        Srv_Port: 20500
        Srv_Name: 'Daos Empyrion'
        Srv_Public: true
        EACActive: false
        MaxAllowedSizeClass: 0
        AllowedBlueprints: All
        HeartbeatServer: 0
        TimeoutBootingPfServer: 180
        Srv_Password: *****
        Srv_StopPeriod: 24
        Srv_ReservePlayfields: 2
        Srv_Description: 'PvE for Daos'
        LogFlags: 0
        HeartbeatClient: 0
        Tel_Port: 20504
        Srv_MaxPlayers: 6
        SaveDirectory: Saves
        GameName: DediGame3
        Mode: Survival
        Seed: 4253055
        CustomScenario: 'Default Multiplayer3'
        OriginDefault: Pilgrim
        OriginAccessOthers: true
        OriginAutoAlliance: true
        DecayTime: 20
        WipeTime: 0
        ProtectTime: 48
        MaxStructures: 100
        AntiGriefOresDistance: 0
        AntiGriefOresZone: PvE
        DiffEscapePodContent: Medium
        DiffAmountOfOre: Rich
        DiffNumberOfDeposits: Plenty
        DiffDroneBaseAttack: Medium
        DiffDronePresence: Normal
        DiffDegradationSpeed: 'Off'
        DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal
        DiffEnemySpawnRate: Normal
        DiffAttackStrength: Hard
        DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster
        DiffPlayerProgression: Normal
        AutoMinerDepletion: false
        GroundedStructureSpawn: false
    The save file is here:
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest


    Just tried your save and the drone base doesnt regenerate shield for me.

    Are you useing a custom config file (..\Content\Configuration\config.ecf) by any chance?
    did you make any modifications to the shields?
  8. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I don't see a config.ecf in there - just a config_example.ecf. Another friend, who is fairly non-technical, initially set this server up before she handed it over to me. (I'm a hard core techie.) As far as I know the only changes she made were to the dedicated.yaml, adminconfig.yaml, and to our previous 10.4 game. This is hosted on I don't see any way to verify the file integrity...
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    if there is just a example file then your not useing a custom config so your fine on that :)

    Nitrado only has a reinstall option I believe..

    Tried it another time the drone base shields stays depleteed.

    Cant reproduce this
  10. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Well shoot. The game isn't really playable like this, so unless you have another suggestion, I'm going to do a fresh install and then copy the modified (that I know of) config files and save game back. Maybe that'll fix it.

    Thank you very much for your assistance, btw.
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    You can try to change the GameName "GameName: DediGame3" in the dedicated.yaml to something new
    so a new save gets regenerated and then try the drone base streight out. You can Always set it back later to DediGame3 to
    resume your save
    Bigtoad likes this.
  12. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I do trouble shooting for a living, and for the life of me, I cannot figure this one out. I've reinstalled from scratch twice. The last time around, I did the absolute minimal config changes - I uploaded our adminconfig.yaml, and I changed or added these settings in dedicated.yaml: Srv_Name, EACActive, Srv_Password, and GameName. That's it. I left the rest as out-of-box defaults. I also verified the integrity of my game client, just to be safe. The drone base shields still reset about five seconds after they are taken down.

    Is there some way that I can globally disable the drone base shields so we can at least enjoy the rest of the game? I can't seem to fix this problem.
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I think there's some console commands to manage shields of structures, but not sure.

    The drone bases should have their shield generators in a mostly easily accessible place. Putting down multiple explosive charges on the shield generator itself will bring down the shield and destroy the generator.

    Otherwise, entering godmode invisible should give you access to the control panel the base and allow you to find the shield generator in the control panel and turn it off.
    Bigtoad likes this.
  14. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Thanks you! I hadn't realized there was an invisible option for gm, that's helpful. This server is for a small group of trusted friends and we all have admin access so we can do this if we have to. I was hoping for something like an option in gameoptions.yaml, though.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You could also use a custom config and just change it so the POI shield generator has like 1hp or less regeneration or something like that as a more permanent solution for now until you can figure out what's causing this bug.

    VERSION: 7
    { Block Id: 1813, Name: ShieldGeneratorPOI, Ref: ShieldGeneratorBA
      ShieldCapacity: 25000, type: int, display: true
      ShieldRecharge: 150, type: int, display: true
      ShieldCooldown: 15, type: int, display: true
    Copy that code into your custom config and play with the numbers. If you set the cooldown to something super high, that might do the trick. Could also set the recharge to something low. I think.

    You'd have to play around with it and experiment (back up your save of course).

    Like always, use a custom config at your own risk and don't forget to remove it before submitting any future bug reports. :D
    Bigtoad likes this.
  16. Travis9x

    Travis9x Commander

    Apr 22, 2019
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    I wonder if this might be related to the problem with SV shields. I've seen where SV shields keep resetting, endlessly. But in that case, the shield is inactive (not protecting the vessel) while it is starting up / activating, and consuming a large amount of power (like normal after turning on the shield). So I dunno, it seems similar, but different.
    Bigtoad likes this.
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Depends. Does you issue happen in SP or MP?

    Cause i was finaly able to reproduce this. But ONLY in MP

    Will be fixed!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2019
    Bigtoad likes this.
  18. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Awesome! Thank you very much for all your hard work!

    I've seen the thing with SV shields too. Only seems to happen when the SV is docked on my CV, and then the shield keeps cycling off and on. This is specifically in MP.
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Those 2 issues arnt releated :)

    SV one is fixed. We will try to fix this one today for a Monday Update
    Travis9x and Bigtoad like this.
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Fixed in the NEXT Update
    Bigtoad and Travis9x like this.

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