What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Holy crap! Those are amazing! Brilliant! I love the way you use the pure lit texture.
  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Edit: Actually scratch that. Should keep this thread about "What did you do in Empyrion today."
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    StyleBBQ and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Did some re-fitting of old ships with shields then I realised that SVs got nerfed once again! My main "explorer-fighter" lost agility, went down from 108 ms/2 in 6 directions to 84 ms/2 without me changing anything, so I guess the nerf made its way hidden inside some of the latest patches...


    Noddling with thrusters and devices, I built this.


    It can move...


    One problem : the shield only has a 4000 hp pool. That's only a few hits, and if I remove the extra devices (shield gen, pentaxid tank, O2 tank, ventilator, 2 "hidden" spotlights behind the guns... haha) the mobility jumps to 131 ms/2 in all 6 directions. It is a small difference, but it is noticeable when driving it around. The pilot just has to carry his O2 bottles and wear his helmet.

    The roll/pitch/yaw numbers are just there for decoration. All the SVs handle like the drone unless we put insane amounts of RCS units that annihilate mobility. It's very hard to keep the reticle on a distant objective while moving around because there is a 1/2 second delay between mouse input and ship reaction. With this ship, there is no difference if I put 3 rcs or 6, so I went with the minimum to shave 750 kg of dead steel.

    I could cover that thing in a nice shape of blocks and paint it, but it's mostly a waste of time with the actual flight mechanics. I might as well just make a wall of blocks with guns poking through, and small thrusters to make it move to the target at low fuel cost... What a pity...

    Edit : would be nice if they could update the "ammo box" line in the stats to "storage controller/ammo" because right now this mention is quite useless...
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    StyleBBQ, banksman45, jmtc and 2 others like this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I still prefer to do my own Mining Carnage myself... but to each their own. :D

    For the Topic: I'm begun on a new HV Build, that as always I can only hope works out. Trying some new Mad Empyrion Science of trying to get the Brawn that I crave & yet trying to at least not look ugly at the same time. I still say Brawn looks sexier then 'pretty boy-ness', but i'm also trying to not 'Glorified Box' as well.


    That... is a hell of an interesting Vehicle Appearance there... I wonder if ya could turn that kinda Visual Theme into a thing...? :D

    P.S. Ya forgot the Ammo Box to give yo Guns somethin to actually fire. Perhaps ya could trade in one of the Cargo Boxes...? ;)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    jmtc and StyleBBQ like this.
  5. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Oh, no! I have been discovered! :D

    Yes, still at 8 m/s², it is just a bunch of devices with minimal carbon covers.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No need for ammo box (they're not in the SV devices tab anyway), just a "container controller (ammo)" which serves the same purpose, and much lighter (50 kg instead of 600 ). And something like 32 kSU... ^^
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  7. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    To be honest I'm still trying to understand their logic behind the turret system and shield system. It would nice of the Devs would tell us what ship combat should look like in this game. I would love to see more CV mounted weapons and turret weapons in this game. Maybe rail gun turrets and maybe Star Trek style turrets .
  8. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    So I finally left the Dead World behind. It was suprisingly difficult to leave. Though a change of scenery was needed, I kept futzing about for days. Suppose it was seperation anxitey about leaving my trusty logging HV and my precious! the wonderous Deconstructor, man I love that thing!
    kidding aside @ravien_ff that planet is hands down the best post apocolyptic scenery & feel I've ever experianced in a game. Period dot. :cool:
    To any who haven't played that starter or his scenario, do yourself a big favor & -do-not- 'read up' on it. Just jump in!
    It's what I thankfully did, so had no ideas other than it would be hard but survivable, -if- you know what you're doing.
    Hardest by far & the _best_ start I've ever had in EGS. All deaths were on me, not a single, "well that was a non-winnable", and each was a learning experiance. Nothing 'buggy' or whacked. He's playing by fair rules, not cheap tricks.
    Headed out & up and did a bit of orbital mineing, then on to the moon for some more, and maybe a bit of raiding.
    Smacked a couple drones like they were 90 pound door 'guards' trying to keep me out when the "Fresh Donuts!" light come on.
    Set about building a base, and of course here comes a drone swarm... (sigh), mind you I'm still only lvl 12 at this point, with just a rifle and 200 rounds. Add in that these first guys came in without a Warning, it's a moon so they start shooting me before I can even see them; 300+ meters? Thinking this light armor isn't much more than a slinky nighty! as I run for the SV. Worked out in my favor, which was really good since I have no idea where I would have respawned at?!? Do some quick defensive works and focus on getting a couple turrets up asap.
    Anyway, got thru that sticky spot and wound up with a nice base and a fully enclosed hangar for the SV rebuild. Which took a -lot- of doing! Reason being I'd grossly underestimated how much junk I'd really want/need to take with me to the next planet. sheesh, must have that pack-rat DNA since it looks like I'll be hauling ~100 tons of junk :(.
    Only reason I haven't headed out yet is I started clearing the Zirax off this little moon, but then ran into the Drone Base, which has chased me off twice now. Don't think my combo-everything-O!-SV is gonna cut it against that poi. So looks like I need to build a 'cheap/small/powerful/agile' fighter, which is hands down my worst EGS skill... no, actually -flying- a fighter effectively in EGS is my worst skill. So will see how it goes, heh.
    @Kassonnade really like that first race car, reminds me of the Le Manns(sp?) cars from the late 80's/90s. And the camo'd Top Gun looks perfect as an early One Man Scout ride.
    The others; a frog, a mountain goat, executive run about, just wow folks. Amazing diversity, and in such a tiny working envelope, well done!
    that's all the tank has left in it, need a nap then a -lot- of luck against that Drone base, then off to an "easy" planet! <I joke, I kid, I hid...:D>
    Na_Palm, Kassonnade, jmtc and 4 others like this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Doh! I keep forgetting that the Statistics "Ammo Box Count" is still too stupid to recognize Ammo Container Controllers thus failed to think of the possibility that ya mighta opted for that instead... :oops:

    Amen. I still worry that they won't tell us cause they still need to actually make up their own minds first... >_<
    banksman45, Kassonnade and StyleBBQ like this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @banksman45 Turret weapons in Star Trek?o_O. Can't remember that they had turrets:oops:.
    Star Wars instead...yes, tons of it;).
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Oh, btw., please remind yourself....we have not a single GUN TURRET in game!

    by definition:"A gun turret (or turret) is a location from which weapons can be fired that affords protection, visibility, and some cone of fire. A modern gun turret is generally a weapon mount that houses the crew or mechanism of a projectile-firing weapon and at the same time lets the weapon be aimed and fired in some degree of azimuth and elevation (cone of fire)."

    We have only open EMPLACEMENTS!:rolleyes:
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    just give us beam weapons and i can start building Trek ships
  13. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    With the recent conversation here between @Kassonnade and @Vermillion regarding how to work out sensing of docked SVs or HV's in a base or CV, and this quote from Fractalite in the back of my head, I found myself idle and decided to put together a quick prototype of just such a thing.

    It's built onto my CV/BA hybrid elevator, such that the entry/exit from this hanger leads onto the elevator platform at its ground floor. The elevator is fit flush to the hangar/base floor. In this case I didn't use door signals as suggested by Fractalite but instead used paired light barrier sensors for each bay wired to Set/Reset Latch circuits. The projector arrays output either a "Pad # Available" or "Pad # Occupied" message based on the state of the S/R circuit output. The red and green flares on the walls do the same thing (red=occupied, green=available), and were just the initial telltales I used to test and verify the sensor states before I put the projectors in, but are useful when parking ships too so I left them in place. The signal output obviously can be used for readout anywhere on the base, like in a remote control room or an exterior signboard.

    I haven't wired sensors or done the circuitry for the upper level, but those are pretty much all copy/paste at this point... and lots more projector text alignment, Ugh. For a proof of concept this sucker's done:


    *Edit - I've attached the .epb file if anybody feels like playing with it. I went ahead and did the copy/paste work mentioned above so the upper level is functional too. If you want the elevator platform part it's attached as a separate .epb (if so I'd recommend checking out the installation instructions).

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
    Bollen, GenghisBob, Na_Palm and 10 others like this.
  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Well I mean turrets and mounted weapons that have the laser beam weapons on them.
  15. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    If you look up the deck plans of the Refit enterprise you will finds something called phaser ball Turret... you will still find them on older ships. to such as the Maranda or Excelsior, before boing replaced by phaser strips on the Ambassador class
  16. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Today I had to do some on the fly changes to the Mining Rigs upper section. If all goes well the landing pad will be installed soon. We also worked on the interior a bit for the mining beam section. With some tinkering and overclocking, we were able to increase the beams overall output. This should increase both efficiency and production.
    What do you all think so far?
    Bollen, Robot Shark, jmtc and 7 others like this.
  17. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @Jenniphurr , very neat! But I gotta ask since you're such a wizard I'm not 100% certain... :cool:

    Are these HVs? and how do you use them, flying/mining wise? (sry if silly questions; I just woke up :oops:)
    I -still- want "sharks with frickin lazer beams!" :D
    Tyrax Lightning and Jenniphurr like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The glowing Beam is most likely made of Xeno Steal. That would out-rule a SV/HV and leaves only a CV/BA
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  19. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    These are bases that I'll be using for a small POI group up on my server. Much more planned, but this is the current workings.
  20. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    ahh, ok, thanks! :)

    You'd got me thinking they were HVs and Eleon had allowed downward facing mining lasers... which would/could be awesome!

    I've no idea how you do it Jenn, but at least half the time I'm admiring your builds I have to make an effort to determine if it's lrg or sm grid.
    Serious wizardrey <respect!> ;)

    Good eye @Germanicus ; if neither of you had replied I was going to try to mount HV mining lasers downward in a bit... :rolleyes:

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