Empyrion Galactic Idiots Guide Required...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aphaia, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Well I am officially dejected with this game now, today i finally understood what you were all talking about, got the wreck organised used my lockers for stage while I collected everything, got everything and i mean everything for my new base.

    Risked radiated fog, travelled by foot across borders over and over again today, all around the outsisde of the talon area as well.

    Finally counting down the last of my resources out of the locker to put it into my inventory to get my blueprint for my new base at the factory.

    bursts into tears* then 3 zirax ships come blows me and my whole wreck to peices, i died twice then hid for the rest of the time. Thinking they may stop at some point with the base. But nope i got my backpack with a tiny bit or resources and they blew my loccker up with all the rest for my new base.

    Being single player and surival mode, I can revive that either...........noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    @Aphaia Oh mate I feel your pain but trying to build a new base right off the bat is not always wise. I remember my first few days in the game I was hold up at night in a hole I dug out and only ventured out in the day. Took for ever back then, spiders were the worst back then at night. Best to get yourself stocked up and even build your base inside a hill or something. Shiny new bases are fodder to those nasty attacks. You can always change your base to public if you want it not to be attacked until you get yourself built up more and have the guns to back your base up. But don't give up you can always start a new game and see what happens the next time. A new seed means a different game.
  3. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hold up, ifyou set it to private your base gets attacked where as if its set to public you will be safer? This I did not know and if thats the case I would never of changed it to private.......crap a duck....

    Actually I had no intention originally on having a brand new base, but i was limited in my understanding of the game and got to a point i was struggling with some elements and thought save on resources if i get a prefab i get the extras I want and I can learn to tinker around the base as I go.

    I have virutally explored all the territory around me and was quite happy with the area, it was just getting onto technology and building was the issue, so was quite proud of myself that far. Especially for a first major attempt.

    Cant help hide the disappointment thou that it ended in that way, there is no simply way of gathering resources in those type of games, the area i picked to putt the new base was very pretty, and I cant do it in creative as it just looses everything. There is no way to role back the saves either sadly......

    I was ectually excited for the first time and understanding what I was doing, the thought of having to start all over again from scratch makes me want to avoid the game completely. I was even happy living in my tent and that wreckage as well.........pfft.....

    Give myself some time out I think from it all, its still fresh and I might feel better and differently after a while.....
    Kassonnade likes this.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well you did pretty well for a first run, honestly ! You had zero experience, zero knowledge, and went "vanilla" almost to the point of getting your first blueprint. Don't see this as a failure, it's all the contrary. In its present state, the game is very unforgiving if you make some small mistakes, like settling down in one spot at the early stage without proper defenses (base turrets or powerful hand weapons >> many hours more, or very focused gameplay with better experience).

    I want to point out that here on the forums, there are many veteran players that keep asking for the game to become "more difficult" because they find it boring, having accumulated many hundred/ thousands of hours. My opinion is that they are seldom thinking of the new player's, quite simply. The learning curve is there, and luck also plays a big part in difficulty : some new game starts put players in close proximity of spider nests, and they have to run for their lives non-stop right off the bat, until they either die from critters or from environmental hazards.

    Like I told you in my 1st post : use the wrecks as temporary bases just for the purpose of sticking constructors, containers and primary devices to them, so you can make basic weapons and - most important - get your 1st armor. At that point, you are set for a good nomadic exploration and gathering stretch until you have enough materials to build a hover/small vessel, which - contrary to a base - can get you and your precious stuff away from drones and protect you from environment and critters. Your first real vehicle - the motorcycle - has the same role, and unlimited fuel : use that to your advantage.

    The game has been tailored to force players to move and not to settle down at the very start of the game. But I get from your experience that this is not emphasized in any way so players thread carefully until they have enough knowledge of the game and enough resources to fend off more than basic critters.

    You can "cheat" the game by putting the base to "public" to avoid attacks, but you can also simply power it on when you need to build something, then power it off when finished and go back on exploration/ mining.

    But most important : take this first run as a small "victory" because you went far enough starting from scratch. In many other games from many genres, player get wrecked from doing mistakes in a few minutes from the start : they fall from a bridge, get circled by enemies, mauled by beasts, often by lack of experience. Empyrion lets you buzz around for many hours even if you know zero at the start.


    Edit : my 1st "survival bases" are usually just concrete walls, a part covered, minimal devices and at least 1 cannon turret with enough ammo. At level 7 you can build a basic base that can defend itself decently against drones. Don't put your base in the ground or you will face some nasty attack tricks from enemies! Make a small "bunker" for your precious devices if you want, but don't hide the core too far: the game will check if enemies can access it and if not the game will trigger hacking attacks.

    I suggest you hang on because when you get to the point of being able to get off the starting planet (don't forget you didn't choose to fall there in the first place!) I am sure you will feel what most players felt the first time they got to that point : achievement, and excitement! You're "space-born" and feel free!
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
  5. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay time to express my next set of frustrations. I now understand what I am doing and moreso what I have to get done. But feel extremely pressured under like a time frame before expecting an attack.

    Even if i find a temp home, I have to gather resources, set the tech tree, make the necessary basic eqipment, get the upgrades, then find supplies to make myself the armour, weapons, mining equipment, guns for base protection all in a short time frame.

    If you dont have any rapore with the talon you cant get anything from them, you turn around you havae some 2 or 3 talon boundaries near you. Its like your constantly under threat. Even now I have another temporary base I need to drill but then i also need the constructor to create and protect home temp or not, then i also need armour to proect myself as well.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    There is no rush to make a base. Use the wrecks for storage, use the motorcycle to find resources, use the survival tool and drone to mine, use the tent to sleep. Make a portable constructor, then a chainsaw, cut wood for biofuel (pick up plant fibers for first fueling), and if you really want a weapon go for the shotgun or assault rifle - but the survival tool should be enough for a while, unless you run into some dangerous critter >> flee with motorcycle. Check your map to get to a safer spot, you don't have to stay in the Talon zone: planets are big! Focus on getting the armor/ armor locker first, then you can take your time and even mine all nights if you want. Drones will not attack you on foot or motorcycle unless you get too close to them, but they WILL seek out for a settlement at some point, so avoid this until you're ready. You can even shoot drones down if you feel brave and hunt them discretely (use hillsides) : they often contain valuable loot. Try to find civilian spots (research centers) where you might also get free stuff, but watch for your reputation (if you care... ).

    You can remove the core from the temporary wreck if you want, the devices will stay there. You will gain levels faster by killing critters (try the alien bug: easy kills + meat) and discovering POIs/ mining spots. Just zip around on the motorbike to find stuff automatically. Grab some corn dogs once in a while to make energy bars. You can get lots of materials just mining the big rocks and ore lying everywhere on top of the grass, and also ordinary rocks which will give you the possibility to make ore (but too much rocks for too few ore) in case you lack just 1 or 2 specific ingots. The trees are everywhere, use them for fuel.

    Edit : once again, don't feel shy for using cheats when needed to avoid having to restart again from scratch. Lots of players here started new games regularly just because patches sometimes break old savegames, and make all progression gone. After a while, it gets irritating but then again the game is still undergoing lots of changes, and if playing on the experimental branch we mostly "play-test" the new game. So to get faster to it, some players use cheats to level up or to get ships and stuff faster.

    If you really want to experience an easier "learning curve" you can try installing one of the older versions of Empyrion. They are all available in the "beta testing" tab (right-click on game in Steam library, last tab, little scroll-down list). I started at 5.0 (I think it's the oldest available), at that point the game had no radiations/ cold/ heat hazards, and many features lacking, but it's still a good point to learn the main interface and building mechanics.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2019
  7. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thank you, I felt a bit better reading your post and fate must of agreed with you as well. I went on to create another game. This one i got a motorbike on crashing for some reason but I aint going to look a gift horse in the mouth on that and went on lookin around.

    I came across one then two wrecakges and scrapped them, found another 2 and scrapped them. Looked into my inventory and wow i already had over 1000 steel.

    Not to bad so i thought and continued to see what was around me as in food and mineral wise as well and OMG!!! okay I came across a wreckage of the front part of a ship, err okay as i was riding around the ship another wreckage back up the back half of it and apparently its called the titanic back n front sections. not far from it was a another titanic rear and before i could stop to breath i found a DSE-02 in the water near me with only the top couple of layers to walk on everything else is underwater.

    Okay given I need to find myself a temporary home but if i had my armour on maybe i could go underwater longer. Even moreso if i knew how to empty out the water I could eventually get the multi-tool to rip out what I need or convert to an underwater base..........lol
  8. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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  9. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Well definitely not bored, not yet at least, still trying to work out so much. Okay i have got into the levels of the Titan back n front wreckage there is a few things to rip out in one piece and thankfully i even scored a multi tool while I was in there,. Wont just yet as I have t have a place to store things as definitely will take up too much inventory space right now.

    Right my immediate question is how do i get to the water wreck, before i do any base starting etc, I want to know what this underwater ship has i can salvate so i dont have to use my resources to make them. But its all water logged and I dont know how to empty out the water to explore through it.
  10. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    You can't empty the water out. Best to make armour so you can swim down to it. You will have to start making some air to refill your air tank. You can swim on top of the water so you can breath or make a hover craft to get out there. You might want to hold off taking it apart just yet . If your holding something in your hand you will sink under the water so your hands have to be free to swim on top.
    Sounds like you have a number of places you can use as a temp base to get some storage happening and crafting.
  11. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thank you, I am doing that now, clearing up parts of the wreckage for scrap and getting ready to make a locker and armor. I found a multi tool to use and its faster picking up the wreckage BUT there are some objects like lights and different style of cargo boxes I wanted to pick up, so i used a different setting to pick them up, they disappearedd quickly but then they didnt appear in my inventory and none of my supply figures changed so not sure what is going on there.

    I have to go looking for promethium ore next as well, soon as i get all that sorted i have to get my water condensor I think it is I need and start making bottle to use. I assume I just have them in my inventory and my system will use them as required......Suppose will find out soon enough.....lol


    Turns out I have one double bed and enough bunk beds on this ship alone to fit a football team......lol
    Kassonnade likes this.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I've really enjoyed role playing a fairly nomadic early-game stage. I tend to start off making a little camp - I just drill into the side of a hill to feel secure lol - and set out the Constructor, AirCon and O2 Generator (if needed) and start gathering basic resources from surface rocks and trees, while also collecting various useful planets (vegetables mainly) so my suit constructor can keep me fed.

    After I've gathered enough stuff I set to work on a very basic HV to act as a mobile base. I use this to explore and gather more materials as I do so, using the HV's storage to great advantage. I add Cargo Boxes and a Fridge, so food stops being a problem and I stop off periodically and set up a mini-camp to place the Portable Constructor and craft anything I need. I try to get a Mobile Constructor on the HV as soon as possible for convenience so I don't have to set up camp to craft.

    I can go on upgrading the HV for a while, until I get to the point I need a Large Constructor to continue doing so. Sometimes I'll temporarily take over a POI - often some sort of wreck - to allow me to make a Large Constructor and build what I need, before abandoning it and moving on in an upgraded HV. How long I do this is usually on a whim or until I find a good spot for a base.

    In my prior vanilla game I ended up setting up my first permanent Base next to a large CV wreck, partly submerged, that I wanted to recover. This was a long-term operation and beyond what my HV could really assist with - too much stuff to salvage - so the base was the logical option.

    There are multiple ways to start off in the game, often I've gone the Base route as soon as I could, relying on myself and an Assault Rifle to defend it - quite fun. Other times I go nomad / scavenger for an extended period before settling down. I think you've done pretty darn well as a new player to achieve what you have, just a shame your first Base attack was a little beyond your means to defend against - Drones are quite ruthless when you can't counter them!

    Btw: I never knew about the "Public" trick to halt Drone attacks, even us older players can learn new stuff! :)

    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    No you have to build a air dispenser along with an air tank. You can do this in a base, hv, sv and cv could could also open up your tech tree for the portable air collector to make tiny bottles but it's real slow those I believe you click on like food to fill you tank.

    The multi tool has two settings one to grab the whole item or components the two tier multi tools give back different amounts of components and the tier 1 won't give anything back for lights. So it's a gamble on what you get. If you are using that ship as a temp base with power then all those beds you found are going to cost you energy and drain your fuel or battery if your using solar.

    As to promethium, get ready for a fight and or radiation or both. Sometimes you get lucky and will find one or two not protected. All depends on your seed number.
    Mate you have been doing great! Good luck on your adventure. Safe travels:)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Hoo !!! You remind me of me when I start this game! When the version was the initial V6. I remember falling in the vicinity of a functional base. Take it and start looking for resources ... have the visit of the patrol ship that first did nothing and I was surprised to see it happen on me! Then for his second visit he started shooting me and destroying my base, I could only run taking what I could !!!! And hit my face to remember that I left the builder at the base:eek: (I was on a mountain difficult to climb !!!!). I miss Omicron as the initial planet! What good deaths you had at every step you took!:D
    Before if you lost the builder you lost everything ... you could not get it again! Now you have the suit with its builder and you can start from scratch at any time!
    Very wise decision to incorporate that to continue the game when you run away at night under attack!;)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just about this : when you decide to follow the tutorial, you have to "build" the motorcycle and some other things that are part of the tutorial's tasks. But if you decide to "skip" the tutorial, then the motorcycle and other items are given to you right there and then. So the first time you played you probably clicked "ok" to follow the tutorial, as the window pops up in your face right after you are out of the escape pod. And I guess the second time you started you just skipped the tutorial, hence you got the motorcycle at start.
  16. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Ohh okay thank you that might of been the difference, I am sorting out the ships and modifying space etc, however there are items I want to keep for later, like o2 tanks, fuel tanks , showers, fridges etc but they are in the wrong places on these wreckages. I did try a multi-tool i picked up and set it to pick up the hole block but they judge disappeared with nothing in my inventory.

    Also i finally create my small constructor and my cargo boxes (thank you all btw i am understanding slowly what I am doing), however i want to create my lockers and armou etc but it wont work, do i need power to the small constructor? If so that means i have to make a core and put it somewhere i want to keep and use later.......


    Can someone explain the process of water bottles for me. I know there are the 02 tanks but I gather those are ships for the air conditioning etc.

    There is a water condensor, water bottles, generator which your suppose to put in water, then there is the armour which uses the water bottles (do they attach or do you have them in your inventory)....lol I am so confused...

    Sorry for the 20 questions there peoples but again thank you for the help....
  17. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Yes you need to power it. You can use solar or generator you can use bio fuel to power it to start with. For the generator you will need a fuel tank as well. for solar you will need a battery and a solar cell. You really can't take the core with you. most the time you will only ever get some of the parts back. Too get any block as whole you need to have a core in the base and it must be your base. I tend to take a few cores with me to collect the stuff from crashed ships, poi's. just attach it anywhere collect the whole blocks your wanting then remove the core when your done just reuse the parts you get back.

    Water you need to build a water collector place in a lake put in fuel if early game use bio fuel. Chain saws are your friend. I tend to place 1 to 3 portable constructors on the ground chop up some trees put them in and make the bio fuel. Why waste bio fuel to make bio fuel in a powered constructor. Once you have the water jugs you can put them in your constructor and make small bottles to drink if need be, make air to put in your air tank in your base or you sv when you head to space for the first time. Water is a needed resource for many things even in food and farming.

    Hope this helps :)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you try to retrieve blocks from a public structure, the multi-tool will only give you components. You have to take ownership of the structure for the multi-tool to return entire blocks/ devices. And the T1 multi-tool retrieves smaller quantities than the T2 version, and I think the difficulty setting of the game (easy, medium or hard) also affects the return ratio of materials. Check the game difficulty settings next time you open the game (just click on the small arrow next to the "medium" difficulty tag) and you will see all the options to customize your game from there.

    Yes, you need power for the small constructor. Look at top right : if there is an on/off switch then it needs power.

    This blue O2 container is used to fill the O2 tanks of your ships/ base :

    O2 Bottle.png

    This kind of O2 bottle is used like food, directly from the toolbar, to refill your personal reserve. On temperate planets with oxygen, no need to put your helmet on. But if you go underwater, in space or anywhere without oxygen, you will need to put your helmet on (keybindings) or else the game will give you a warning. When having your helmet on, your oxygen bar (bottom left of screen, status bars) will slowly deplete. Use a small O2 bottle (right click on it in inventory like for food) to refill your bar.

    Small O2 Bottle.png

    Later when you build a base, for example, you will have to fill it with oxygen, even on a temperate planet, else the temperature will go down. Your building/ ship will also need to be "air-tight", meaning it will have to be "sealed" from the outside to be safe from environmental hazards. To oxygenate a base you need a O2 tank, fill it, then put at least 1 ventilator per "sealed" room. When building stuff, you will notice that all blocks mention if they are airtight (true) or not. O2 cannot pass through airtight blocks, so if you have 2 adjacent rooms separated by an airtight door, you will need a ventilator in each room, or then just change the door for one that is not airtight.

    This bottle, I think, has the same purpose as the previous one (refill your O2 bar when wearing helmet) :

    Emergency O2.png

    Water is used to lower temperature and cure some ailments (hangover).
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
  19. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    @Aphaia I will admit @Kassonnade did a much better explanation. I think he must be a teacher in real life. :D
    Kassonnade likes this.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Lol... you beat me to the line here... I was typing my answer then I realized I never dealt with the emergency O2... o_O
    RazzleWin likes this.

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