Empyrion Galactic Idiots Guide Required...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aphaia, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay slowly moving along, i used the motorbike to explore the area abit and to my shock on Nandan (pefect planet for an online server thats for sure.

    I came across a submerged DSE, back end, Front, mid & rear of a Titan vessel (massive), 2 x wrecked capital vessels of which one of them white fully long and complete and is half submerged by sand, if there is a way of pushing the sand out the bottom and retrieving items that would be great. But I definitely have plenty of resources.

    I have a fridge already set up on my section of the wreck and put in a core, only now i have to put in a fuel and generator ( i assume its the same one as the water generator). Slowly cleaning up the area, flatting out outside would make it great to build, need a terrain modify tool.

    Thank you for the instructions above, I am slow learning and must confesss I am still extremely confused with the process, between base and suit, water & o2.

    Right now onto my next section I am also trying to work out, this biofuel bit. The recipe says fibre but everyone is telling me to chop wood, so i am getting a tad bit confused here. I have some of my tools but sadly cant use them until i work out the fuel issue. I know where one small promethium deposit is, but thats a different story. The recipe is saying plant fibres for biofuel but they are not as easy to get as wood is, so i am confused by people are saying use wood for fuel.

    I will have to go manually hutting for ores, cant rely on what i find from the wrecks so will just do surface ores for now.

    I want to get the power sorted on this wreck with the last of the items attached so i can get my eqipment and fence in the open end of the wreck.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you have the portable constructor, just put it anywhere on the ground:


    Then put in some plant fibers, or plain wood logs. The constructor will make the necessary "intermediate" components to get to the final product. The components chain to get biofuel is plant fiber >> biofuel, but can also be wood logs >> plant fibers >> biofuel. An easy way to see what you can make is to simply put everything you gather in the "input" section of a constructor, and the available recipes will be shown in different color (when red = can't make/ require more materials) :


    So here, only with wood logs, you can see 4 things can be made : wood planks (to make wood blocks for a small base), plant fiber (for other recipes), a blob (nitrocellulose, to make ammo) and biofuel. Be sure to also check the different tabs on top of the constructors menu, as you can make other things like food and medical supplies, weapons, etc.

    To make your first biofuel tank you will need 10 plant fibers, then you can use the wood you cut to make more biofuel. You can also build more than 1 portable constructor to split the tasks and get more fuel faster (put some logs in every constructor).
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
  3. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay this game is challenging I will give it that. I worked out the biofuel issue and have that sorted Then i was busy with my wrecks and sorting out my eqipment, finally had my armour and my locker trying to work out how to place it down and rotate it into position then alarm went off.....

    *long &*&^ sigh*......Given credit where credit was due the zirax did not blow the wreck to bits this time around, I will give credit on that. noooooooo

    INSTEAD they landed and locked themselves in the room with the core all 3 of them. I had to blow the door, kill the zirax with the only bullets i had left including my multi tool......pfft Lucky i didnt diet hat easily....

    Then I had to blow my own core back up again to claim it back.......rude I tell you just plain and simply rude. Not only did they invite themselvse to my place, they took it over, held it hostage and i had to destroy it and them to get it back........
    RazzleWin, cmguardia and Kassonnade like this.
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    It is a good adventure to discover everything the hard way! You always think about leaving everything because it is very hard to start over:mad: ... But you take up the game and think "I will do better this time!".;)

    This may help you for the next attack (it served me when the attacks were a new thing but I don't know if it will still be useful:p): When you have the attack alarm, try to destroy your core yourself if you have no way to defend yourself! It served me at the beginning when I had attacks and did not have the essentials to defend myself. If you already have them at least stop shooting at your base!
    What I don't know is what happens if you have a troop trying to enter. It never happened.
    Try it and tell here what happens! (translated from spanish)

    @Kassonnade ... Excellent tutorials! :cool:

    Es una buena aventura el ir descubriendo todo al modo mas duro! Piensas siempre en dejarlo todo porque es muy duro el volver a comenzar...Pero retomas el juego y piensas "lo haré mejor esta vez!".
    Puede que te sirva esto para el próximo ataque (me sirvió cuando los ataques eran cosa nueva pero no se si seguirá siendo útil): Cuando tengas la alarma de ataque, prueba tu mismo destruir tu núcleo si estas sin forma de defenderte! Me sirvió al inicio cuando tuve ataques y no tenia lo esencial para defenderme. Si ya los tienes encima por lo menos dejan de disparar a tu base!
    Lo que no se es que sucede si tienes una tropa intentando entrar. Nunca se dio el caso.
    Pruebalo y cuenta aquí que sucede!!
    Kassonnade likes this.
  5. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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  6. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay next lot of idiots questions......mine.......lol

    When you set up your base your suppose to have a core, generator & fuel tank.

    - Is the small generator & water generator the same thing?
    - Does it matter where the generator is placed or the fuel tank in your base?

    There is water for your o2 for your suit and for your base.

    - do you still use a water generator?
    - can you pick it up again after you have used it?
    - Do you have to fuel it with fuel cells? Can you use anythng else?
    - It gives you small water containers, do you keep these on you and then use the hotbar to eat (for lack of a better word) to update your oxygen level?
    - Are the large containers for the large generators?
    - What is the water condensor used for then?
    - With the small water bottles how do you fill up a large o2 tanks?
    - I got told you can also use it for hydrogen, how do you use it for hydrogen and what do you use hydrogen on?

    I have similar questions for the fuel tank as well.

    - Once its placed down can you only use promethium to fuel the tank? I have bee collecting bio fuel for my chainsaw and thought it could also be used for the fuel tanks, also i dont have promethium......lol
  7. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Good Morning!
    Regarding the fuels to use.
    You can use both biofuel and promeium batteries for all things interchangeably (except the chainsaw only uses biofuel).
    You have the O2 / small water generators which is the first one you use (can only be placed on the ground floor), this gives O2 bottles and small bottles of water. Besides, you have the water purifier that you put in the water. This will give water cans equivalent to 10 small bottles of water for each drum. With this drum in a builder you can turn it into large bottles of O2 and hydrogen. With the O2 bottles you fill the O2 tanks of your base or ship faster than the small ones.
    Hydrogen is used only to generate the last battery of energy (you need promeium and hydrogen) that is more efficient!
    Check the progress of these batteries in your technology tree. Place the cursor on each element of the tree and a description of what is necessary to build it will appear (the tree is not definitive can change and in some cases missing better details or descriptions).
    Sorry if you don't understand, I'm using a translator.

    ¡Buenos días! En cuanto a los combustibles a utilizar. Puede usar tanto biocombustibles como baterías de promeio para todas las cosas indistintamente (excepto que la motosierra solo usa biocombustibles).
    Tiene los generadores de agua / O2 pequeños, que es el primero que usa (solo se puede colocar en la planta baja), esto le da botellas de O2 y botellas pequeñas de agua.
    Además, tienes el purificador de agua que pones en el agua. Esto dará bidones de agua equivalentes a 10 botellas pequeñas de agua por cada bidón. Con este tambor en un generador, puede convertirlo en grandes botellas de O2 e hidrógeno. Con las botellas de O2 llenas los tanques de O2 de tu base o nave más rápido que los pequeños.
    ¡El hidrógeno se usa solo para generar la última batería de energía (necesita promeio e hidrógeno) que es más eficiente!
    Verifique el progreso de estas baterías en su árbol tecnológico. Coloque el cursor en cada elemento del árbol y aparecerá una descripción de lo que es necesario para construirlo (el árbol no es definitivo puede cambiar y, en algunos casos, le faltan mejores detalles o descripciones).
    Lo siento si no entiendes, estoy usando un traductor.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    You can place the fuel tanks anywhere in the base. Suggestion: place them inside the base protected from enemy fire.
    Using biofuel is good at the beginning. But inefficient.
    You have to build solar panels. It is important to keep in mind that the panels have their secrets. It is not the case to place them u ready! You should know where the sun rises, lighting angles during the day, how far you are from the planet's equator and how far your planet is from the sun.
    All this influences the performance of solar panels.
    You must have a solar capacitor to accumulate energy.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
    Kassonnade likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Water generator goes in water and accepts promethium packs and biofuel. If you try to put a device where it does not belong its bounding box will be red.


    As for biofuel, if you look at the tooltip :


    So this is your 1st reliable fuel source; can be used to power your base (in fuel tanks) or ships or terrain machines like the water generator and water/ O2 condenser. Keep a reserve for your chainsaw, so you always have some to cut trees to make more fuel. You may have a hard time finding promethium deposits on the starter planet, or it may be in a dangerous spot ; I find it much easier for the first days of survival to just use the trees to make fuel. The downside is that biofuel has a low fuel value per container, while promethium has much more, so you need to work more to get the same amount of energy, but it's found everywhere (trees) and doesn't require mining.

    If you are not sure what an item or device is used for, you can use the console command " im " to enable the "creative menu", which is bound to its own key. In this menu you have all items and devices found in game, and you can see their usage/ description in tooltips. In creative menu you have 2 rows of tabs : the top row is for Base, Capital Vessel, Small Vessel, Small Vessel, Hover Vessel and All Objects ; the second row is for
    weapons, building blocks, components, devices, decorative blocks (some have functions too), farming, medical supplies and food.


    I also highlighted the filter box where you can type a letter or full words to see only what you search for in the grid. At the bottom there is an arrow : click on it to see other pages for the active tab.

    In constructors you have the same system but the rows are side-by-side :


    The "non-portable" constructors need containers to get their materials from and to put the finished products in, so you must build these containers with the portable constructor and add them to your base before trying to use the small, large and advanced constructors. You may also use any container already present in the base/ ship.


    Regarding the base generator : just beware of the heat around it when it is powered on : look at your status icons at the right of the screen when standing close to a generator! Some devices like thrusters, generators, fueltanks and many others generate heat and/ or radiations, up to 1 block distance from them, so be careful where you place these devices and don't stand in their vicinity for too long or you might have health problems.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
    RazzleWin and cmguardia like this.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The game uses typical conventions to inform players about lots of things. When an icon, item or message is show in red, it means "danger", so obviously the "Spider Nest" info tip in the picture is something to approach with caution or to avoid.

    The game has tooltips for almost each and every visible item/ icon, and lots of information available in the PDA section (default F1). Open your inventory and hover the cursor above the HUD icons to see a description.


    1- Jetpack is on/off (off now) - only available when wearing armor
    2- Helmet is on/off (off now) - only available when wearing armor
    3- O2 present - icon greyed out means the player has to wear his helmet and use his suit's O2 supply (space, swimming, no atmosphere)
    4- Gravity present
    5- Base nearby - can not build (building not allowed at present location)
    6- Resource deposit nearby - can not build (same as above)
    12a - material transfer available - see item 12
    7- Health bar
    8- Hunger bar

    9- Stamina bar - when depleted, player can not run
    10- Oxygen bar
    11- Personal inventory bar
    12- Connected inventory bar available when there is a material transfer node available nearby (see 12a above)
    13- Temperature, location and delay before night or day, in "game" time
    14- minimap with player in the middle and heading information
    15- Current temperature and warnings for low/high temperature hazard
    16- Current radiation level and warnings for high radiation hazard

    17- Game build version (for bug reports...)


    #2, 7, 8, 10, 15 and 16 : keep an eye on these! If one of the status bars goes too low you will be in trouble. If temperature or radiation warning stays on too long you will get bad physical effects that will also affect your health.

    Look at the PDA in game to learn about these problems and ways to cure/ solve them. There is also lots of information on building, reputation status, factions, etc.
    cmguardia likes this.
  11. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    *hangs head in shame n sighs* can someone pulease tell me how to access creative mode. I am in there the tech tree is unlocked BUT everything is red.

    Last time i recall creative mode is you can access all your resources why can i not access anything...either this game is really strange or I am so beyond the times and having trouble with this game.......LOL


    In short i want to test how some things work above but dont want to waste resources again, so want to have access to resources to try to put things together myself
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The tech tree is always "unlocked" but you have to unlock individual devices with unlocking points (top of the screen in tech tree view) - just click on a device and confirm.

    Look in the game options for the keybindings >>"console".

    Don't need to change the game mode, just use some commands that are available in your survival game.

    Open the console and type im and press enter >> this will enable the item menu (look at keybinds, it has a specific key, default H)

    Other useful commands:

    god >> toggles godmode and "noclip" (fly through objects) - after enabling godmode once you can then use the key for "fly mode" to toggle it on/off rapidly

    sbp >> spawn blueprints - allows spawning any blueprint in the game with no need for materials or proper player level
    ai on or ai off >> toggles enemies behavior/ actions on or off (disables the ai altogether until you re-enable it)

    help >> list of all the console commands - type help and another command name and you will get specific help for that command
    example help ent will give you information on the ent command
    If you don't want to alter your survival game then you can simply start a new game (your survival game will still be available) in creative mode.

    You can also save a back up of your game just in case your main savegame has a problem at some point (when pressing escape key, the little diskette icon at the top, near the options icon).
  13. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay finally some peices are coming together, I am not sure about the console bit but in creative I typed in H and it worked. Seemed pointless asking me it was a creative game from the start.

    Right I put down the core, generator and fuel tank and power came on.....WOOT
    Even put down a light and that was immediately on as well......

    I put down a water generator it gave me a water container and then i converted the water containers into purified water through the small constructor......btw small constructor isnt exactly small, portable constructor is small.......lol

    I also managed to down some blocks for building and even the wall and rotated some blocks and windows.....WOOT......I so rock now....

    Not sure how to do corners yet but hey baby steps and I will get there.

    I got the o2 bottles and filled up my o2, thats the only part I am stuck with now as i dont know how to make those large o2 bottles myself. I cant see an o2 generator and the o2 station isnt it......
    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The water generator (left) produces water containers :


    Take the water container and put it in any constructor (but not your suit constructor), like here in the portable constructor (left), and in the "weapons" tab of the constructor you will see the big O2 cans :


    Yep. O2 is a "weapon"... ;)
    johnietoth1967 and Germanicus like this.
  15. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    WOW okay omg thats why people kept saying water turns into 02 then. Gotcha now i understand why.

    Thank you for all this I do appreciate it all and it is helping, see my previous games youtube and google were excellent sources of knowledge to understand how to play the game, from basics to compleixities. However this one the alpha's are different and what is on google is not correct. When you watch youtube they arent explaining it in baby steps for the lay person to understand as you guys have on the forums.

    Sadly this puts alot of pressure on the people on the forums to understand how to play the game, but its definitely worth it. As i am 150% wiser now than a was before i created my initial post.

    Hey btw thank you for the screenshot of the screen and labelling them for me thats helps. Most i was aware of by default and some come in handy to now know. Especially 5, 6 & 12 & 12a.

    BTW I have been caught in radiation fog already what is the acceptable range, does it differ depending on the planet? I would assume as humans we have an acceptable level and anything over that is damaging. Or do we just watch our health bar and know when its time to put our helmet on?

    I saw the material transfer thing, you mentioned as well, its the first time I have heard of this will have to find out more about this as well, as ive never knew anything about it.

    BTW i have been testing out HV & SV, there maybe one or two HV that are okay, but for me i find one of the SV's especially is better manoeuvability than the rest so might even consider that. Its sleek just like a F1 racing car as well and combat ready......lol

    Today's mission to explore mining........
    ravien_ff and Kassonnade like this.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    As long as the warning icon doesn't light up you should be ok. Once it lights up it's better to get inside or in a ship, as chances to get bad condition grow with time passing by. If you get any kind of bad condition check the PDA to know how to cure it. For radiation problems, take a shower (build it first, in the deco blocks tab of constructors). Some of the "deco blocks" are in fact devices or pieces of furniture that have special properties when activated (used) by the player. Check the tooltip to see what they do while you have access to the creative inventory.

    Your armor has heat/ cold resistance values (just beside the icon) and also radiation resistance value. You can add boosts (look in weapons tab) that alter various aspects of your armor like heat/ cold resistance, better mobility, etc.

    Another trick to know : when eating raw food you have a chance to get food poisoning or indigestion, even if it comes from your own garden. But if you always eat processed food made from constructors or from the Food Processor device you can't get sick.

    And yes, unfortunately the Wiki is not maintained and has been out of date for a while. There are still relevant info there but the forums have more up-to-date information. You can look at the FAQ section here:


    All the threads with Hummel-o-War's icon (R2D2) are official threads and cover pretty much every aspect of the game.
  17. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    *pats tummy* those pretty yellow flowers are my friend..........LOL

    anytime i want to eat to my hearts content but worried i will get sick regardless what it is, I just have herbal leaves on me at the time and it gets rid of everything and leaves my health in check.....muahahahahha
    Germanicus, RazzleWin and Kassonnade like this.
  18. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay today's report finally the next stage is coming together. I managed to finally get creative working, rather rediculous if you ask me making it that complicated, its creative why play with codes or have to press keys to start with.....but anyhow I

    I started building and yes even using the drone as well to build up. I even got my drills out to play as well. Ohh yes i even played with the texture and colours, would of liked more texture range but thats just me anyhow......

    I am starting to think of ideal base designs now especially after the last couple of issues with the zirax. Want safety precautions for myself.

    Still have bits to work out however the next part I am now onto is base security. Solar will hae to wait for now thats too complicated for my fragile mind in amongst everything else I have been doing. But I ran out of bullets and for the life of me couldnt find the ammo recipe, same as now i need to plan guns, I assume the basic ones are sentry guns and they will hopefully do the trick. Then i need the ammo box's and work out how to do the ammo.......lol
    Kassonnade likes this.
  19. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Try out stuff. If it fails, try again or something else. Treat it as an adventure to figure things out. That is the mindset I have for a game, but that's me. The more time you use and have fun, then more value for money too. Still good luck and hope you enjoy the game!
    Kassonnade likes this.
  20. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    There is no doubt that you are having fun!

    Okay. I give a general data.

    When you see in your constructor that what you want to build is in red, place the cursor on this element (just place it on it, do not click) and the description will be displayed. In the lower part of the description you have the data of what you need for its manufacture (and quantities of this element) also how many units will be manufactured.

    Each type of ammunition has a small difference to be manufactured. Either in the elements or in the quantities. As you will see there is no gunpowder, but there are 2 real substitutes.

    You have to investigate!

    Forward young Padawan!

    Forge your path and may the force be with you! ... mmm, no!

    Long life and ... mmm, no!

    Good! I will see you among the stars !!
    Kassonnade likes this.

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