
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    Would be nice if we could switch between sizes on a CV, I can see using larger sizes on the hull, and refining the interior with some nice little structures. But hey once can hope and wish right? ^_^
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. LoSboccacc

    LoSboccacc Commander

    Nov 28, 2015
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    armor block needs a triangle version

    also, don't like the 4.2 constructors. too similar to those of that other game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I much preferred the shape of the old constructors as we could wall stack them conveniently (We left a few old ones up because of the size difference), could do with a similar shape/polishing look but the size difference really made an ugly impact as well as having to remodel many bases...
    Eviscerator likes this.
  4. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure the invert of an inverted corner triangle is the standard but if your talking about two sides slats and not then you are correct. We need a standard corner too.
  6. phat420man

    phat420man Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    It would be nice to be able to place rounded blocks on angled blocks and have them snap to angle and snug up against the other block. In other words blocks only take up the physical space their textures occupy instead of a half block taking up a full block space with half of the space being empty.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Triangle armour and triangle windows and clear windows and a dozen more steel blocks of varying shape and size, starting to get late to the party.
  8. DJPTiger

    DJPTiger Lieutenant

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Jetzt Fehlen für die Gruppierungen der Maschienen/Lampen nur noch Hotkeys bzw auch Schalter zum Betätigen eventuell auch Sensoren das man in einem Raum kommt und Licht geht an zum Beispiel.

    Vorschläge hätte ich noch das die zweiteiligen Rampen als Eckelemente gibt.
  9. Badomen

    Badomen Lieutenant

    Jan 10, 2016
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    The ability to delete blocks on a large scale or copy and duplicate by using a drag-drop action with cursor that is able to select many blocks at once would be helpful for large scale construction.
  10. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    - The building system need a propper editor & UI. Its too clunky and cubic. Need also basic funktions like selecting seperate parts, mirror and move em.

    - Need a wharf or any other flip safe way to build cv's

    - Currently, blocks are damaged way to easy so u need armor to counter it. Instead of extra plating u may use a system like in 7 days to die where u can improve a block several times.

    - Need for repair drones and Visuals where structural integrity went down (eg console on bridge)

    - Propper ways of building ceilings and filling a block size with multiple structures eg currently i cant put 2 walls in one block

    - There are still some clipping issues especialli if u use fill tool arond underground base -> also nice just fill space between structures like 2 walls instead of let the earts swallow all around

    - Glass and windows: Humanity has a rich history in using these materials for beauty, pleasure and simple utility. So give us more than 2 window types pls!
    Tyrax Lightning and Badomen like this.
  11. Hurgar

    Hurgar Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Improvements in the build system I would like to see. Over all this is so far the best part of the game. but things I would like to see.
    A - being able to paint armor blocks. keep the same look but just be able to change the color.
    B- different shaped armor blocks so the non square blacks can be covered up and not look stupid.
    C- the ability to place armor on inside corners of builds. armor should not take up a whole block of area. the upgradable block ideal from 7 days to die works
    D- Need to fix hover craft. when I load on my cv if hover is set to 3 meters , once in the ship it tries to jump 3 meters off the deck and slams into the roof. raise the max hover height to like 10 meters. bring in wheeled or tracked ground vehicles. also make controls of a HV more stable and less likely to flip or spin out of control. same goes to a less extent for SV and HV.
    E- more animation other than doors. need cargo/hanger bay blast doors and ramps. winches to raise and lower items, retractable landing gear.
    F- more windows shapes like triangles so we can have our really cool all glass cockpits/ bio domes/ observation decks.
    G- the ability to paint different side of a block different colors. if one block is the inside wall and outer hull let the 2 sides be different colors,
    H- now that CV can land on planets let us mount spot lights on them
    I- water/O2 recycling systems
    J- plants that give O2 when processed same with water
    L- the ability to break down captured and our unneeded weapons.
    M- non fuel based power systems like solar power, geo thermal for bases.
    N- make underwater bases not flood. pumps maybe/ dynamic water that flows.
    Tyrax Lightning and Badomen like this.
  12. bobislost

    bobislost Ensign

    Jan 28, 2016
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    i stoped playing before the ability to land CVs on planets arrived and started up again this week from the save i was using, was utterly shocked when i went to build a second constructor and found the new design.... not as nice looking and HUGE

    Infact on the subject of things chaining sizes when did they change the CV main thrusters? They used to be huge which i took into consideration when building my new CV so it now has a fat ass with tiny little thrusters
  13. SavaiKun

    SavaiKun Ensign

    Jan 27, 2016
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    It's too easy to go up into space. Entering space should be a challenge and rewarding nonetheless when it happens, should feel a huge sense of accomplishment. Being able to travel to another planet should be the next step in feeling accomplished. Right now, I can do everything in one day and the game gets extremely boring afterwards. Please consider this.
  14. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    You can't really do much once your in space with a SV. You need to grind for a few days to build a CV in space with all the supplies to build one and to keep her and you alive. Ores, food,fuel, water etc.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    There's now a band aid fix way to do this... load up a Dummy or intended-to-be-built Blueprint in the Factory then throw stuff in to recycle it into this next Build. :)

    For the Topic:

    1: A huge Machine that's be like 50x50x50 (& maybe later a T2 Version that'd be 100x100x100 Blocks?) & act Elevator-like to 'float' a SV to its middle for easier building of SVs, especially the first one on a Planet to get access to Space to build out there with, but could also be neat to be able to install in Bases including Space Orbital Shipyards. Be cool to be able to float the Character around in this Shipyard area too like an Elevator. :)

    2: Please make the damn Block Placement quit trying to sit IN FRONT of where ya wanna place it instead of IN where ya wanna place it & quit acting like it's trying to place that Block on top of a invisible non-existent Block. :mad:

    3: Agree with others that we need Armor Plate Shapes for ALL possible Hull Block & such Surfaces including the Round Blocks. & i'd like Corner Windows.

    4: The CV Cockpit 2 is useless because of its 2 Block Wide Dimension that makes it impossible to synergize its alignment with the Core Block, please consider changing its Dimensions to W: 3 D: 1 H: 1 to re-center its Seating to the Block Grid. Also please modify player seating in Cockpits to where ya can place a Window in front of it for a Cockpit Window & be able to see through it completely instead of needing this Window & another one above it then having your Vision obscured by the Window Frames between the 2 Windows. Also please consider making one or more CV Cockpits that act like SV Cockpits so we could possible make more Dogfighterish CVs if we want to go with those CV Manual Weapons for us more action oriented CV Pilots, as opposed to Enterprise-D kinda Captains. Lastly, kinda hard to use the SV Cockpit 4 when it's 2 Blocks wide & can't synergize with Core Placement.

    5: Will we ever get to use Alien Cockpits & Alien Weapons? (Cockpit 6 is really cool... i'd especially love to be able to paint it Blue, or even Cobalt Blue! Speakin of which...)

    6: Safe bet this is already later down the road, but just in case... please make Paintable what cannot currently be Painted, like Directional Thrusters, Automatic Doors, etc. Would also be epic if we could take stuff like Energy Weapons & choose their glowy color & firing color. (For example if we could color the Pulse Laser Glowing areas & fired Shots Electric Blue!)

    7: I agree with others that something like CV Hangar Doors & the like would be spiffy. Screw having to leave our parked naked & exposed to danger!

    8: Will we ever get to move Liquids someday, including being able to use Aestus Lava in Minecraft-like ways? :D (Including Importing it to other Planets full of Monsters that did NOT evolve resistance to extreme heat...)
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My apologies for this Double Post. Guess i'm doing more brainstorming then everyone else here. :p

    Found 2 more Block Situations that could use new Block Shapes. Ones I have in their place seem the current closest fit biut are just not quite good enough:



    Also I think I had a Thread asking for new Block Shapes but can't seem to find it anymore... but it's ocurred to me since then that this kinda thing seems to fit as a 'Building Issue' so i'm thinking maybe here will be the best place for new Block Shape ideas in the future anyway. :)

    Edit: More Block Shape Suggestions:

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  17. Asheira

    Asheira Lieutenant

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Some raw feedback post Alpha release / creative mode / building options and quality

    Overall the new RMB selector for block shapes is a step forward since it helps to keep the hotbar manageable.
    It is still missing a couple shapes that involve 30° ramps and tri's and a straight half block.

    Also I'm not sure if that's just my old graphics adaptor but man, textures look a lot more low-res than pre-Alpha release.
    Like 128px instead of 512px. Very fuzzy.
    For textures that are supposed to span across multiple blocks like the metal hull segments ... it's great but please add that for all textures so that we get less tiling effect for large structures. Please make sure that textures do not rotate but instead have a global UVW.
    For some textures this seems to work (metal hull) but for others not so much (for example the new *internal* hull plates).
    Same for terrain textures. e.g. old *beach* sand textures (Akua) compared to new *tiling* beach textures. It's night and day.

    Oh and please bring back the old walkway *grates*.
    The icon for walkways still has them *Walkway 2* as for the icon but it's no longer available.
    Walkway 2 (and 1) used to be great for making large gates and fences as well as *landing surfaces* and grates.

    Also I don't like how we cannot turn off the structural integrity thing for BA's during creation times.
    More often than not I just hear that rumbling sound when pulling long straight lines of blocks for a rough outline of the entire structure to come.
    Building next to the asteroid field (creative mode) is a workaround since there's no gravity, but there's not much light so not really helpful for building large ground structures.
  18. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I liked the prior walkway grates too. They were multi-purpose, for how they were. Now, not so much... very, uninspiring to use them now.


    I'd like to add that the new 'axis spin' method (using a few keys instead of six)... has so far proven to be a real pain to work with. I was looking forward to it, but for some reason I am finding it much more difficult to use (??). I don't know if its because most times I cannot even tell what axis is selected (because the axis line is hidden away by other blocks, or terrain), or that I cannot two-tap a block sideways then rotate like I used too.

    Not sure, I'm still trying to figure out how that new axis system works, but, yeah, initial feedback on it is that its really causing me to mash more keys hoping it will begin spinning in the right direction.

    Also what is 'no axis line' mean? It is one of the cycled choices when cycling the axis line. It has caused some confusion as it appears unpredictable.
    Asheira and =TCR= Big_Red like this.
  19. Asheira

    Asheira Lieutenant

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I've had some issues with the new axis system as well, but quite getting used to it now.
    You could hold any new block at a location that is not surrounded by other blocks - for rotation purpose, to see the axis - then drop it into the *slot* where you want it to be.

    I'm also confused about the 4th selection with *no axis*.
    Tyrax Lightning and Frigidman like this.
  20. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Yup, I've had to kind of resort to that method. But, its also very hard in the dark hahaha... definitely need those work lights around.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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